Dainty Daffodil

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Daisy was on her ipad in the lounge room next to Eric, Google searching some of her concerns.
'Is it normal for teens to wet the bed?'
'Day wetting in teens'
'Symtoms of bladder problems in teens'
Fact: About two out of every one hundred teenagers and young adults wet the bed at night.
Daisy gave a soft sigh at new information she learnt, scrolling through symptoms and facts. The more she dove into it the more she became concerned, worries about the daytime wettings connecting to UTIs and Over-active bladder syndrome.
'Daytime wetting happens in about 3 in 100 healthy children. All children with daytime wetting should see a doctor who has experience with children's problems.' 'You will need to control daytime wetting before you can sort out bedwetting'
"Hey Eric.. I was looking around online and searching some of Haruto's problems- do you think we should be taking him to a doctor?" She asked, putting the ipad down. Eric glanced over, thinking about it for a moment. "He is 13 Daisy, he shouldn't be wetting himself like he has been." He told her. Daisy had hoped that it was just because Haruto was trying to settle in, she really wanted to believe it was going to get better. "I know.. I just don't want to make him more upset about it if he does go to a doctor." Daisy explained, worried Haruto would get overwhelmed and be frustrated with himself for needing to seek professional help. "What if there's a serious underlying issue here? We've got to protect him, that's our role and if that means taking him to a doctor, that's what we have to do." Eric sighed softly, not anymore thrilled about forcing Haruto to see someone about his accidents and bed wetting. "I'll book him in for as soon as possible, get it out the way so we can focus more on helping haruto overcome it." Daisy told Eric as she leaned back into the couch while picking up her phone to call the doctors clinic. Eric nodded and sat up, watching Daisy make the call. Once finished Daisy thanked them and hung up, putting her phone back in her pocket. "They have an avaible appointment at 4:30pm this afternoon" she said, looking Eric in the eyes. Eric nodded, it was sooner than he thought they were going to get, rubbing a hand over Daisys shoulder. "Is it better if you take him? It might be embarrassing if we both come with and I feel like you know more about it" Eric asked Daisy, he didn't want to make it a big deal on the poor boy. Daisy found that understanding "alright, I think that'll be okay. It's almost 1pm, he's been sleeping now since 11am." She said looking at the time, not sure if she should wake him. "He had a big morning, crying would of made him tired. How about we make lunch, then we can encourage him to get up and get ready for the doctors." He suggested. Daisy gave a weak smile and nodded, going to the kitchen to make soup for them. The weather had calmed down but there was a chill left in the air, hoping soup would be nice to warm up a little. Daisy started to stir the pot while Eric cut up the veggies and chicken. "How was school searching going?" Eric asked, wondering if plans had been made for Haruto to start schooling. Daisy rubbed her temple "well it's been difficult, home-schooling is harder to apply for and get accepted than I had thought. 3 applications I put in were turned down within 2 hours of emailing them. I was really hoping to get him in home-schooling, I'm worried about him getting too overwhelmed with highschool." Daisy explained with frustration showing in her voice. "Hey, we've got time. It's school holidays, we have a whole week to plan for it. What if we enrol him in mainstream school? when he gets accepted into home-schooling we can pull him out straight away. It's not going to hurt for him to try highschool, he might like it." He tried to encourage Daisy. She wasn't too sure, thinking about it while continuing to stir. "I'll talk to him about it.." she finally answered, knowing it was going to have to be the option to take, she couldn't afford for Haruto to miss out on the first part of highschool. Once the soup was made Daisy served it up in three bowls, leaving harutos in a plastic bowl with a plastic cup filled with some lemonade made from the lemon tree in the backyard. "Eric, can you go wake him please. I want him to be comfortable with you being around too." Daisy instructed, she understood Haruto was warming up to Eric but wanted to keep pushing it along. Eric gave a smile and nodded, he hadn't really been given lots of one on one with Haruto so any interaction was good. Eric gave a soft knock on the door, opening it and looking in. He chuckled softly, the boy completely under the blankets hiding in his sleep. Eric came over and slowly pulled the blanket back enough to see harutos face, giving a warm smile. The boy was still resting peacefully, soft rising and falling of his chest. "Hey bud, time to get up and have some lunch." Eric said, softly stroking a hand through Haruto's hair. Haruto scrunched his nose up, giving off a fussed noise as he was being woken up. "Come on Haruto, you've been napping for 3 hours." Eric told him. Haruto groaned and started to stretch, he was still half asleep. Haruto froze and opened his eyes, the movement of stretching making him aware of the wetness around and on him. Eric smiled as Haruto opened his eyes, glad the boy wasn't angry at him for waking him.
