maze of halls

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Haruto nervously fidget with his hands. "You look like you want to ask something" Eric pointed out, getting a tiny nod back. "Go ahead." He encouraged the boy. "Mh can you.." he asked shyly in a mumble, pointing in the direction of his room. "Would you like your stuff?" He questioned. Haruto gave a soft sigh, nodding and hugging his knees while sitting on the couch. He had changed his mind about having his comfort items. Eric smiled, ruffling harutos hair before going off to get the stuff. Daisy came into the lounge room. "Oh sweetheart, your hair is all wet." Daisy said with a sigh, running her hand through his hair. Haruto leaned into her touch, closing his eyes. Daisy leaned down and kissed the top of his head. "Don't go out in the rain again, don't want you getting a cold before school." Daisy told him, holding his chin in her hand. Haruto glanced away, face rosy with blush. "Mhm" he answered. Daisy sat down on the couch, right next to the boy. Haruto hugged his legs tighter, trying not to move and make the padding make any friction noises on his sweatpants. Eric came out with Harutos pillows, blanket and comfort items. "Eric- I told-" she started off. "N-no" he quickly butted in, holding his arms out for everything. He felt comforted with his items, helping him relax when his nerves and tension was high. "Oh sorry sweetie.." Daisy apologised, leaning back into the couch. Eric was content, handing over blanky and lotus before tucking the blanket over Haruto's body and then handing the pillow over. Haruto got comfy, hugging his blanky and lotus before shyly watching Eric tuck the blanket around his body to make him cozy. Daisy helped by tucking the pillow behind haruto to lean back on. All the attention made haruto very shy again, rubbing his eyes and avoiding any glances. "You look all set up, how about a nice movie and some snacks?" Daisy offered. Haruto shrugged, followed by a nod. Daisy got up, trailing off to retrieve the items. Eric sat on Haruto's other side, picking up the remote to skim through shows. Haruto kept his eyes on the tv, his hand travelling under the blanket and feeling his pull up through his sweatpants. He shifted around, being reminded of the thickness covering him. Eric didn't bother to question it, obviously Haruto was in his own thoughts right now. Haruto finally shifted around to get comfortable, leaning back and hugging his comfort items. Daisy came back with popcorn and a juice box for haruto and tea for her and Eric. Daisy had put the popcorn in separate bowls, finding haruto would be more nervous to take from a shared bowl. Haruto signed a quick thank you, taking the juice box and very carefully opening it. He settled back, sipping on it with the bowl in his lap. Eric picked another family movie, skipping any that might make haruto upset like Finding Nemo or lion king. Haruto found his fingers at his lips, slipping in some popcorn. Eric stopped on monsters ink, he hadn't seen that one in ages and felt it was a good one. Haruto got excited when Eric pressed play, squeezing lotus tight. "Haruto, if you need us to pause it at any time. You need to tell us okay?" Daisy asked of him. Haruto nodded, munching on the popcorn. "Do you need to go before the movie starts?" A classic question any parent would ask their child before a decent screening time. Haruto blushed and shook his head, glad daisy didn't know about his pull up yet. "I think he's good." Eric informed her, pressing play on the movie. Daisy trusted them, running her hand through Haruto's hair a couple of times before setting focus on the movie. Haruto moved himself to lean his head on Eric's shoulder, sipping his juice box and watching the movie contently. Daisy was glad that the turbulence between the two had once again settled. Haruto watched closely, on multiple occasions hiding his face into Eric's shoulder when it looked scary. Eric would comfort Haruto by rubbing his arm and telling the boy it was okay, seeing the child didn't like whenever the monsters would scare children. Haruto let out a couple of giggles too, finding the small green one very funny. Near the climax of the movie, Haruto found it rather intense. When the little girl got kidnapped by the scary lizard, it made him whimper and start to crawl into Eric's lap. "You alright kiddo?" Eric asked, helping Haruto into his lap. Haruto was beginning to slip, nodding slightly and sticking the tips of his fingers into his mouth. Daisy leaned over and paused it, deciding now was a good time to have a quick moment and break up the incline. "Alright, let's take the bowls and drinks out and go to the bathroom" Daisy explained. Haruto still had his