Overwatered Lotus

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Haruto felt horrible, letting the urine soak into his pants and around him. The tears remained spilling out, he was ashamed of himself for doing it in the car and not being able to hold it long enough to get to a restroom. Daisy glanced back "feeling better?" Daisy asked, Haruto whimpered under his breath and shook his head. His bladder felt sore and the sitting wetness on him was getting cold. He covered his face before he broke into an unstoppable cry, he was humiliated with how he acted out by shouting about his desperate need. "Its okay hun, we can get you home and you can have a nice warm shower or bath" Daisy suggested, Haruto barely heard her over his own cries. He wanted his brother again, missing his warm embrassing cuddles already. Daisy left Haruto alone to cry it out, he sobbed rubbing his fisted hands into his eyes. Soon enough his sobs came back down to sniffles and small coughs, Haruto leaned over and unzipped his backpack pulling it into his lap. He put his hand in the bag and held his blanky, the soft touch making him feel soothed. The crying had hurt his eyes, squinting his eyes he laid his head on the car window. Daisy looked back to Haruto, he looked exhausted out of his mind "sweetie, close your eyes and I'll wake you when home." Daisy said softly, Haruto pouted but closed his eyes wanting to forget about the cooling wetness under himself. The cars steady motion putting him back to sleep, he looked at peace again as he slept with his hand still in his bag holding his blanky tightly. "Can we make a quick stop?" Daisy asked Eric, he nodded and pulled into the next shop he saw. Daisy got out the car and headed in, it didn't take long for her to find a mattress protector for Haruto. Paying for it she left the store and got back in the car, Eric looked over "what did you get?" He asked curiously, Daisy looked back to make sure Haruto was still asleep "a mattress protector, just so he isn't wetting through to the matress at night." Daisy whispered, Eric nodded and kept driving. Haruto slept the whole way, not even waking to the car pulling in on the gravel driveway. Daisy looked over to Eric "do you want me to go in to give you two some space?" Eric asked opening his car door, he understood it would be intimidating having two people help him out the car. "That would be helpful for the boy.. he's trying so hard and I don't want him discouraged by one small accident." Daisy told Eric, he nodded in agreement and went in to the house, he started making dinner for them. Daisy got out and went around to Harutos door gently opening it, the boy shifted his head and leaned it on the seatbelt. Daisy looked down in his lap to see he had his blanky in hand, he was still hiding it in the bag because he was still scared to have it out all the time. Daisy shook Harutos shoulder "Haruto hun.. we're home." She whispered softly learning over and unclipping his seatbelt, the boy squeezed his eyes tightly as he felt the seatbelt slide along his cheek waking him up. Haruto barely opened his eyes, stretching his body out before relaxing again. Daisy waited a little bit before trying again "Haruto, I know you're tired love but you gotta get up now." She insisted, Haruto didn't move one bit as he stayed resting. Daisy sighed and put the shopping bag and her bag up her arm, she very carefully pulled harutos hand from his bag as he stayed holding the blanky. Daisy took his bag and zipped it up putting it up on her other shoulder, leaning in she pulled the boy to her chest and got him out the car closing the door. Haruto snuggled his head into her, she smiled softly and carried him inside feeling his bottom was still damp. She took him straight to the bathroom and put him down on the toilet seat, Haruto fussed in his sleep like state but stayed sitting with his eyes closed. Daisy put the bags down and started to run the bath, the sound of the water jolted Haruto a bit before he remained sitting with a steady breath. Daisy bent down and took the child's shoes off noticing they were damp as well as his socks from when he wet himself at the ward, Haruto just let it happen still very dazed. "Okay.. I'll take your sweater off now Haruto." Daisy said standing back up and grabbing the bottom of the sweater, she pulled it off without Haruto even trying to help. She frowned at his petite bruised frame, Haruto rubbed at his eyes and finally forced them open. Haruto looked up at Daisys frown before looking down on himself, Haruto covered his chest with his arms folded over with a pout not wanting her to see. Daisy petted the top of Harutos head "you finish getting undressed and have a bath okay? I'll leave you to do the rest by yourself." Daisy said turning around going back to the bath, she poured in some body wash and turned the tap off before grabbing the bags and leaving. Haruto