Milk And Honey

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Daisy looked down at Haruto "let's go now Haruto" she said softly, Haruto stood up and kept his items under his shirt. Once in the hall he pulled them back out, he was fine with Daisy seeing them but not Eric since he was scared he was going to judge him since it wasn't very manly to have things like that. Daisy was going to stop and ask Haruto to go to the bathroom but stopped herself, she knew the boy would say no not wanting to put his bear and blanky down and she didn't want them in the bathroom. Haruto walked over to his bed, daisy pulled the blanket back for Haruto and let him get in before pulling it back up to his chin. Haruto felt safe with just her, he didn't see himself warming up to Eric. She turned him in and gave a warm smile "all comfy?" She asked in a whisper, Haruto nodded and turned on his side hugging them bear and blanky under the blanket. She sat on the edge of the bed near Haruto, slowly she let herself move the boys hair out of his face and to behind his ears. "Haruto hun, if you need to get up tonight please do. Any reason you can get up, if you need help you can come knock on our door." She reassured, Haruto felt his eyes were heavy with Daisy stroking her hands through his hair and gave a soft nod and yawn. "Alright.. goodnight Haruto." Daisy said getting up off the bed, Haruto mumbled back incoherently and closed his eyes. Daisy gave a warm smile and turned his light off, harutos eyes shot open but was instantly distracted from the dark. He looked up at the ceiling, the bright glow in the dark stars laid across the ceiling above his bed. He relaxed his tense body and looked at the door to see she left the door open slightly, Haruto was very greatful that she was considerate to him. Haruto didn't feel tired anymore, he held onto the bear and brought it to his nose, closing his eyes and smelling it trying to fall asleep. Daisy came back out to Eric, she sighed and leaned into him on the couch. "I hope he's okay, I didn't think a kids movie would make him that emotional." Eric said looking down at Daisy, she nodded "he's very sensitive" she mentioned, Eric agreed rubbing Daisys shoulder. "Did he go down alright?" Eric asked, Daisy nodded "His eyes were closed when I left and he looked comfortable. I need to check him in an hour or two." She told Eric, he raised an eyebrow "oh that's right, Addison said something about him holding it at night." He said leaning back into the couch getting comfortable, Daisy stood up and started to clean up from dinner. "Yes.. last thing I want is the poor child trying to hold it in all night." She said picking up the boxes of pizza and the plates. Eric leaned forward and looked into harutos cup "he's only had half of his drink, I think he'll be right for most the night." He said picking the cup up and giving it to Daisy "still im gonna keep checking, it's his first night and that's always the hardest." She said taking the things to the kitchen, Eric stood up and started to help. Not long after they washed up and got ready for bed Daisy checked in on Haruto, slightly opening the door to see he was still awake. "You're still awake?" She asked him, Haruto nodded and let out a small sigh. She came in and stood near him "do you need anything Haruto?" She asked calmly, Haruto shook his head. Daisy gave a smile and walked back out to let him try and rest, Haruto watched her leave and tried to get comfortable. He had tried sleeping but every time he thought about it he worried he might wet the bed tonight, he didn't want that to happen so his mind kept him awake. Haruto rolled onto his back and looked up at the glow in the dark stars, counting them to keep himself from becoming overly bored. Daisy and Eric went to bed, Eric left the door open a little in case Haruto woke up and needed something. It had been two hours of Haruto tossing and turning, he just couldnt get to sleep. He had many things on his mind, mostly thinking about his brother and how a silly kids movie made him burst into tears. Haruto heard someone coming and shut his eyes tightly, he stayed very still as the door opened. He heard the footsteps stop infront of him, his heart picking up. He felt a hand run through his hair and relaxed, his eyes now resting softly close. Daisy smiled, she could tell he was awake but he seemed to be trying to sleep. "You okay Haruto?" She asked in a whisper, Haruto gave a slight nod and opened his eyes knowing she could tell he was awake. "Can't sleep?" She asked sitting on the bed beside him, Haruto gave a slight nod and slipped his blanky under his pillow. "Ill be back, you wait here." She said calmly, she got up and left the room. Haruto laid silently waiting, he didn't know what she was doing. Daisy came back in the room with a mug, Haruto sat