fingers in his mouth, shaking his head at her request. "Are you sure haruto? You drank your juicebox awhile back into the movie.." Daisy pointed out. Haruto fussed, spreading out and slipping off Eric's lap in a small melt down. With his arms above his head while sliding off Eric's lap, Daisy saw the top of the protection sticking out. She decided not to mention it, not wanting to frustrate or embarrass the boy. "Hes alright, he will tell us." He told daisy, leaning down and pulling haruto back into his lap and discretely pulling the childs sweater back down. "Okay, I believe you" She said, taking the things to the kitchen. Haruto leaned back against Eric, eyes still set on the paused screen. "Buddy, you sure you don't want to go?" Eric asked, just in case. Haruto shyly shook his head, he really didn't want to go. "Okay.. can you tell me how old you are haruto?" Eric asked. Haruto froze, not many people had ever taken the time to actually ask him his mental age. Haruto started to count his fingers, stopping at 6. "Oh I see, half a big boy." Eric told him, considering haruto was 14. Haruto blushed and nodded, holding his fingers up to show daisy as she came in. "Six what sweetie?" She asked, sitting on the couch beside them. Haruto pointed to himself. "Are you six sweetheart?" She questioned. Haruto looked back at Eric before nodding, glad they understood. "Okay, want to watch the rest?" She questioned, grabbing the remote. Haruto nodded, fingers going back in his mouth. Daisy pressed play, thinking about Harutos age to keep it in mind. Eric gently removed Haruto's fingers from his mouth, putting Lotus in the childs hands to distract him from the habit. Haruto took to it, gently petting lotus instead of putting his fingers to and in his mouth. The movie was almost at the very end when Haruto was absorbed into the plot, not noticing his bladder had been pressing for awhile now. Haruto giggled at the out-takes at the end, vigorously squirming around in Eric's lap. "Is it funny Haruto?" Eric asked. Haruto giggled before he stiffened up and cut out the giggles. There was an obvious change in attitude. Haruto froze tightly, keeping his legs together. "Bub?" Eric asked. Haruto couldn't respond, his bladder screaming at him. Haruto stared blankly, the out-takes coming to an end. Haruto couldn't hold it very much longer, doing his best to aviod an accident in Eric's lap. "What is it Haruto?" Daisy asked, seeing he was very tense. Haruto knew he wasn't going to make it to the bathroom, quickly slipping off Eric's lap and crawling behind the couch. He threw his blanky over his head, stiffening up as his bladder forcefully gave in. "Haruto, why are you hiding?" Eric asked. Haruto blocked out what was going on around him, his face reading discomfort from his accident. He felt his pull up soak up his accident, there was no worry of it spilling over. "I think he's" Eric whispered to Daisy, signing bathroom to her. Daisy nodded, she had a feeling that haruto was hiding to pee. It was normal for young ones to hide to do it, embarrassment being an obvious factor towards this habit. Haruto finished up and pulled his blanky off his head, he had gone quite a bit. He frowned at himself, he was supposed to use the bathroom like a big boy. "Finished bud?" Eric asked, glancing over the couch. Haruto looked up with sad eyes, 'wet' he signed nervously. "Its okay, thank you for telling us." Eric explained to the child, getting up to help him. Daisy stood up "Can I? I need a chat with Haruto.." Daisy told Eric, she hadn't really got a good chance this morning. Eric nodded, stepping out the way. Daisy grabbed lotus and held her hand out for the young minded boy. "Let's go sweetheart" she encouraged. Haruto slowly stood up, hugging lotus and his blanky. He still felt like a big 6 year old, just leaving his toileting a little too late thanks to the movie. He followed Daisy to his room, standing very timidly. He felt bad about his accident, he really hoped Daisy knew he was still a big boy. Daisy stood him in front of his cupboard, looking down at the boy. Haruto shyly looked up, twisting around on the spot. "Mh can do it.." he mumbled, pointing to the cupboard behind her. "You sure?" She asked. Haruto put his fingers to his mouth and nodded, pointing down at the pull ups. Daisy looked back, shaking her head. "Darling boy, I don't feel like you need pull ups during the day. For the movie, that's okay but tomorrow you're going to big school and you won't have your pull ups." Daisy explained. Haruto nodded, he thought Daisy would want him in another pull up. He was fine with going in big boy boxers, in fact he was thrilled. "Okay sweetie? You need to make sure you're going to the bathroom lots