waited till the door was closed, he removed his hands from his chest and looked down again feeling ashamed once more. He stood and put a hand to his lower abdomen, his bladder had a small shooting pain in it. He ignored the pain and took his wet pants off, stepping out of them he whined under his breath. Haruto was getting a rash between his legs, it only happened when he sat in his wet clothes for too long continuously. He slowly lowered himself into the bath and relaxed, he instantly felt better now he was able to get all cleaned up. First he splashed his face getting rid of the dried tears that stung his face, next washing all over his body until he felt clean again. He sat in the bath for a little bit before he heard a knock, Haruto sat up quickly and whined out loud to say not to come in. Daisy cracked the door open "Its okay Haruto, I just have your change of clothes." She said putting them down at the door, Haruto didn't whine no more as the door closed again. He stood up and got out the tub grabbing his towel and drying off being extra careful around his thighs, once dry he grabbed his clothes that Daisy had left him. It was a nice set of soft purple sweatpants and sweatshirt along with boxers and a pair of white socks, he got dressed slowly before fixing his hair up in the mirror. His heart sank knowing he had to go back out and face them after wetting himself in Eric's car, he covered his face and shook his head trying to not think about it. Haruto took a deep breath before picking up his wet clothes and going out to the laundry, he did what he was told to do by leaving the clothes in the machine without turning it on. Haruto slowly made his way back to his room to see daisy putting his pillows back on his bed, he was a little confused on why daisy was making his bed again but shrugged it off as he stood awkwardly in the doorway. Daisy turned to see Haruto watching quietly, she smiled and came over to in front of him. "Feeling better?" She asked, Haruto lowered his head and shrugged again feeling awful for what he did. " No? I understand Haruto, it was only an accident and you would of made it if the Carpark wasn't so busy at the parks." Daisy reassured, Haruto felt teary eyed knowing the car seat got really wet. "Do you need a hug hun?" Daisy asked, Haruto nodded softly and moved himself to stand against Daisy as she wrapped her arms around him, he closed his eyes as she rubbed his back. Haruto hunched forward as her hand went to his lower back around the kidney area, he put his arms around his lower stomach and whimpered very quietly. " You okay sweetie?" Daisy asked pulling away with concern, Haruto had to tell her since it was hurting badly right now "sore tummy.." He whispered out, she gave a look of sympathy and nodded "you've hurt yourself from holding it in at times Haruto, please be careful okay? You have to go when your body tells you to go or you'll keep getting a sore tummy." She said expressing her concerns, Haruto frowned and nodded before signing sorry. She put a hand on his head " Its okay, I know you don't mean it. Want some dinner now?" She asked softly, Haruto shrugged before nodding. Daisy lead the way to the kitchen table as Haruto slumped behind following with a small pout and his arms still folded over his middle section, he didn't want to face Eric worried he'd scold him for the wet car seat. Haruto stopped walking and teared up again, Daisy turned around and looked to see Haruto on edge again. "Haruto, what's wrong?" She asked bending down to be eye height with him, Haruto rubbed at his teary eyes and pointed down the hall to the kitchen where Eric was making tacos for dinner. "What's wrong with the kitchen hun?" Daisy asked following his pointed finger, Haruto mumbled back incoherently trying his best to explain. "Sweetie.. I didn't understand that.. try again?" She asked softly, Haruto coughed up a sob feeling useless for not being able to communicate his concerns. Daisy frowned and rubbed harutos back, she was unsure why he was so on edge lately with tears spreading in his eyes without warning. She knew what would make him feel better "you wanna bring blanky and teddy to the table tonight?" Daisy asked with a small smile, Haruto lowered his sob to listen to what she said and blushed nodding knowing it made him feel better. "Okay, lets go grab them." Daisy said getting back up letting Haruto lead the way back, Haruto sniffled and grabbed his blanky from his bag and teddy from his bed hugging them close to him. Daisy smiled seeing Haruto calm down now he had the items, he kissed the bear and closed his eyes smelling into it. "Does teddy have a name?" Daisy asked Haruto, he nodded as he picked one the first night "l-lotus.." He whispered looking down at the bear in his hands, she smiled and lead the way back out to the kitchen. Haruto stayed very close almost hiding behind her with his