up and watched Daisy sit back down beside him. "Here have this, it's honey milk." She said holding the mug out to Haruto, he took it very carefully with both hands and rested it in his lap looking into the mug. He really wanted it but the thought of drinking it all and falling asleep worried him, he rubbed his thumb over the mug handle and looked up. She smiled and waited for Haruto to try it, Haruto didn't want to be rude so he brought it up and took a sip. It was sweet and warm, he drank some more and lowered it back down wiping his mouth. "You finished?" She asked, Haruto shook his head and raised it up again and slowly finished it off. He handed the mug back, she smiled and put it on the bedside table. Harutos stomach felt warm, it was a content feeling to have at night. Daisy picked the blanket up and placed it up to Harutos shoulder as he laid back down, he glanced the room slowly moving his eyes in the very dim light coming in from the kitchen. Daisy ran her fingers through Harutos hair "Hey sweetie.. the bathroom light is on if you need to go." She said calmly, Haruto bit the inside of his mouth and gave a small nod followed by a yawn. Haruto put a hand on his stomach, he didn't need to go really so he wasn't worried. "Okay.. I'm going back to bed, if you need anything more you can come knock." She said getting up off the bed, Haruto closed his eyes and nodded. Daisy took the mug and left the room, leaving the door open a little. Once she was gone he opened his eyes and looked up at the stars, there was no way he was sleeping. Daisy went back to bed and fell asleep, she planned to check on him again in a couple hours. Haruto pulled the blanket over his head and laid silently, he was glad Daisy was nice to him and he didn't want to ruin that. Haruto laid in bed fidgeting with the bear, smelling it every so often and fixing the fur around it's eyes. About an hour later he put a hand on his stomach, he was starting to feel the apple juice and honey milk. He sighed and went back to playing with the bear, wrapping his blanky around it. He managed to distract himself from the urge, under the sheets his legs rubbed together for comfort. Haruto yawned and rolled over onto his back, he glanced over his room leaving a hand resting on his lower abdomen. He didn't know if Daisy would be back again, he was too worried to get up and go since he was reminded of his father yelling at him for wandering around at night. The thoughts weren't helping, he rolled over and shifted his hip to get comfortable, he closed his eyes trying not to think about it but the urge kept growing. He held the bear to his chest and pressed his legs together, his bladder gave a small throb making his heart skip a beat and hug the bear tighter. After awhile of shifting he couldnt lay still anymore, his bladder left him squirming and pressing his legs together. It was getting hard to hold, Haruto let out a tiny whine and slipped a hand down to hold it in. Haruto relaxed, the hand to his crotch making him feel a little better and let him go back to shifting every couple of minutes. Daisy came back in a couple of minutes later to see Haruto completely awake, his eyes starring at the stars on the ceiling. Haruto didn't hear her come in, distracted with the thought of holding it in and looking at how many stars there was. Haruto slipped a small whine and repositioned himself under the sheets trying to get comfortable, he swapped hands and rubbed his knees together. Daisy noticed how tense Haruto was and slowly made her way in, Haruto caught her in the corner of his eye and quickly froze while under the sheets harutos hand pressed deeper into his crotch so he didn't squirm. "You're still up?" She said softly, Haruto nodded and rubbed his eye with his free hand. His heart was beating fast, his urge blurring his thinking. She sat on the bed and looked down into Harutos eyes, Haruto was feeling like he couldnt wait any longer now with his nerves making the urge throb in his lower abdomen. Harutos eyebrows furrowed and gave her a pout before a whine escaped his mouth, he was embarrassed but it was easier to go now Daisy was with him. Daisy gave a sympathetic look at Haruto "you okay?" She asked, Haruto shook his head and squirmed under the blankets. She noticed how restless he was under the blankets, she knew he must be holding it just like Addison had warned them. "Awh hun, did the milk make you need the bathroom?" She asked softly, Haruto felt his cheeks go warm and nodded with embarrassment "its better if you get up and go, you don't want to sit in wee for the rest of night." She said standing up, Haruto nodded and pushed himself up, he was scared to pull his hand from his crotch. He tried to compose himself to pull his hand away, Daisy pulled the blankets back for Haruto and felt her heart melt as