tomorrow, I don't want you having an accident at school sweet boy." She whispered, brushing a hand through his messed up hair. The blush rose up onto Harutos cheeks, nodding and keeping his fingers tapping against his bottom lip. Daisy gave Haruto the space he needed to change, stepping out the room and waiting by the door. Haruto felt his pull up through his pants, yawning as he did so. It was very wet. I should of just went to the bathroom.. he thought to himself, pulling down his pants and than slipping off the pull up. He was embarrassed, shyly looking down upon his wet pull up on the floor. He should of kept it dry, he could of worn it longer that way. Haruto pulled his boxers and pants back up, it always felt a little strange transiting between the pull ups to boxers. He picked up the wet pull up, walking out to the bathroom and binning it. He found himself giving a clap, running out the bathroom shortly after. Haruto took himself back to the lounge room, shyly coming forward to stand in front of them sitting on the couch. "All better?" Eric asked calmly. Haruto shyly nodded his head. Eric smiled, putting his arms out to Haruto. The boy went pink to the face, a smile escaping as he dove into Eric's arms and sat on his knee. Eric chuckled and held the boy in the hug, rubbing his back. "Would you like something for lunch sweets?" She asked. "Sweets-?" Haruto shot his head up. Eric chuckled again. "No she called you sweets." Eric explained. Haruto frowned, sweets sounded good for lunch. "How about after dinner tonight?" She offered. Haruto nodded, it was better than nothing. "So lunch?" Eric asked. Haruto shook his head and rubbed his eyes, tired after the movie. "Oh darling.. I don't think you should have another sleep, you've already had a nap today." Daisy told him. Haruto frowned and pressed his face into Eric's shoulder, just wanting another rest. Eric pet his back "You won't sleep tonight kiddo." Eric whispered to him. Haruto huffed and sat up properly, giving Eric sad eyes. "Haruto, you can't nap all day. You go to school tomorrow and you can't take naps during classes." Daisy explained. Haruto rubbed his eyes again, hating that he was reminded of where he was going tomorrow. "How about you bring out a book? I'll read it with you." Eric suggested. Haruto pushed himself off Eric's lap, walking off without acknowledgement. "Do you think he'll be okay tomorrow?" Eric asked. "I hope so.." Daisy answered back. Haruto went into his room, grabbing his milk and honey book before bringing it out. He sat on the couch curled up against Eric, handing him the book to read to him. Eric opened the book and tilted it towards Haruto so he could see, reading it at a steady pace. Haruto listened closely, the book starting to bring his mental age up. After awhile Haruto felt big enough to read it himself, gently gripping onto the book and pulling it into his own lap. Eric smiled, ruffling a hand through Haruto's hair before getting up to go see Daisy. "I just hope he makes friends tomorrow." Eric said, watching as Daisy began to pack Harutos bag for tomorrow. "I don't know.. with these books and this lunchbox.." she pointed out. "Its fine, it's what he wanted." Eric reminded her. Haruto sat up more and closed his book, giving a big stretch. He stood and looked around, noticing Eric and Daisy were in the kitchen. Haruto was still tired, walking back to his room. Even though they said he shouldn't have another nap, he was just going to rest his body. Haruto got on his bed and crawled under the covers, giving a relaxed sigh. He cuddled lotus and blanky to his chest, taking the time to get comfortable. Daisy and Eric chatted about schooling for Haruto, unaware the boy was back in bed. Haruto yawned, drifting into a light sleep. "Hes being awfully quiet.." Daisy mentioned. "Hes reading on the couch, must be really focused." He explained. Daisy nodded, not thinking much of it. The two of them started making dinner. After dinner was made and ready to be served, Eric called out to Haruto. "Come have dinner kiddo." He said, waiting for Haruto to come in. Daisy looked as Haruto didn't come to Eric's call. "I'll go get him." Eric said, walking to the lounge room. He froze to see the book on the couch but no Haruto. Eric was quick to Harutos room, knocking on the door before opening it. He sighed to see Haruto asleep. Eric came over, rubbing a hand on the boys shoulder. "You gotta get up kiddo, quickly before Daisy sees you've been sleeping again." He told the boy, not wanting Daisy to worry about it. Haruto groaned and sat up, putting his arms out for Eric. Eric couldn't refused, picking the boy up and carrying him out to the kitchen. "He was just reading in his room." Eric