Yellow Archangel

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Haruto looked out the car window, frowning softly at himself in the reflection. Why did I act like that?.. I should of been mature and got it over with instead of whining the whole time.. Haruto mentally scolded himself, he thought he would never act such a way around strangers but now his doctor knew just how weird he was. "What's on your mind sweetie?" Daisy asked, she could pick up on his mood that felt heavy in the atmosphere around them. Haruto heard her voice and snapped out of it, looking over and shrugging gently while he slipped the bag off his lap. "You did really good at the doctors hun, you handled it well considering you haven't been since you were little." She praised, almost like she knew what was on his mind. Haruto gave some weak nods, her words calming his darting intrusive thoughts. "School is starting up again soon, I know you were home-schooled and only had a small track team.. Eric and I are trying to get you back into home-schooling but it's proving a challenge. We've enrolled you in mainstream school, the moment a position opens up for home-schooling we will pull you out of the mainstream school." She explained, worried for his reaction. Haruto looked down at his lap, he'd been to mainstream school from 4 to 6 and then got transferred to home-schooling so his step father didn't have to drive him everyday. Haruto gave a soft nod, he was nervous but he didn't remember it being bad at all since he used to talk back then. Daisy smiled "good boy, I'm proud of you. We can pick out everything for you, make sure you're ready for classes." Daisy said relieved that haruto didn't look too worried about it. Haruto rubbed at his eyes, being called a good boy made his face feel hot. Daisy pulled into the shop carpark and parked her car before turning it off. "We're here sweetie, stay close to me okay?" She asked of him. Haruto uncovered his eyes and looked around, nodding before unclipping his seatbelt. Daisy got out the car, waiting for Haruto to do the same. The boy opened the car door and got out, putting his backpack on before closing the door. He went around to Daisy and went to hold her hand but stopped, he couldn't do it here because there was too many people and he didn't want them to think he was weird. "Let's go hun" she said, leading the way while Haruto stayed close by her side. Once through the front door Haruto grabbed onto Daisys shirt and hid his face, there was a lot of people shopping for back to school. "Its okay, hmm.. how about we have some dinner and sit down for a moment before shopping?" Daisy suggested, if they sat down then Haruto could have some time to settle into the environment. Haruto put a hand over his tummy and nodded, he was rather hungry and wanted to sit down for a bit. Daisy walked as Haruto discreetly held onto Daisys shirt, staying very close to her. Going to the food court Daisy looked around, it was still busy here too but Haruto was going to have to learn to adapt to these situations. "What would you like darling?" She asked, bending down a bit to whisper to harutos face. Haruto shyly looked around before pointing to the smoothie bar, Haruto really liked his fruit and he knew they did cookies as well. "Okay hun" Daisy agreed, walking over with the child. She stood back and looked at the menu. "What do you want sweetie?" She asked curiously, bending down so haruto could sign or whisper to her. Haruto signed 'cookie please' before pointing to them on the menu. Daisy didn't mind Haruto having a cookie since he'd done well at the doctors. "And what drink Haruto?" She asked. "Apple.." he whispered, they did a really good Apple juice and he craved it constantly. "Apple juice?" She asked, getting a small nod back. Daisy stood at the counter, ordering Haruto two cookies and the apple juice. Haruto watched her pay and waited quietly, he was excited to be getting his Apple juice and cookies. Daisy was handed the drink and cookies, walking over and sitting down at a table that didn't have too many people around. Haruto sat on the opposite side, giving a small smile as Daisy placed the cookies and drink in front of him. Haruto signed thank you, opening one of the cookies and munching down on it happily. Daisy watched with a smile though she was a little worried, the Apple juice looked rather big and pretty concentrated. Daisy knew she couldn't tell him not to have it, she had to trust Haruto would listen to his body. Haruto picked up the second cookie, handing it over to Daisy as an offering. Daisy smiled and took it, happy Haruto was in a good mood and settling well to the environment. "Thank you hun." She spoke softly, taking a bite and enjoying the flavour. Haruto ate half his cookie, putting it down and picking up the apple juice. Haruto held it in both hands and drank just under half before taking a breath. "Oh darl.. you must of been very thirsty." She said, looking at the amount he drank. It was true, he had gotten very thirsty at the doctors but didn't want to ask for a drink. He nodded and picked his cookie back up, taking a small bite. "Would you like to go to the bathroom before we shop?" She asked, it would be hard to go if they were in the middle of shopping with a shopping cart full of unpaid things. Haruto shook his head, he didn't take the time to even think about it since his automatic response was to say no. Daisy was slightly concerned but nodded back "Okay but if you need to go you can tell me hun." She reminded him. Haruto gave a nod and picked his drink back up, taking another big sip. Haruto could feel the liquid all sitting in the same place, it wasn't bothering him though. Once he finished his cookie and most of his drink he signed finished, standing up slowly ready to go. Haruto felt his bladder weigh down a little bit but shrugged it off, he could wait at this point. Daisy picked up the drink and raised an eyebrow. "You've drank quite a lot Haruto, you sure you dont want to go to the bathroom?" She questioned. Haruto shook his head, "nuh uh.." he whispered at her, his cheeks blushing again. Daisy took his word for it, standing up and going over to put it in the bin. "Alright, let's go." She said, leading the way once again. Haruto was excited, nodding and staying close to her side. Daisy and haruto made it to the first shop front, it was the busy one as it had everything everyone needed for school. Daisy grabbed a shopping cart, looking at Haruto who automatically grabbed onto the side of the cart. Daisy was proud of how well behaved haruto was being, she still worried he might be triggered into his younger headspace and overwhelm himself. Haruto held onto the side of the cart tightly, he didn't want to get lost at all. Haruto walked into the shop with Daisy, there was lots of kids and parents which made him a little nervous to be judged. Daisy took haruto over to start small, picking out a blue pencil case and some stationary to go with it.

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