Haruto quickly pulled his knees to his chest to hide that he was forcefully trying to hold it in. "That bad hun? Come on, it's not good to hold it in." She said calmly, Haruto felt mortified but it was too late since she had already seen. Haruto clenched his jaw shut and got out of bed, he pulled his hand away since it was way too embarrassing. Haruto quickly walked to the bathroom and closed the door trembling, he leaked a small stream before managing to pull his pants down to go. He covered his face and tried not to think about what just happened, he rubbed his lower abdomen and finished going. Pulling his pajama pants up the crotch was damp making him frown, this was the second time he barely made it. He flushed and washed his hands, coming out the bathroom he slipped back into his room and got up on the bed, he was quick to pull the sheet over himself as Daisy stood watching Haruto put himself back to bed. "That's better, isn't it?" She asked giving a warm smile, Haruto gave a weak nod. Daisy went to leave the room, Haruto let a whine escape his mouth. Haruto didn't want her to leave him, he liked her sitting with him. Daisy stopped and looked back at Haruto, the boys eyes glistened in the dark a little, she walked back to him and sat on the bed. "What is it Haruto?" She asked unsure what he wanted, Haruto tapped the bed next to where she sat. "You want me to stay?" She asked, Haruto nodded and snuggled his head into his pillow. She smiled calmly and ran her fingers through Harutos hair "okay.. close your eyes and try to get some rest sweetheart." She said in a warm tone, Haruto did what she asked and closed his eyes relaxing while she played with his hair gently. Haruto squinted as he knew he was starting to fade, his eyes got heavy and closed again. Daisy hummed softly as Haruto drifted off, once he was asleep and resting peacefully she sat and watched him for a little. Her heart kept melting with everything he did, his sensitive soul rubbing off onto her. Daisy got up and left the room quietly, closing the door knowing he was out for good. She went back to bed and laid next to Eric, he pulled her into his chest "You were gone for awhile" he mentioned "He was holding himself like Addison said he had been doing back at home, I got him to go to the bathroom but I think if I was a couple minutes later he wouldnt of been able to hold it." She explained to Eric, he felt bad for the child. "Poor kid.. Did he go back to sleep?" He asked, Daisy nodded "He was awake all night until I sat with him, he finally went to sleep." She told him closing her eyes, Eric hummed a response and closed his eyes as well. Haruto managed to sleep all the way to morning, he slowly opened his eyes and closed them again remembering where he was. Daisy and Eric were already up, she had made toast for Haruto waiting for him to get up. Eric was reading the news on his phone, ready to go to work. Daisy planned to take Haruto out to get some things for him and his room, thinking it would help him open up more if it was just the two of them. Haruto shifted around and tried to go back to sleep, his eyes widened and sat up quickly. He had done what he was dreading, he didn't understand why he did it as he went right before he fell asleep. His body shook in fear crawling out the bed, he did the only thing he knew to do. Stripping the bed Haruto pulled the fitted sheet off and gasped seeing it had gone through onto the mattress, he quickly flipped it and got undressed, shoving the wet things under the bed he frowned since he didn't have a plastic rubbish bag to help hide it better. Haruto got changed into his brothers sweater and his own pants, he looked at the bed humiliated. Haruto remade the bed hiding the bare mattress with the blanket, throwing the pillow back on and hiding his blanky under it. He placed the bear to sit in the middle of the pillow on the bed, he took a step back and gave a small sigh. He wasn't the best at making the bed but you couldn't see the mattress which was the the main thing. Haruto blindly fixed his hair up with his trembling hands, he took a deep breath and made sure he looked okay looking down at his clothes. The sweater was a bit big but it was clean and his pants were the best ones he had, Haruto sat down and changed his socks to ones that sat above his ankle. Standing back up Haruto opened the door slowly and went out, he folded his arms infront of himself and tried not to show any nerves. Haruto stood awkwardly in the entrance, Eric looked up and smiled "Hey kiddo, sleep well?" He asked, Haruto nodded and felt his knee trembling still fearful that they would find out he wet the bed and stained the new looking mattress. Daisy looked up to see Haruto had come out ready for the day, she pulled a seat for him and gestured for him to come sit. Haruto slowly walked