comfort items, once in the kitchen he was hit with the overwhelming smell of spiced mince. He scrunched his nose up, Daisy pulled a chair for Haruto letting him sit down putting the items in his lap. There was a mix of fresh veggies cut up for the tacos along with cheese, sour cream and salsa. He fidgeted nervously with his blanky, the bear remaining between his knees so it didn't fall off his lap. Eric put the bowl of mince on the table along with the taco shells, Haruto sunk low in his chair avioding eye contact with Eric. He watched daisy put a cup and plate in front of him, sitting up he looked in the cup to see it was only half full with water thinking they were worried he would spill it. Daisy put a taco shell on harutos plate, the boy looked at it for a bit before shifting his eyes to watch them make their own tacos. Haruto was too nervous to self serve and really hated tacos, he sat rubbing blanky between his thumb and index finger. Daisy leaned over and stood harutos taco up putting mince in it, Haruto frowned and watched. "What would you like in it darling?" She asked ready to serve to him, Haruto shook his head no. Daisy gave a confused look to Eric, he bit his taco and put it down swallowing. Eric leaned over and took over what daisy was doing "how about we try some carrot and lettuce on it?" Eric said putting it on the taco, Haruto watched with distaste as he squeezed his blanky. Once Eric finished he laid the taco back down on harutos plate, the boy waited a moment before picking it up and dumping the contents out the shell looking in the taco with disgust seeing the grease left from the mince still on the taco shell. He took a bite as it crunched in the silence as Eric and daisy watched, Eric shook his head "mister, we talked about this. You need to try all your food, you can't just eat the shell." Eric said picking the taco back up and spooning the contents back in, Haruto gave a whine and shook his head. "Have a bite, here" Eric said holding the taco up to harutos mouth, the boy kicked his legs and fussed. Eric ignored the boys whiny behaviour and pressed it to his mouth gently, Haruto took the smallest bite and spat it on his plate picking his water up and drinking it all. He still tasted the lingering grease in his mouth, he signed 'more' to Daisy picking his cup up to show her it was empty. Daisy looked in the cup, it was empty but she was concerned to give him more not wanting him to wet the bed. "How about another bite then you can have a little more water" daisy bribed, Haruto kicked his feet letting lotus the teddy fall to the ground. Losing lotus under the table was his final straw, he broke into a loud cry slipping off the chair to under the table. Daisy leaned down to see Haruto under the table hugging his bear tightly, she decided he was overwhelmed and ready for bed after a big day. " Okay.. no more taco.. Have a little more drink." Daisy said, Haruto rubbed his eyes and sobbed crawling out to stand infront of Daisy, she knew he needed a cuddle picking him up and straddling the boy in her lap holding the back of his head while slightly rocking. Eric stood up and grabbed harutos cup filling it half full handing it to Daisy, she held it out for Haruto as the boy sat up and drank it quickly trying to get the bad taste out his mouth. "Not too fast bud, you'll get a sore tummy." Daisy said taking the cup back, Haruto nodded and laid his head back into Daisys chest closing his eyes holding lotus and blanky. "ready for bed?" She whispered into his ear, Haruto nodded wanting to get away from the tacos and Eric before he scolded him for his behaviour today. Haruto shuffled his way out her lap and stood rubbing his eye, Daisy stood up and took harutos spare hand walking him back to his room. On the way daisy stopped infront the bathroom "wanna go before bed?" She asked squeezing his hand softly, Haruto shook his head and pouted as he just wanted sleep. Daisy sighed and accepted he didn't want to go, she knew he really should be going before bed to minimise the chances of him wetting the bed. In his room Haruto let go of Daisys hand as she pulled his blanket back, Haruto crawled into bed and instantly froze hearing the crinkle under his fitted sheet oh no.. A protector.. that's why she remade my bed.. Haruto could feel his heart in his chest beating through his rib cage filled with embarrassment. Daisy noticed Haruto freeze up hearing the plastic protector "it's okay sweetie, just incase you have an accident." She reassured not mentioning that she now knew he wet the bed, Haruto gave a stiff nod and slowly laid down as Daisy pulled the blanket back over the boy hugging his blankie and teddy. "Haruto.. if you wake up and need to go bathroom you go quickly so your bed remains dry.." She spoke calmly, Haruto frowned knowing he couldn't help that. She sat on the bed beside Haruto "can i talk to you sweetie?" She