Fallen Petal

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Haruto felt his face start to burn, he couldn't imagine how red it must of been in this moment. He'd forgotten he was evening wearing protection, having to press his legs together to tell if he'd needed it last night. This is what he got for having juice and a milk bottle so late last night, feeling it was wet and uncomfortable. Haruto shook his head no firmly, he didn't want to upset Daisy because he wet his drynite. Daisy watched as Haruto shook his head, his face blushing a soft pink. Daisy smiled, she believed him. "Okay, good job." She praised, not pushing it too much since if it was wet she understood it wouldn't of been on purpose. Daisy wasn't going to tell him when he had to take it off, it was up to Haruto when he wanted to wear it or take them off. Haruto nodded slightly back, his hand grasping tightly around his blanky. Haruto looked at the ceiling, he needed it off now. He glanced over to the side at her, frowning as her eyes were shut, sign language was no use to someone not looking. Haruto tapped Daisys Shoulder, pulling his hand away quickly. Daisy eyes opened at the tap to her shoulder, looking to the boy to see him signing 'bathroom'. Daisy nodded "Okay, you don't need to ask to go darling." Daisy told him, closing her eyes again. Haruto slowly lowered his hands, he just wanted her to know so she didn't question what he was doing getting up by himself. Haruto quickly crawled off the bed and hurried to the bathroom, closing the door and locking it behind him. The boy pulled down his pants and boxers, ripping the sides of the drynites since he was wanting it off quick. Haruto pulled his boxers and pants back up, walking over to the bin and whining to himself. He chucked it in and made sure it couldn't be seen. He washed his hands and left the bathroom, stopping in the hallway. Haruto wasn't sure if he wanted to go lay back down with them or lay in his room, it was ripping him in half. Haruto heard a noise in the kitchen, that made his mind up for him, running back to Daisy and Erics room. Harutos breath was heavy, getting up on the bed and latching onto Daisy with his eyes closed tightly. Daisy held back onto the child "Hey hey, what is it sweetie?" She asked, rubbing a hand over his back sitting them up. Harutos mouth opened, feeling like a stutter was brimming at the tip of his tounge. "K-kitchen.." he whispered, his hands and body starting to tremble. Daisy raised an eyebrow "mhm Eric's in the kitchen? Did something happen?" She asked Haruto. The boy froze and opened his eyes, looking behind him to see Eric wasn't in bed. He gave out a big breath, letting go of Daisy slowly. Daisy watched Haruto notice Eric wasn't in bed "did he scare you?" Daisy asked, rubbing a hand over Haruto hand. The boy looked down at his hand, giving a blush and nod. Daisy gave a soft smile. "Its okay, he got up to make some breakfast. Do you want to lay back down?" Daisy asked, patting the bed beside where she laid back down. Haruto gave a hesitant nod, slowly laying himself back down beside her. He found it hard to not be embarrassed after last night, he didn't mean to cause so much disruption. Daisy was glad he decided to lay down, resting her head in her hand while laying on her side. "Eric wants to take you outside today, spend some time with you." She mentioned, wanting him to be aware and ready. Haruto quickly looked over to her, his heart in his throat. Daisy could see worry in his eyes, feeling bad the boy still had some concerns over Eric. "Its okay, no pressure haruto. Eric thought you'd like to help plant some seeds, we have a big yard.. and you can come inside whenever you're ready to." She explained, trying to make Haruto feel comfortable. Haruto frowned and looked back up at the ceiling, his mind filling with tearful thoughts. He wondered what Eric thought of him after last night, being so needy and being carried by the man after he'd taken the time to get him a bottle of warm milk. Haruto gave a weak nod, he'd been dreading alone time with Eric. Daisy was proud of Haruto for agreeing, letting go of his hand finally. "You'll be okay, I'll be inside making lunch." Daisy told him, she could see them outside the window near the sink anyway. Haruto sat back up, looking at Daisy with worried eyes. "W-whens school?" He asked, the thought had been crossing his mind a lot ever since they got the school stuff. Daisy sat up, she knew it was important whenever Haruto was using his words. "Couple of days yet, is everything okay Haruto?" Daisy asked, giving him her full attention. Haruto looked down to his lap and shrugged, nothing was okay. Haruto had so much on his mind, he hadn't been to mainstream school in a very very long time. "I-" he cut himself off, signing 'Nervous' shortly after. He'd been to kindergarten, he had a great time. He didn't even get to go to grade 1 in a mainstream school, his stepfather forcing him to home-school. Sure haruto had some neighbourhood friends but that was it. The actual thought of a classroom was daunting, kindergarten didn't have set subjects and it was basically free play apart from the odd tracing book they did. Daisy watched harutos hands shake in front of him to sign he was nervous. "I know change is hard, you'll be okay.. I have spoken with your teachers, none of them use sign language.. they do have a support teacher that does though, they offered to sit in on your classes if you'd like?" She asked, hoping that would calm his nerves. Haruto kept his head down, giving it a stern shake no. Haruto decided if he didn't have a teacher supporting him then he wouldn't get asked to participate in conversations and that worked for him. Daisy nodded "Okay, If you need anything or want to participate.. just write it down and hold it up for the teacher to see." She suggested. Haruto nodded, he wouldn't do that though, keeping his head down and doing his work silently was what he did best. Eric knocked on the door, coming in slowly to make sure he wasn't interrupting. "Breakfast is ready." He said, leaving shortly after Daisy nodded. Haruto frowned again as Eric left, so much was on his mind which left him bound to slip. Daisy got out of bed and looked at Haruto who was pouting towards the door, she held her hand out to him. "You bringing lotus and blanket?" She asked, seeing it made him more comfortable during meal times. Haruto nodded and grabbed them, taking her hand and carefully stepping off the bed. Daisy took him out to the kitchen, not letting go of his hand. Haruto sat down, having to let go finally. Haruto respectfully put his comfort items in his lap under the table, never leaving them on the table in the way. He looked at the plate put down in front of him, giving a soft sigh of relief. Scrambled eggs, simple and something he knew well. It was the only way haruto could make eggs, any time he tired to make eggs he'd accidentally flip them early leaving them scrambled. Haruto signed 'thank you' picking up his fork and eating quietly, he liked when he could keep his head down like when he got to eat. Eric chucked a packet beside Haruto, making him flinch and close one of his eyes. Haruto saw he overreacted, it only being a small satchel of seeds.

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