Petunias apologies

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Haruto didn't react to the goodnight, already falling asleep slowly. Daisy and Eric starting to drift rather quickly, still finding looking after a child exhausting. It was around 10 minutes when Haruto felt it, his bottle catching up to his bladder. Haruto looked left and then right, both Eric and Daisy resting calmly. Haruto laid on his back, grabbing his crotch and pressing his knees together. He had to go pretty bad, not noticing any warning signs. Haruto began to wiggle, Daisy had told him to stay in bed and not run around. Eric felt the wiggling, groaning and opening his eyes. Daisy followed, hearing Eric's groan at the movement. "What is it Haruto?" Eric asked, no getting comfortable took that much movement. His eyes were barely open, squinting tiredly at the child. Haruto fussed and felt his face blush, still holding onto his crotch. "Potty.." he whined out, he was meant to go before bed anyway. Daisy sighed, if he got up he might be hard to put back Down again. "Sweetheart.. you can use your pull up, it's okay." Daisy whispered, closing her eyes again. Haruto groaned, his bladder wanting to go as she gave the all clear. Haruto couldn't, he hadn't put his pull up on tonight like he was supposed to. Haruto squirmed his hips around looking to Eric and fussing at him. "Daisy said its okay kiddo, that's what they are for." He explained, closing his eyes too. Haruto couldn't hold his crotch any tighter, his legs trembling from how hard he was pushing them together. "Potty.." he whined quietly, stomping his feet against the bed. "You're not being silly like last night are you haruto?" He asked, the child had pretended to need to go only to run off. Haruto got teary eyed, he wasn't being silly at all. Haruto couldn't answer the question, feeling tongue tied. "Well?" Eric asked, the empty response left him thinking Haruto had realised that Daisy and him weren't blind to his cheeky behaviour. Haruto quickly looked down at the blanket over him, feeling his body give in. "Wee.." he whined softly, tears falling down his cheeks. Eric sighed, slowly getting up since he could see haruto really didn't want to wet his pull up which he was rather proud of. Daisy felt Eric get up, opening her eyes. Haruto couldn't stop it, the urine soaking into his pyjama  pants and the bed. Eric held his hand out "Let's go bud" he spoke firmly, not wanting haruto to mess around right now as it was getting extremely late. Haruto knew the tone of voice, Eric wasn't here to play games right now. Haruto thought maybe if he went quick enough, he could still technically make it. Haruto slowly let go of his crotch, crawling around the bed and getting off to stand next to Eric. Eric didn't notice it at first, the room being dark apart from the hall light gently slipping in. Haruto grabbed his crotch tightly again, legs crossing over. Harutos tears falling fast down his face. Eric tried to grab harutos hand to Move him, not budging where he stood. That's when Eric heard it, looking down to see quite the mess the small boy had made and was still making. The urine was puddling quick at his feet, finally stopping with a small trickle and drip. Haruto took a deep breath, trying to not burst out in a cry. "Daisy." Eric said, looking down at the puddle. "Mhm?" She asked, sitting up to see what had Eric in such a tone of voice. "Haruto has wet his pants and the floor." He informed her. Haruto couldn't hold back, holding his crotch with both hands and bursting into a cry followed by more tears. Daisy sat up quickly, looking over to see it was true. "Haruto, did you wet through your pull up?" She asked, seeing as the boy had wet through his drynite today. Haruto cried louder, looking down to see the mess he made while shaking his head. "You're not in trouble. Are you in big boy boxers?" Eric asked, bending down in front of haruto. He was no big boy, he'd just wet their bed and the floor. Haruto sobbed uncontrollably but nodded, he did have his big boy boxers on even though he was just a small tired boy. "I see.." Eric said, glancing over to Daisy. They knew now Haruto hadn't put his pull up on, instead going with his boxers that offered no protection when it came to wetting the bed or himself. Daisy leaned over and felt the bed where Haruto had laid, it was wet too. "Sweetie.." she said, this could of all been avoided if he'd worn his pull ups. Daisy understood it had to be something they checked from now on, not wanting more wet sheets and a very upset haruto. Eric held his hand out, waiting for Haruto to come along. Haruto was still crying, hands damp from touching at his wet pants. His breath shuddered through his cries, looking up at Eric waiting for him. Haruto finally caved, holding onto Eric's hand and crying more quietly to himself. Eric slowly pulled haruto along, making sure his actions were soft so he didn't make the child feel like he was in an awful amount of trouble. Eric brought Haruto to stand right in front of the cupboard, opening it up to have a look on. Haruto shyly looking down with tearful eyes, scrunching the front of his wet pyjama pants. Eric started to look through for some clean warm pyjama pants. "You're okay Haruto." Eric reminded him, seeing how deviated haruto looked with himself. Haruto didn't know how he felt, he was humiliated for wetting Eric and Daisy's bed again and for not using his words. Eric grabbed out boxers, pyjama pants and the dreaded pull up. "We've got to clean you up now, that's all." Eric explained, not wanting haruto to change straight into clean clothes without cleaning himself up. Haruto sniffled, even his fuzzy socks were soaked making him break into a slightly louder cry. Eric noticed how Haruto looked at his socks and cried more, going in the cupboard and grabbing out more to change into. "Let's go, bathroom kiddo." Eric said, leading the way. Haruto followed with his head lowered, the worst walk of shame he had felt in awhile. Eric went in, closing the door behind them. "Mh wet.." haruto mumbled very quietly, just loud enough to catch Eric's ear. "Its okay bud, we can fix it." Eric spoke softly. Haruto took a big