asked fixing the blanket up around Haruto, the boy gave a nervous nod. "If you wake up and you've wet the bed You can come get me or Eric to help you change the sheets." Haruto panicked and shook his head "i-i don't!.." he shouted before lowering himself embarrassed, Daisy nodded " okay, I just wanted you to know it would be okay if it happened." She insisted, Haruto pushed his head into his pillow shaking his head again. "Okay.. I'll let you rest darl." She said standing back up and slowly closed the door, Haruto popped his head up "night.." he whispered to her, she stopped and looked over to Haruto "goodnight Haruto" she whispered back closing the door, she was glad he still said night even through denial of wetting the bed. Once he heard Daisy walk off his rolled over under the blankets and screamed into his pillow kicking his feet in a fit, she couldnt know about it at all he told himself. He wanted this to just be another nightmare, he kicked and screamed into his pillow more until his bladder gave a sharp pain making him roll back over onto his back and hold his side's in discomfort. "Please... leave me alone.." He whispered as his body rocked side to side, he was done with today and was feeling extra stressed after Daisy mentioned bedwetting. Though she didn't say 'bedwetter' or 'bedwetting' it still stuck in the front of harutos mind, the boy rubbed his eyes and looked blankly at his ceiling. He couldnt wet the bed tonight, it'd be too suspious. Haruto crossed his arms and watched his ceiling fan, it spun very slowly as his eyes went in small circles following one blade. Haruto stayed laying on his back rubbing his side's where his kidneys hurt most, his other hand holding onto his blankie and teddy Lotus. He counted how many rotations the fan made "1....2....3....4....5" he whispered under his breath, it kept his mind and eyes busy. Every so often he shifted to get comfortable "56....57....58....59....60...." He continued on, it was rather boring but he kept himself going just to number 100 he told himself "....97....98....99...100!" He shouted in his whisper "just to 200 now.." He spoke softly and shifted and snuggled the back of his head into his pillow, he kept making the number bigger as he counted to his ever changing goal. Haruto felt his eyes get heavy "326....327....328...." He let a yawn out "329....320....321..wait... no that's not right... 330?...331....332....332...332..." He mumbled to himself and shook his head realizing he was repeating his numbers, Haruto groaned and closed his eyes for a moment. The temptation to keep them close lingered before focusing back on the fan opening his heavy eyes, he yawned and decided to restart. "1....2....3....4" he whispered to himself, Daisy had woken later on and got up going to harutos room. Very slowly she opened the door to see Haruto wide awake and mumbling "345....346....34..7?" He whispered before groaning at himself again, every time he messed up he restarted "1....2....3" he started unaware Daisy was listening from the doorway "haruto.. what are you doing?" She asked calmly "5...si-ah" Haruto said looking over and shooting himself to sit up, he closed his mouth and looked up at the ceiling fan making Daisy look up too. "Why are you counting using the fan?" She asked turning the fan off, Haruto gave a small shrug. He couldnt tell her he was trying to not fall asleep, she'd know then he was avoiding wetting the bed. "C-can't sleep.." he whispered rubbing his eyes that burned, Daisy came in and sat on the side of the bed. "Do you want some tea?" She asked, Haruto shook his head and rubbed his hip that pained. "What's keeping you up hun?" She asked putting a hand on Harutos leg that laid under the blanket, Haruto looked at her hand and shrugged softly. "Lay down Haruto" she whispered to the tired looking boy, no matter how well he tried to hide it the bags under his eyes were unmasking him. Haruto gave a weak nod and laid down on his side and looked blankly at his cupboard, his blanky in his hand and lotus resting against his stomach under the blankets as he laid sideways. "Close your eyes.." she whispered to the boy, Haruto found his lip pouting and his eyes closed at her request. Daisy put a hand on Harutos side and rocked him softly, Haruto felt his body swaying in a steady motion. At first he found the swaying awkward but soon it felt soothing, he yawned and kept his eyes closed as he nuzzled into his pillow. Daisys touch soon put Haruto to sleep, she knew once his hand went limp on his blanky. Standing up she leaned down and kissed harutos forehead, Haruto nuzzled into the pillow more and settled. Daisy slowly left the room, she knew Haruto was avoiding sleep so he didn't wet the bed which is why she didn't ask questions on why he was still up so late. Daisy laid back down in bed with Eric, he woke to her getting back into bed. "Hm?.. is he okay?" He asked