said, slipping Haruto down to walk the rest of the way. Haruto kept his eyes closed, the bright light in the kitchen burning his eyes. "Oh Haruto, you look awfully tired.. come have dinner and then you can go to bed sweets." Daisy told him. Eric took Harutos hand, leading him over to the table to sit down. Haruto groaned, sitting down and squinting at his food. Haruto grabbed his crotch under the table, closing his still tired eyes. "Have a little bit of steak and mash." Daisy spoke calmly. Haruto shook his head, trying to process everything while he was waking up. Haruto took both his hands under the table, holding himself so he didn't have an accident. He couldn't process why he was holding himself yet. Daisy held the fork out for haruto to take. Haruto squinted at it, shifting in his seat to go to stand up. "No no, dinner first darling." Daisy said. Haruto nodded tiredly, brining a hand up to hold the fork and have something to eat. Haruto looked down, feeling the warm liquid puddle on the chair. Haruto ate slowly, looking very unphased. Soon enough Daisy and Eric heard the excess of the urine pitter and patter onto the floor under the chair. Daisy pushed the tablecloth out the way to have a look. Haruto finally shifted his eyes down, yawning and removing his hand from his crotch. "Haruto. You've had an accident." Daisy said. Eric sighed, it was his fault for not telling Haruto to go after his nap. Haruto lowered his fork back down and kept his eyes on his legs, unsure what to do with himself. "You were holding yourself.. why didn't you say you had to go Haruto?" Daisy asked, standing up from her seat. Haruto felt a burning in his throat that followed by a sob, pushing his head down to rest on the table. "I‐I'm tired.." he sobbed out, lifting his head to rub his eyes. "Haruto, you shouldn't be so tired. You've slept lots today." Eric pointed out. Haruto kicked his legs and shook his head, hands still rubbing at his eyes. Daisy pulled out Harutos chair. "Come on Darling, you need to get changed and ready for bed." Daisy told him. Haruto slowly stood up, the excess urine on the chair running down his legs. Haruto sobbed a little harder, pulling at his pants that were uncomfortable. Daisy took Harutos hand gently, leading him off to his room. "Its okay.. I think you're just stressing over school darling." Daisy said. Haruto weakly nodded, standing near his bed. Daisy got out the boys pajamas and pull up, placing them on the bed. Haruto grabbed onto Daisy as she came close, still letting sobs leave his mouth. He lifted one leg up at a time, trying to tell her he wanted help. Daisy understood, bending down and taking off the wet pants. "You're a big boy Haruto.. just this once and then you got to do it yourself." She spoke calmly, gently assisting haruto to lay back on the bed. Haruto laid back and rubbed his eyes, sniffling and nodding lots. Daisy helped Haruto change from his wet pants, slipping up a pull up for the night and a change of pyjama pants. Haruto relaxed as Daisy had cleaned him up, forcing himself to sit up and look at Daisy with sad eyes. "Its okay hun.. you've got a big day tomorrow." She said, caressing his cheek gently. Haruto kept his frown, fidgeting quietly with the waistband on his pants. Daisy gently helped Haruto lay down, handing over his comfort items. "You'll be such a good boy tomorrow" she spoke positively. Haruto put his fingers to his mouth, nodding since he liked the sound of that. He closed his eyes as he felt Daisy kiss his forehead. "Night sweetie" she spoke in her soft voice, standing up and leaving the room for Haruto to get a good night's rest. The boy laid down and looked at his door, hugging his comfort items a little tighter. He was nervous about school, he wanted to fit in and make friends but he wasn't exactly sure how to do that. It took Haruto some time but he finally fell asleep, breathing softly through his mouth. Daisy went to bed with Eric, they too needed the rest to be up early and help Haruto get ready for his first day of school. Daisy woke first, checking the time with a soft sigh. It seemed Haruto had slept peacefully the whole night which was exactly what he needed. She kissed Eric to say good morning, going off to go get Haruto up. Walking in the room she could see Haruto curled up and still sleeping, coming over and gently rubbing his shoulder to wake him up. "Morning sweetie, time for school." She encouraged. Haruto groaned lowly, squinting his eyes before looking up at Daisy. He gave a small yawn and stretch, shaking his head nervously. "Oh honey, it'll be okay. Breakfast first." She insisted. Haruto frowned and sat up, slipping lotus and his blanky under his pillow. He blushed and started gesturing for her