in and sat keeping his head low, Daisy came over with the same matching plate and cup set. Putting the jam toast infront of Haruto and a cup of pear juice, Haruto signed thank you and picked up his toast, his hand wouldn't stop shaking. Eric noticed this and raised an eyebrow "you good sport?" He asked, Haruto lowered the toast from his mouth and nodded. Eric didn't think much of it and went back to reading, Daisy sat down with her coffee next to Haruto giving a smile. Haruto tried to give one back but he looked more concerned, she looked at his body trembling and frowned. "Hey sweets? You feeling okay? You're trembling." She pointed out, Haruto nodded and lowered his hands under the table. "You worried? It's your first full day with us." She asked, Haruto bit the inside of his cheek and nodded while tensing his body up to try and stop the trembling. "Its okay, I was thinking we could go get some stuff for your room and maybe more clothes?" She asked, Haruto liked the sound of that and nodded softly. He finished his toast and looked into his cup, he hadn't had pear juice before but he tried it. To his surprise it tasted nice, he drank half of it and gently pushed the plate and cup away signing thank you again. Daisy finished her coffee and took Harutos cup and plate, he yawned and rubbed his eyes leaning back in the chair. "Went to bed late?" Eric asked already knowing he had, Haruto didn't want to talk about bed with Eric. Haruto looked away towards Daisy, he didn't trust Eric at all even though he hadn't done anything to hurt him he was still suspicious. Eric respected Harutos no response and cut the conversation, Daisy cleaned up and looked over at Haruto. The boy kept his arms folded infront of himself, Haruto was a little nervous to go out but it was better than hiding in his room all day. "Okay, you go brush your teeth and we will leave soon. Do you need to bring your puffer with Haruto?" Daisy asked curiously, Haruto stopped and thought about it. He didn't always take it with him but it was best to be safe, he nodded and stood up to go off and get ready to go. As Haruto was brushing his teeth his back tooth was feeling a little sensitive, he ignored it and finished rinsing his mouth out. Going to his room he packed his bag, grabbing his puffer bag and book putting them in his backpack. Haruto came back out and stood near Daisy, she looked down and smiled "did you brush your teeth?" She asked, Haruto nodded and let his tounge trace over his back tooth. Daisy smiled in praise, slowly she walked to the back of Haruto and checked his bag. Seeing he got his puffer bag and book, she also noticed that his blanky had found its way in the bag. She zipped it back up and walked to the front door. She slipped her shoes on and looked down at Haruto, the boy slowly sat down and slipped his shoes on as well. He was reminded one of the laces were undone. Eric came over and kissed Daisy goodbye, he looked down at Haruto who was trying to tuck his lace in. He raised an eyebrow at the boy "didn't I ask you to tie that yesterday?" He asked curiously, Harutos hands started to shake holding the laces in his grip. Daisy nudged Eric to be quiet, Haruto gave in and stopped trying lowering his head in defeat. Daisy slowly pushed Eric out the door, once he was gone to his car Daisy bent down. "Having trouble?" She asked calmly, Haruto signed sorry as he was being inconvenient to them. She took the laces from his hand and tied it in a double bow "dont be sorry hun, you'll get the hang of it." She said standing up and offering Haruto a hand, Haruto looked up and took the hand pulling him back up to his feet. Haruto fidgeted nervously and looked around before hugging into Daisy, he was feeling safe with her. She embraced the hug wrapping her arms around him "you're a sweet boy Haruto." She told him, haruto blushed feeling a kiss on the top of his head before pulling away. He couldnt remember the last time he had gotten a loving kiss, his brother would kiss his head like that sometimes but not all the time so it made him feel safe. Daisy took them out to the car, Haruto stood at the back door of her car. She gave a confused look, Haruto was use to sitting in the back as he was never allowed in the front. "You wanna sit in the back?" She asked, Haruto looked up and gave a shrug. She opened the front door for him and gestured for him to get in, he got in the front and let out a shaky breath. She closed the door as Haruto put his seatbelt on, daisy got in putting hers on and started the car. Haruto kept his bag in his lap, he felt safer with it close. Daisy drove for a little bit before putting the radio on low volume, Haruto sat silently knowing it was rude to sign when she was focusing on driving, he didn't have anything to say so that wasn't a problem at least. Daisy glanced over as