rolling to face her, daisy nodded "finally asleep" she told him, Eric pulled her close and went back to sleep with her. Haruto furrowed his eyebrows in his sleep, his bad dreams falling into his head. Haruto tensed up in his sleep before his bladder gave way, Haruto sobbed in his sleep and rubbed at his eyes. Haruto finally got through the dream and fell back to his peaceful state, not long after Haruto shivered from the cold he felt down the back and front of him. Haruto squirmed in his sleep before waking up, the dream feeling fresh in his mind. Haruto sat up and felt the coldness around himself and covered his eyes shaking his head, he felt gross and a little bit itchy from the sitting wetness. Haruto suddenly felt tears in his eyes, he pulled the blankets back as the cool air met with the wetness which made hin break into a sob covering his mouth while picking lotus up. Lotus the bear was soaked, he couldnt help but let the tears stream down his face. He had failed, he didn't keep his bed dry and he was ashamed by it. Haruto held onto lotus that now lingered of cold urine, he sniffled and felt around his bed stuck in the middle of the large puddle that couldn't sink into the mattress. Daisy had woken again, slowly she made her way back to Harutos room. This time he heard her coming, quickly Haruto laid down and squeezed his eyes shut tightly as the tears and sniffles still escaped no matter how hard he tried to hide them. Daisy entered quietly, she heard the child's efforts to suppress his cries. Daisy frowned and walked over to Harutos bed, his eyes shut tightly as the tears fell down onto his pillow. "Haruto.. what's wrong sweetie?" She asked putting a hand to the child's cheek wiping his tears, Haruto shook his head and finally sobbed aloud. Daisy gently ran her fingers through Harutos hair, he opened his eyes and stopped himself from crying once again. "Tell me what's wrong hun, I can help you." She said leaning over him knowing not to touch the bed, Haruto shook his head and shifted uncomfortably. "Can I guess then?" She asked caressing his teared cheek, Haruto frowned and nodded. "You had a bad dream?" She asked, Haruto nodded and held lotus under the blankets as everything felt cool and damp. " Haruto baby.. did you have an accident?" She asked calmly, Haruto sobbed at the words and shivered unable to keep himself warm. "Did Haruto do this when he was asleep?" She asked, the questions were overwhelming, he sat up and pulled lotus out as he couldnt contain his emotions any more. Daisy grabbed the teddy and could feel lotus was soaked, she frowned as the boy cried into his fisted hands. "Its okay darling, we can wash her tonight." She told him, Haruto felt around for his blanky and laid back down sobbing. Daisy shook her head "no Haruto, you're not gonna sleep in it. Lets get you up and changed, you'll feel better." She told the child, Haruto opened his eyes and sat back up as Daisy coached the blankets of the sobbing child. Haruto kept his arms folded over his body, sitting up he brought his knees to chest seeing the wetness around him. Daisy looked at the patch and gave the boy a look of sympathy, she decided to talk about it after he was cleaned up. She gestured for Haruto to get up, with hesitation Haruto crawled out of bed and stood beside daisy sheepishly. Gripping his arms around his body tighter, he leaned onto the bed grabbing his blanky that thankfully remained dry. Daisy gathered the sheets into a pile, giving Haruto a smile now the bed was stripped clean. "You get changed now.." she spoke calmly, Haruto rubbed his side and nodded going over to his cupboard pulling out a sweater, sweat pants and boxers. He bundled them up in his blanky and walked very quietly to the bathroom, once in he closed the door. He looked down at himself and cringed at the cool wetness in between his thighs, because he laid on his side it had traveled up his side onto his shirt as well. Haruto took the wet clothes off and shivered before quickly redressing himself, he would just shower in the morning. Haruto tucked his blanky under his arm and bent down picking his wet stuff up, he opened the bathroom door and headed down to the laundry where he heard it was already on. Opening the machine he chucked in his wet pajamas, he watched his sheets stir around in the water as it engulfed his wet pajamas. Haruto shut the machine lid and walked back to his room, to his suprice his bed was already made ready for him again. He realised how much better it was than going back to sleep in wet clothes, he went in and got back under the covers. Daisy came back in shortly after, she covered him up and sat on the bed beside him. Haruto felt better in the clean warm sheets, though he was worried what Daisy had to say to him. He laid down and cuddled his blanky, daisy ran her fingers through Harutos hair "I think it's best if you don't refuse the bathroom