to leave the room. "Oh okay sweetie, be out in five." She told him, leaving the boy to get out of bed. Haruto waited for her to leave, getting off the bed and sneaking out to the bathroom. He took off his dry pull up, throwing it in the bin and using the bathroom. Haruto was extremely set on being big today and making friends. He washed his hands and came out to the kitchen, sitting down and waving to Daisy. "Ah good job Haruto, thank you." She praised the boy for getting up. Haruto nodded, turning his gave to the food put in front of him. Haruto slowly ate his yoghurt to not make a mess, he liked the strawberries on top too. Haruto finished off with his apple juice, drinking it and slowly standing from the table. Eric came out and saw Haruto was up and ready to get dressed. "Hey kiddo, ready for today?" Eric asked. Harutos heart skipped a beat and nodded, thinking about school made him anxious. "Go get dressed Hun, then we can go." Daisy explained. Haruto nodded, going off to his room To pick something. Haruto went with denim jeans and a blue sweater that had a teddy bear head pattern on it, dressing himself with a hum. Haruto sat down and put on his shoes and socks, sighing quietly as he fixed the Velcro a couple of times until the shoes were comfortable. Daisy had Harutos backpack, packing his lunch, drink bottle, books and pencil case. Haruto anxiously went into the bathroom, standing in the mirror and checking over his body a couple times. He made sure his sweater wasn't accidentally tucked in to his jeans and that his pants were cuffed at the bottom on his ankles. He fixed his hair and then stimmed his hands nervously, leaving the bathroom to go back out to Eric and Daisy. Haruto came to the kitchen, fidgeting with his sweater sleeves as he watched Daisy zip his backpack up. "All done and ready to go." Daisy said. Harutos heart skipped a beat again, an anxious cold sweat coming to his hands. Eric stood up and ruffled Harutos hair. "I've got to go to work kiddo, Daisy will drop you off but I'll pick you up." He explained. Haruto nodded, reaching over and taking his backpack. Eric left the house, Daisy stayed to clean up after breakfast first. "Hey Haruto, you gone to the bathroom?" She asked calmly. Haruto nodded, having gone when he woke up. "Do you need to go before we leave?" Daisy asked. Haruto felt his lower tummy, nothing, if anything just butterflies doing flips. He shook his head to tell her he didn't need to go. "Okay, let's go then." She hummed, grabbing her keys and heading to the front door. Haruto held his backpack and followed quickly, trying not to act too nervous. Daisy was proud of Haruto already, getting ready and dressed all in time with no fuss. Haruto got in the front of the car, still nervously fidgeting with his sweater. Daisy got in and started the car, giving Haruto a soft smile. "What class are you looking forward to the most?" She asked. Haruto shrugged softly, putting his fingers to his mouth before pulling them back away. Daisy knew it was going to be hard for him to fit it if he couldn't join in on conversation but she just hoped someone would take him under their wing. "Sweetie.. remember if you need the bathroom you go yeah?" She said, not wanting him to hold it for too long and end up having an accident on his first day. Haruto sat low and nodded, there was no way he was wetting his pants today and making a fool of himself. Haruto sat up as they got to the school, looking out the window. There was so many kids, hopefully someone just like him. "Alright, off you go sweetie." She said. Haruto eyes widened, leaning over and grabbing her hand and pointing. "You want me to walk you in? Okay.. just to the office darling." She said, unclipping her seatbelt and getting out the car. Haruto was relieved, getting out the car and putting his backpack on. He hugged his arms around himself, not wanting to hold onto Daisys hand. Haruto was still set on fitting in and making friends. "Alright.. let's go darling." She said, walking beside him up to the entrance of the school. Harutos heart was beating out his chest, keeping his eyes glued to the floor as they walked. Daisy found the office pretty easy, going and telling the office lady that Haruto was here for his first day and explained his muteness. She was glad to find out most staff were informed, to avoid him getting in trouble for not answering out loud to the teachers. The office lady marked out his classes for the day, hoping that would help him find where he needed to go. Haruto shyly took the paper, reading it and furrowing his eyebrows. He understood it but was still just nervous. Daisy leaned down some to talk to Haruto. "Okay sweetheart, I'm going now.. any troubles you come