Haruto was stuck in place, hands above his head in mid stretch scared to move. Harutos heart started to beat in his chest the more he adjusted to being awake, his arms slowly lowering and pulling the blanket back up to his chin. Eric raised an eyebrow "buddy, if you go back to sleep now you're not gonna sleep tonight." Eric told him. Haruto felt his lip pout, rubbing his eyes as he sat up with the blanket still over his lap. Eric watched the childs stiff movement, noticing how he barely moved from his spot. Haruto let out a soft whine, his thighs hurting from the sitting urine. Eric looked between harutos face and the blanket that laid still over him. "Come on Haruto" Eric said, assisting by pulling the blanket off of Haruto. The boy quickly covered his face and brought his knees to his chest. "Oh bud, looks like you've had a little accident in your sleep." Eric spoke softly and calmly. Haruto noticed his soothing voice, pulling his hands away from his face and looking down at the bed. Finally Haruto looked up into Eric's eyes and nodded to admit to it. Haruto looked down again, pointing to the urine on the bed just to make sure that Eric had seen it since he hadn't really made a big deal of it like he thought Eric would. Eric nodded "Yeah, you've wet the bed kiddo. Up you get, we can fix it." He told Haruto. The young teen got off the bed, staring back at the puddle left behind. Haruto was thankful Eric didn't shame him for wetting the bed during his nap. "Here hold these" Eric said, handing over Lotus and blanky. Haruto grabbed them, holding the items to his chest as he watched Eric strip the bed. Eric piled the wet sheets and picked them up. "I'll go put these on and you get changed okay?" Eric asked of Haruto. The boy nodded in response, putting Lotus and blanky on his desk before attending to his wet clothes. Eric put the washing on quickly, going straight out to tell Daisy. He leaned into her ear "Hey, harutos wet the bed during his nap. Hes okay, we've handled it." Eric whispered to her. Daisy looked behind to look at Eric "really? During his nap?" She asked. Eric nodded and sat down at the table. Haruto took off his wet clothes, whining slightly at the rash he had irritated. Once dressed again he grabbed blanky off his desk and headed out, harutos walking slightly stiff trying not to hurt his inner thighs. Haruto sat down at the table, sitting between both Eric and Daisy. Eric gave the child a small nod, knowing they had dealt with the minor issue. Daisy ran her hand through Haruto's hair "good nap sweetheart?" She asked softly. Haruto closed his eyes at her touch, it being comforting to him. Haruto nodded weakly and held his blanky tight in his hand. Daisy smiled and pulled her hand away, picking up her spoon to eat. Haruto yawned before he opened his eyes and looked in the bowl,  giving a small hum to say he was happy with the soup. Daisy gave a warm smile and watched Haruto out the corner of her eye as they all ate, enjoying eachothers company in silence. Daisys spoon was put down as she cleared her mouth of the soup. "Haruto hun." Daisy said, raising her eyes to look at haruto directly. Haruto lifted his eyes and put his spoon back in his bowl to scoop up more chicken "mh?" He mumbled, waiting to hear why she called upon him. Daisy thought for a moment, trying her best to find a way to word it without stressing Haruto out. "We have a doctors appointment this afternoon.. don't worry sweetie, it's just a check up to make sure you're reaching milestones and that everything is okay." She explained, getting nervous for the boy response. Haruto froze slightly at the mention of appointment, that word made things sound serious. The way Daisy explained it left Haruto to worry slightly, nodding and taking a mouthful of the soup. Haruto tried to tell himself that it  was normal for parents to check that stuff, knowing the doctor would ask questions and check his height and weight. Daisy was glad there was no retaliation, continuing to eat her soup. Haruto bit the inside of his cheek as he thought about the doctors appointment, he hadn't been to one before so he worried they might also give him a needle or make him wear a mask to fall asleep like in the doctor programs on tv. He tried not to let his mind wander, knowing he should trust Daisys words. Eric noticed Harutos hand start to tremble as the spoon was taken out of his mouth, he could see the boy was deep in thought. "What's up kiddo?" Eric asked, hoping haruto wasn't too stressed about the doctor visit. 'Nervous' haruto signed, a frown appearing on his face. Daisy felt her lip tug to pout as Haruto started to show concerns. "Its okay bud, Daisy will be with you the whole time. The doctor won't hurt you in anyway, promise." He explained. Haruto looked down in his bowl of soup. 