before bed Haruto, awake or asleep it seems that not using the bathroom before bed leaves you in a cold puddle." She whispered to the pouting boy, Haruto nodded as his face felt hot in embarrassment. Daisy went to stand up but Haruto let out a small whine with a distressed look, she looked down as Haruto quickly grabbed onto her wrist. She sat back down and watched the boy eye her making sure she was going to stay "I'll stay darling, close your eyes." Daisy told Haruto in her calming voice, Haruto settled back down in his bed and closed his eyes. His legs still felt itchy from the dried urine, he felt Daisys fingers in his palm rubbing around in soothing circles. Haruto snuggled into his pillow, Daisys touch making his hand twinge every so often. She stopped making Haruto open his eyes, she could see it wasn't enough to put Haruto to sleep. She put her hand on his back and patted it softly, Haruto kept his eyes open blankly. He hadn't been patted to sleep in a long time, the last time being before his brother went to hospital and Haruto had woken up in a fit of cries. Haruto closed his eyes and imagined his brother, the steady motion comforting him. Harutos mind started to flood with memories of his brother protecting him, Haruto squeezed his eyes shut making the tears leak out his eyes. He sniffled and tried to put himself to sleep as Daisy stayed by his side, she hadnt stopped petting the middle of his back. Haruto was slipping in his tired state, he gripped his blanky and rubbed his eyes. Daisy heard Haruto break into a small cry, she rubbed his back trying to calm him. "You okay sweetie?" She asked in a whisper, she understood he had a lot of big emotions to deal with and learn to cope with. Haruto opened his eyes and looked at daisy with his red teary eyes, he didn't want to be alone. Haruto sat up and started to cry into his blanky, Daisy frowned "come here Haruto.." She said opening her arms up to the boy, Haruto looked up at her and nodded crawling out from under the covers. Daisy just expected a small hug from the upset boy but was surprised to find him crawling into her lap, Haruto sniffled as her arms craddled him close to her chest. Haruto closed his eyes feeling much more at peace in a safe place, he furrowed his eyebrows and sat up wrapping his arms around her neck resting his head under her chin. "mmm.." He mumbled out trying to say something, daisy hugged her arms around him and rocked. "Yes darling?" She asked rubbing his back "momma.." He whispered closing his eyes shut tightly, Haruto didn't know what came over him as his mind felt blurry but safe in her arms. Daisy wasn't expecting it but she was very pleased to hear the boy refer to her as his mother "What is it Haruto?" She asked calmly, Haruto nuzzled his head into her chest and lowered his hands to hug himself and blanky. Haruto said no more, he was done talking for the night. Daisy looked down at Haruto seeing as he tried to go back to sleep, she could tell his headspace slipped a little as he seemed to only cuddle in her lap when he felt such a way. Haruto finally felt his thoughts calm again, with his head in a peaceful state he drifted into a sleep. Daisy rubbed his back until she knew he was properly alseep, standing up she lowered him back into bed in one swift motion. She tucked in the sleeping boy and kissed his forehead, finally she was able to go back to bed. In all honesty she didn't mind staying up for him, seeing as he was extra clingy during the night. Daisy laid back down and went to sleep, resting easy knowing Haruto trusted her enough to see her as a mother figure for him. Haruto woke up early the next morning, his eyes still closed as he felt around for Lotus. His eyes shot open as he remembered last night, sitting up he felt a surge through his bladder but it wasn't important right now. Flicking his blanket off he grabbed his blanky and headed to Daisy, he stopped at the shared room of the Eric and Daisy. Taking a breath he went in and stood at the side of the bed where Daisy slept, he frowned not wanting to wake her. Looking over he saw Eric was asleep as well, they looked comfortable. Haruto very slowly got in next to Daisy, as soon as he laid down Daisy put the blanket over him. "Morning sweetie" she whispered, Haruto froze up a little not knowing she woke so easily. Haruto felt warm next to Daisy, as he snuggled close daisy wrapped her arms around him. Haruto closed his eyes and pouted "What's up Haruto? You look sad" she spoke softly, her fingers running through his hair making him open his eyes. Haruto mumbled and pointed to the door, Daisy didn't know what he wanted still. "Use your words Haruto.." She encouraged, tucking his hair behind his ear. Haruto mumbled a little more before finally he told her "lotus.." he whispered pouting, Daisy caressed his cheek. "Baby she's in the wash remember? I have to dry her out today." She