talk to the nice office lady." She whispered. Haruto nodded, folding up his paper and putting it in his Jean pocket. Daisy smiled, walking off and looking back once. Haruto nervously stood still at the office desk, he didn't know where to go right now. "How about you head to your first class Haruto, that way you have time to settle in." She explained. Haruto gave a soft nod, slowly walking off and dragging his feet to find his English class. He found the classroom and looked in, he didn't know if he could do it, slowly turning away. He stumbled a step back, quickly looking up. "Oh‐ ah! You must be my new student. Come in darl." She spoke with such a nice voice. Haruto hesitated, stepping into the classroom before stopping again. "I'm miss Lake, it's nice to meet you Haruto." She welcomed him. Haruto nodded, giving a slight wave. "I understand you're mostly mute but I don't want that to limit anything, if you need anything at all you can come write on my sticky notes yeah?" She suggested, holding up her sticky notes and placing them back on the desk so he knew where they were. Haruto shyly nodded again, feeling welcomed but knowing he might be too shy to use the sticky notes for awhile. "Where do you want to sit? You pick a seat." She told him. Haruto looked at the seats, gesturing towards the back. Miss Lake smiled. "Okay, the bell is going to go soon.. you get yourself sorted." She told him. Haruto went and sat one row forward from the back row, shyly grabbing out one of his books and his pencil case set. Miss Lake glanced up, looking at his book, bag, shoes and just his general appearance. She sighed quietly, having a feeling he was going to be eaten up quickly by any bullies. Haruto was content with just them two, looking around the classroom with a soft hum. Haruto felt his tummy, no signs yet of needing the bathroom luckily. He sat low when the bell rang, praying there was only a small group in her classroom. Miss Lake wrote on the board ad students came in, most sitting down quietly until the group of boys came in. Haruto saw a familiar face, just not sure where from. "Youre in my seat." Jayden told Haruto firmly. Haruto opened his mouth but no words came out. "Oh for fuck sake‐ you're joking? You??" He asked, remembering Haruto from the shops. Miss Lake looked behind her. "Jayden, can you grab another seat? Thank you." She spoke nicely to even him. "Don't piss in my seat." Jayden told Haruto, snatching a pen off his desk and going to another area to sit. Haruto kept his eyes down on his book, this couldn't be happening right now. He stared at Jayden, just hoping the boy didn't mention those things to other kids and ruin his chances of making friends. Haruto sat mortified, glancing back to look at the boys. His head quickly looked forward again as they looked back at him. Miss Lake started her lesson, discussing and writing on the board as she did. Haruto had managed to stay focused, not let the boys get to him. Haruto placed his water bottle on his desk and took a few sips, going back to his writing. He liked how soft her voice was, he felt no stress at all in her class even after the boys comments. Haruto was so proud of his work, he smiled to himself and packed away at the bell. Suddenly Harutos nerves were back, not sure where his next class was just yet. Miss Lake came to Harutos desk after, leaning down to talk to him. "Was class okay?" She asked. Haruto sat low and nodded, too shy to get up and look for math. "Next class?" She asked, gently holding her hand out to take the paper to find out. Haruto wasn't thinking, taking her hand before standing up. "Oh‐ I can walk you.. just today." She spoke softly. Haruto nodded a little, letting go of her hand and grabbing his stuff to put in his backpack. Miss Lake started to lead him out the classroom, just down the hall to math. She left Haruto at the door, going straight in to ask if the teacher knew about Haruto. It was lucky she did, the teacher had no idea or what being mute really meant. She told Mr Graze how Haruto didn't talk but still was a great listener and could do all the work himself. Mr Graze didn't understand the whole selective mute thing but listened anyway. She finally got Haruto to come in, introducing him to the math teacher. Haruto gave a small wave, eyes looking for a place to sit. "I'll be in my class if you need anything Haruto." She let him know. Haruto nodded, going and sitting near the back where he liked it. He got out another book and his pencil case, placing his water bottle on the desk near him too since he was finding comfort having it close like something he could hold onto when overwhelmed. He watched students come in, sitting low as Jayden walked by the desk. Haruto gasped