'Needle' he signed very gently with worry in his lowered eyes. "No no sweetie, no needles." Daisy said to put Haruto's mind at rest. The boy gave a soft sigh letting out his held breath he didn't know he was holding in. Eric ruffled harutos hair, standing up to take their bowls. Haruto looked at Daisy, waiting to see what she wanted him to do now. "You get dressed for the doctors sweetie, I'll help you pack your backpack after." She told him as she stood up, helping clear the table. Haruto nodded and got up, going to his room to get dressed. Haruto stood in front of his cupboard. He didn't know what to wear to the doctors, he hadn't been in some time and wasn't sure if he was supposed to wear certain clothes to the doctors. Haruto grabbed a space themed sweater and khaki shorts, changing into them before sitting down and putting his socks and shoes on. He stood up and gave a soft hum, the clothes felt comfortable. Daisy knocked on the door before coming in, giving a smile to see he was dressed like he'd been asked to. "Thank you for listening sweetheart, let's pack your backpack" Daisy said, grabbing the boys backpack off the handle. Haruto nodded, going to his bedside table to grab out his asthma puffer. While haruto did this, Daisy packed some spare clothes for the child. Daisy hoped they wouldn't need to be used but it was better to be safe than sorry, she didn't want her boy embarrassed while out in public. Daisy came over to haruto who was making sure he had all the parts to his puffer set, helping him put it neatly in the bag. Haruto looked up at Daisy, giving puppy eyes to her. Daisy noticed this straight away "what is it haruto?" She asked, lifting his chin up a little more. The boys eyes shifted to his desk, looking at lotus and his blanky he left on top of it. Daisy looked over "sweetie, I think you should leave them home." She told him, Daisy didn't want him to lose them at the doctors. Haruto pouted and gave her puppy eyes once again, his eyes watering along with the look. Daisy couldn't say no to those eyes "Okay, you've got to keep them in your bag and look after them mister." She explained. Haruto blinked away the excess tears and nodded, breaking a small relieved smile. He really wanted to take them with, they made him feel safe. Haruto went over and grabbed them off the desk, handing them over to Daisy to put in the bag. Daisy thanked him and put them gently in the backpack before zipping it up and assisting Haruto with putting it on his back. "Come here sweetie" Daisy said, sitting on Haruto's bed. The boy listened, standing right in front of her. She smiled and started brushing her fingers through his hair to fix it up. "You'll be good?" She asked, knowing he was normally good but because it was a different environment. Haruto looked up, watching her brush through his hair before nodding. "I think you need to try and go to the bathroom before we leave." She told him, grabbing his hands and holding them in hers. Haruto looked down, starting to fidget one shoe into his other. His cheeks were tinted pink, he couldn't look at her or respond. "Haruto, bathroom please." She told him again, she could tell he was trying to ignore her. "Sweetie, you don't want to get in the car and need the bathroom. What happens if you have an accident in the car? You'll have to go into the doctors with wet pants." She tried to explain. Haruto clenched his jaw shut, still trying to ignore her words since he didn't feel like he needed to go right now. Daisy let go of Haruto's hands, she tried to think this through. "Please darling? Maybe after we can go shopping for some special school stuff." Daisy told him, hoping that might help. Haruto looked up, new stuff for school? That sounded good, he knew he'd need to go anyway if they were going to be out longer. Haruto finally nodded, taking his bag off and handing it over to Daisy so he could go. Daisy was relieved that seemed to of done the trick, watching the boy leave the room to do what he was told. Haruto quietly went into the bathroom and locked the door, going in front of the toilet. Haruto pulled down his pants and boxers, managing to go for a little bit before stopping. Haruto thought he was finished, pulling his boxers and pants back up and flushing the toilet. Haruto went over to the sink and turned the tap on, the moment he heard the water his legs pressed together and his hand shot to his crotch as he felt himself leak a small amount. Haruto bounced on the spot for a moment, regaining control before washing his hands and going out the bathroom. Haruto didn't know why that would happen to him sometimes, he'd just been to the bathroom so he obviously shouldn't need to go that badly after. Haruto shook his wet hands off, seeing Daisy was waiting outside the bathroom. Haruto stopped and looked up, begging she couldn't tell that he might of accidentally leaked after going to the bathroom. Daisy smiled and helped Haruto put his bag on. "Did you go hun?" She asked softly. Haruto gave a nod, turning around to face her again to give her a serious look to try and prove he did. "Thank you Haruto." She said through a smile. Haruto gave a sigh of relief, he was in the clear. It wasn't like he was lying because he really did go, he just happened to of had a tiny accident after- not even a tiny accident, just a little spill of urine. Daisy grabbed the keys and kissed Eric goodbye while Haruto stood waiting to leave, he looked away when they kissed on the lips since his face blushed slightly at the gesture. He wasn't used to adults showing small gestures of love and appreciation to eachother, it didn't feel right to watch. Daisy started to lead the way to the front door, checking behind her to see haruto was following just behind. Eric waved bye but Haruto didn't look back to capture it, not finding it weird for someone to not say goodbye to him. Haruto went out the front door, waiting and watching as Daisy shut the door. Haruto scuffed his shoe at the ground, he wasn't sure what car they were taking and he didn't want to make a fool of himself and run to the wrong car again. "Come on, my car sweetie." Daisy told Haruto, it being the same car they took to the