explained, Haruto frowned and gave a slight nod. Eric woke to Daisys voice "Hm, did you check on the boy? It's cold this morning, he'll get sick sitting in a wet bed." Eric spoke facing away from Daisy, Haruto looked at Daisy and frowned feeling teary eyed knowing they talked about it when he's not around. "Its okay sweetie." She spoke softly as he sniffled and cuddled into her, Eric rolled over to her talking to someone else. He cussed under his breath, Haruto was just so quiet sometimes he hadn't even known the boy was in bed with them. Eric sat up "sorry kiddo, I didn't see you hiding or hear you come in." Haruto wanted to hide, instead he snuggled into Daisy more. "Ill make breakfast" Eric said getting out of bed, Daisy nodded "can you put Lotus out in the sun please?" Daisy asked softly, Eric got up and gave a confused look "what's lotus and it's cloudy today." He said looking out the window, Haruto mumbled to Daisy. " Lotus is Harutos bear, it's in the wash. Can you put it in the dryer then? It'll dry quicker at least." She spoke to him, Eric nodded and went out the room not asking why Lotus was in the wash. Once in the laundry room he understood, transferring lotus and harutos sheet to the dryer knowing the boy must of wet the bed last night. Daisy moved over so they had more room on the bed, Haruto snuggled into the pillow and hugged his blanky. He wanted to rest longer, closing his eyes he was reminded of his pressing urge in his bladder. Rubbing his legs together under the blankets he tried to ignore it, Haruto shuffled closer into Daisy and frowned. Daisy wrapped her arms around Haruto and hushed him softly seeing his frown. Haruto stopped moving his legs and let his ankles rub together discreetly, he didn't want her to know he needed to go because he was worried if he got up Daisy would too and then they couldn't stay in bed. Haruto kept his eyes closed, it felt like it was getting darker outside as the room was dim. Soon there was a grumble from outside, Haruto shot up and whimpered. He could hear the wind starting to whistle as the noise went off again, he felt teary eyed and quickly hugged into Daisy. She rubbed his back "don't like storms?" She asked calmly, Haruto shook his head and wiped his teary eyes. Daisy laid a kiss on his forehead "its okay, we can hide in bed. Eric can bring breakfast down to us hey?" She said with a slight smile, Haruto liked that idea and nodded while he pressed his thighs together. The noises slowly got closer, after one loud noise the rain followed. It got heavier until the noises of the clouds could no longer be heard, the rain was nice but it wasn't helping Harutos need. He let out a shaky breath and gripped his blanky tightly, a loud bang went off making Haruto gasp and hide close to Daisy. He felt himself leak, with shaky hands he felt his crotch feeling it was still dry. The lighting followed the loud noise, Haruto whimpered uncontrollably. "Its okay, you're safe inside" she reassured, Haruto grabbed at his crotch and couldn't stop himself from whimpering. The noise went off outside again, Haruto couldn't hold it as his nerves got to him. He whimpered and whined to himself, Daisy ran her hand through Harutos hair " what is it darling?" She asked knowing the boy was more than just scared, Haruto felt the warmth run past his fingertips "wee.." he whispered through a whine, he had to tell her because he was terrified. Daisy sat up "quick, let's go hun. Ill come with you, I know you're scared." She said getting ready to get out of bed, Haruto shot her a look of great concern making her stop. Haruto couldn't stop it from coming out, his body was done holding it as outside continued to light up. " Haruto.." She said putting a hand on his cheek, Haruto broke into a sob as he finished urinating. Daisy knew he must of not been able to hold it "did you wee in bed?" She asked rubbing his cheek, Haruto cried louder and nodded removing his hands and covering his face. She gave a soft sigh "why did you leave it so late Haruto?" She asked getting off the bed, Haruto sobbed into his hands and sat up shrugging his shoulders. He didn't want to say the wrong thing and get scolded for it, he knew he had to go and yet he still held off for too long. Daisy gently pulled the blankets off, Haruto grabbed his blanky and crawled off the bed. He watched as the tears fell down his face, he felt gross and wanted to be held as the storm continued outside. Daisy took the sheets off, luckily it didn't go through to the matress. Haruto looked down at himself and tugged softly at his pant leg, he gave out a shaky breath and looked up to see Daisy watching him. "I would of suggested a shower if it wasn't storming.. how about after?" She asked, Haruto gave a soft nodd and rubbed at his eyes feeling a familiar bubbling emotion arise in him.

Word count: 6368

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