when Jayden knocked his water bottle off the desk, quickly leaning down and grabbing it. He was relieved to see it wasn't broken or cracked, holding it close while he waited for everyone to sit down so he could safely place it next to him again. Mr Graze started his lesson, writing on the whiteboard to explain the working out to the questions given last week. Haruto tried to follow along, writing it all down since it was his first time learning it. He was excited to be given some questions to work out on his own, swinging his legs softly together as he focused on getting the answers correct. Around the middle of class Haruto had started squirming in his seat, he didn't even know he was doing it since all his focus was on his work. He put his pencil down to give his hand a break, freezing up when he felt pressure building. He rubbed his knees together and looked at the time, 35 minutes to go until bell. He crossed his legs over, wanting to get the work done quick so when the bell came he could head straight to a bathroom. He couldn't focus, counting becoming tricky in his head. He shyly looked around, not sure what to do about his need. Haruto squirmed as little as possible, his bladder starting to rub against his jeans waist area. He nervously put a hand between his legs, just to feel a little more secure with holding it. Haruto started to stress, he wasn't going  to be able to hold it till bell time. He didn't know if he could leave class, eyes becoming teary. He pressed his legs tighter together, his bladder pushing some to let him know he needed to go very shortly. Haruto was mortified, sniffling before breaking into a quiet sob. He didn't want to go pee in his pants while in class, everyone would make fun of him. Students noticed Haruto was getting upset, some leaning over to whisper what was wrong. Haruto answered to no one, trying to hold back tears. "Excuse me Mr Graze.." a student said with their hand up. Mr graze looked back at the student, they were pointing to Haruto. Mr Graze sighed, coming over to Harutos desk. "Yes?" He asked curiously, trying to find out why Haruto was crying. Haruto sobbed a little louder, pressing his hand deeper into his crotch. "What is it boy?" He asked, he couldn't have a student crying in the middle of class like this. Haruto bursted into louder sobs, feeling some leak out. "If you need to step out for a moment go ahead." Mr Graze said, not sure how to stop the tears from a boy acting like he was in kindergarten. Haruto nodded while he finally took his hand out from between his legs, slowly getting up and running out the classroom. Haruto wanted to go home, sobbing as he ran down the hall once again holding himself so he didn't pee in his pants like he promised Daisy he wouldn't. He found himself lost, eyes darting the hall as he teared up more. Haruto started to move to a quiet hall, leaning himself on the end of a locker before sliding down. He was humiliated, watching the urine seep through his jeans. He was shaking with worry, sickness in his stomach churning around. Haruto didn't know what to do now, his bag was still in the room and he didn't remember which way the office was without his slip of paper. He curled up and tried to calm down, he had to work out a plan before the bell went and everyone went to lunch. Haruto slowly stood up, luckily he hadn't wet himself too much and it wasn't dripping down his jeans. He felt the back of his jeans, it was mostly his bottom that go wet and some at the front. Haruto hesitated but walked back to the end of the hall, he stopped when he remembered where miss Lakes classroom was. Haruto took a deep breath and started to walk towards the room, his hands awkwardly fidgeting in front of himself. He stopped at the door and gave a gentle knock, staying back to the side while he looked around nervously to make sure no one was in the hallway too. Miss Lake excused herself from her lesson, opening the door as he eyes gazed down to see who it was. "Oh Haruto, what are you doing out of class darling?" She asked. Haruto made sure his tears were wiped off on his shoulders before moving his fidgeting hands to rest beside him now. Miss Lake noticed Harutos pants were wet, he'd clearly been crying too. She quickly took her jacket off and wrapped it around Harutos waist, bending down to talk to him. "Did you lose your way?" She asked, that had to be why he wet himself after he wasn't able to find the bathroom and was scared to ask for help. Haruto shyly nodded, he didn't want to admit he got scared to ask Mr Graze to leave his class and didn't have enough time to even find the bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2022 ⏰

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