shops. Daisy got in the car, watching Haruto go around to the other side and get in. Haruto took his backpack off and put it on the floor before getting in and closing the door, finally putting his seatbelt on. Daisy smiled and started the car, it was nice to get out with haruto since it gave small chances of bonding for both of them. Haruto looked blankly out the front window of the car, he wasn't sure what to expect exactly making him fidget nervously with the seatbelt. Daisy left the driveway, heading out to the main road to go to their doctors clinic. Daisy put the music on low volume, noticing haruto looked slightly concerned. "When was the last time you went to the doctors sweetie?" Daisy asked, curious if Haruto had actually seen any doctors about his medical issues. Haruto looked over to Daisy, holding up 6 fingers. He got diagnosed with asthma and that was his last ever appointment, everything else he had to just get over on his own. Daisy was shocked, she didn't want to show that though. "6? That was a long time ago haruto. It's okay, Dr Richard will make sure you're a healthy boy." She told him, hoping it'd take concerns away.  Haruto frowned and lowered his head "I'm dainty.." he whispered, signing 'underweight'. Daisy knew Haruto was underweight, he was a rather fragile boy. "Mhm a Dainty daffodil, nothing wrong with that." Daisy told him. Haruto looked up, he liked that small alliteration. He nodded and looked back out the window, his fingertips running over his collarbone. 'Dainty Daffodil.' Haruto thought in his head, it was better than being called skinny or frail. The rest of the car ride was silent, the soft music in the background making the trip rather calming. Daisy pulled into a carpark in front of the clinic, catching haruto sink lower in his seat as she turned the car off. "Sweetie, it's okay remember?" She told him. Haruto shook his head 'scared' he continuously signed. Daisy got out the car and went around to Haruto's side, opening the door. "Take a breath darling, I'm right here. They are here to help you, I won't leave your side." She promised. Haruto looked up at her with his big puppy eyes that were piercing at times. He nodded and unclipped his seatbelt, getting out the car carefully while daisy grabbed his backpack. Haruto could feel his stomach filling with nerves, standing still while Daisy assisted putting on his backpack once again. Daisy locked the car and looked down at haruto, he was nervously fidgeting with his bag straps. Daisy bent down infront of haruto, trying to look him in the eyes. "When we go in, I'll sign us in okay?" She explained, wanting him to be aware what was going to happen since it had been so long. He nodded, he had a small understanding of what had to be done before seeing the doctor. Daisy smiled, caressing Haruto's cheek before standing up properly again. Haruto blushed and nodded back once again, feeling his heart and stomach flutter with nerves. "Would you like to hold my hand sweetie?" Daisy offered, she could see he was still nervous by his pale complexion. Haruto wasn't going to throw away her offer, nodding quickly and grabbing onto the hand she held out. She had to say it was nice that he still wanted to hold her hand out in public, most kids his age would be embarrassed to or think it was weird. Haruto found comfort in her hand, holding onto it as she walked them to the front door. Haruto looked around, a little disappointed to see no flowers in the garden but just boring rectangular cut bushes and hedges. Daisy opened the door, keeping it open for haruto to quickly follow in while still holding her hand. Entering the clinic the first thing Haruto could smell was it was very clean, the air almost piercing his lungs along with the cool air from the air-conditioning. He saw some people waiting in chairs, looking to them as they had just come in. Haruto felt nerves bubbling again, moving himself to stand closer to Daisy as they walked up to the reception desk. Daisy stood close to the reception desk, starting to talk with the lady. Haruto pushed his face into Daisys side, holding on tighter to her hand. He wanted to hide, the last image in his head being the eyes glued onto them when coming in. Haruto bounced on the balls of his feet, pulling Daisys forearm to cover his eyes. Daisy didn't mind this, filling in the sign in paper while haruto was makeshift hiding into her. Once finished she pushed the clipboard and pen back over, giving thanks as they were told to take a seat. Daisy pulled Haruto along, over to the line of seats facing the tv. Haruto didn't pull away from her arm, quickly sitting and nuzzling his face into the side of her arm. Daisy leaned over and kissed the side of his forehead. "Its okay" She whispered. Haruto shrugged, he didn't want to know if people were looking at him or not. If Haruto had taken the time to look, he'd find out there was only one other family in the waiting room with them and that was it. Daisy decided to just leave him hide, as least he wasn't crying or trying to leave. After a couple of minutes Haruto finally peeked his vision around the room, now seeing no one was watching him. He slowly pulled away from Daisys arm, not letting go of her hand though. He looked around, a family over in the other corner. Harutos eyes gazed at the toys the child was playing with on the ground, it looked like they were having a good time. There was one toy that looked really fun.

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