Haruto looked out the window "did you sleep better after I sat with you Haruto?" She asked, Haruto looked over "mhn.." he mumbled out, it was true that he hadnt been able to sleep well in awhile but last night he couldnt remember any bad dreams he had. "That's good to hear, I can sit with you until you fall asleep at night if it would help." She offered, Haruto shrugged. The idea sounded good, he didn't want to be a burden to her though since she already was so nice to him. Daisy took the shrug as an unsure answer, she didn't expect Haruto to always answer all the questions asked. Haruto sunk low in his seat seeing they were coming into the mall car park, he always felt uneasy in new environments. Daisy parked the car and got out, Haruto followed her taking his seatbelt off and getting out putting his bag on and very gently closing the door. Daisy came around to Haruto who was standing nervously looking at the entrance of the mall, he wasn't the biggest fan of new environments. "Come on, we don't have to stay long Haruto." She encouraged taking the lead, Haruto stayed close behind her. Once in the mall Harutos eyebrows furrowed together, it was a little busy. He looked forward and kept walking with Daisy, going into the first shop she grabbed a shopping cart. Haruto stayed close to it, his fingers running over the bars of the cart making sure she hadn't left him. Going straight to the clothes she helped Haruto pick out some clothes, he shook his head no a lot as he only liked sweaters and sweatpants. She wanted to meet him in the middle and try something new "what about this? You can wear a sweater under it?" She asked holding up a short pant overalls, Haruto looked at them and shrugged. He didn't mind them too much, she took it as a win and put them in the cart. They got him a couple more clothing items they were able to agree on, finally they went to the shoes and had a look at them since he only had one pair. She got him to sit on the ground and try a couple on, his feet were rather small so it was hard to find designs he liked since most offered cartoons from kids shows which he screwed his face up at. She put down a pair of Velcro strap shoes near the boy, as they hit the ground beside him he glanced over and frowned mumbling to himself. He looked up seeing she was waiting for him to try them on, Haruto shook his head and signed 'not a baby' to Daisy before pushing them away, she looked at him on the ground with sympathy "i didn't say you were, Velcro would be easier and quicker for you." Daisy reassured, Haruto puffed his cheeks and tried them on. They fit but he hated the leather black, he took it off and gave them back for her to put on the rack. "You don't like them?" She asked putting them back, Haruto stayed sitting on the ground and nodded scruntching his toes up in his socks. Daisy sighed and looked around for a different design, she stopped coming across shoes that were Velcro but had a flower vine design and on the sides had a frilled leaf embroidered and the Velcro straps had a small flower near the edge of it. Picking out a pair in Harutos size she came back and put them down infront of him, Haruto looked at them before quickly picking them up running his finger over the pattern on it. He tried them on and smiled looking down at his feet, he didn't even mind they were Velcro now. They didn't look too girly as well, they were white and the flowers were a shaded blue. "Are they good?" She asked bending down and feeling where his toes sat in the shoe, Haruto nodded and watched her. She stood up and let the boy take them off, he was sad to slip on his old shoes. She took the new shoes and put them in the shopping cart, Haruto stood back up and fixed his bag on his back. They were finished shopping for clothing articals, as promised she took him to look at the books and toys. Haruto was engulfed by all the books, he stood as his eyes traced over each book spine. His eyes stopped on a book, carefully pulling it out he held it up to Daisy. She held it in her hands and looked at the title 'milk and honey' she flicked through it to see it was a poem book, she smiled and put it in the cart. Haruto contained his excitement, he hadn't had a new book in ages. She smiled seeing he looked pleased " alright, one more" she told him softly, Haruto felt his heart flutter with happiness. He looked at the books more, soon he couldnt stand still while skimming the books. Haruto picked up a book and shifted his weight between his feet as he read the back of the book, he decided he liked it too. He held it up to Daisy making her put back the book she was looking at, Haruto stood shifting on the spot waiting for her approval. She looked at the book and flicked the pages the title reading 'nature all around plants'

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