breath and nodded, though keeping his eyes down. He liked the name bud, a Small lateral or terminal protuberance on the stem of a vascular plant that may develop into a flower, leaf, or shoot. Eric came over to haruto, leading him to stand next to the sink. Haruto glanced up as the tap came on, frowning softly into the mirror above. "You want help or are you going to do it?" Eric asked, not wanting to overstep. Haruto looked down at his pants and socks, a bigger frown forming. "Me.." he whispered, glancing up into Eric's eyes. Eric nodded, letting the sink run warm. "Okay, you rinse your legs off with the warm water and cloth. Then you change into the clothes I've got for you." Eric told the child, leaving the clothes on the toilet seat. Haruto nodded, he could that. Eric left the bathroom, standing just outside the door. Haruto stripped of his wet pyjama bottoms and socks, doing just as he was told. He washed over his legs, he noticed how it did feel better to do and how not having clammy skin would end up with no big rash. Lucky the rash had been fading with the powder, saved him from being in pain mostly this time. Haruto fanned his legs before grabbing at the things left for him, picking up the pull up first. He felt miserable, he didn't need a pull up like this. He put it on and cringed, he hated it and much preferred his drynites. He slipped his boxers over top and stomped his foot, giving a sulking noise at the fact he couldn't just have his boxers and not some stupid pull up. "You alright haruto?" Eric questioned, hearing the frustration. Haruto didn't answer, slipping up his pyjama pants and next the socks. Now dressed his felt at the pull up, yet again fussing at it. It didn't take long for his frustration to manifest, tugging down his pants and boxers to rip off the pull up. "Its stupid! So stupid!" Haruto shouted, pulling his boxers back up and pyjama pants as he chucked the pull up in the bathroom bin. "Haruto. Open the door" eric said, going to open the door, hearing Haruto lock it on the other side. "No!" He yelled, letting out a tired and frustrated cry while rubbing at his eyes. Eric was getting worried. "Kiddo. You need to open this door right now." He spoke firmly, shaking the door handle. "Leave me alone! I hate you I hate you!" He shouted loudly, backing up and sitting down while sitting crawling backwards. Eric was shocked, going to go get Daisy for help. Daisy had already heard the yelling, coming down the hall quickly. "What's happening?" She asked, sounding a bit frantic.  "He wanted to do it himself, next thing I could hear him getting frustrated and that was it." He whispered to her. Haruto covered his face and sobbed to himself, no way was he coming out now with both at the door. "Haruto sweetie.. can I come in please?" She asked, giving a soft knock. "No! I'm stupid! Stupid!" He screamed, taking his fisted hand to get side of his head and hitting it into himself. "Stupid stupid stupid" haruto continually muttered to himself, hand crashing to the side of his face each time. "Haruto no no. You're not stupid. Please come out so we can talk." Daisy said, keeping her calm tone even though she was very nervous for him. Haruto hugged his legs and cried into his knees, overtired and ready for a sleep after being so fussy. "Darling boy.." she whispered. This wasn't working, daisy whispered to Eric. He left and came back with blanky and lotus, again leaving to give them space. "It's just you and me Haruto.. and a very sad lotus bear.." Daisy spoke over his cries. Haruto squeezed his eyes shut, God would he do anything to hug his bear and blanky right now. Sniffling he looked up, hands feeling very empty without them. "Mh want her.." he mumbled through his cries, standing up and rubbing his eyes. "I know sweetie.. you can come out and get her.." she calmly told him, waiting at the door Haruto couldn't resist, coming to the door and unlocking it. He slipped only his arm out, giving grabby hands for his items. "You've got to come out darling, we can go somewhere quiet" She explained. Haruto fussed, stomping his foot and opening the door. Daisy could see this fit was brought on by being up so late, in desperate need to have a lay down like a cranky two year old who missed their midday nap. "Awh darling, here.. let's go to your room." Daisy whispered, handing lotus and blanky over. Haruto took them, crying into them and holding his arm up to Daisy. Daisy understood, bending down and picking him up. "You're okay.. very tired, aren't you?" She asked. Haruto sobbed into his blanky and nodded, leaning his head on her shoulder. Daisy carried him to his room, noticing the missing pull up from the way she carried him. She really didn't want to risk another tantrum, taking Haruto into the room and over to bed. Haruto sniffled, laying down on his bed. Eric had brought in the bed blanket while daisy tried to settle him through the door. Haruto laid on his tummy, lotus and blanky tightly in his arms."you've had a very big night and day.. very tired.." Daisy whispered, sitting on the bed side and running her hand through his hair. Haruto nodded, eyes closing shut to get rid of the tears threatening to overflow.  Daisy hushed softly, fingers gliding through his hair. "No ones mad and you're not stupid Haruto.." she reminded, it was sad to hear those things come from Harutos mouth. Eric was cleaning the bed now, still hurt over Haruto's words. He thought they had a great day, now to be told that Haruto hated him was a pain in the chest. Haruto yawned, followed by a sniffle. He did feel stupid, he couldn't keep his bladder in control and that was frustrating for a boy his age. "We can talk about it in the morning.. right now you need sleep." Daisy whispered, pulling the blanket over haruto. The child closed his eyes, sleep sounded good. "You've got your big boy boxers on right now. If you wake up, you need to try and go potty. Come get Eric or me if you want someone to go with you. If you wake up and your bed is wet that's okay, come get help sweetie." Daisy explained. Haruto opened his eyes, sitting up and fussing. Haruto didn't want to do those things, going to the bathroom in the middle of the night? No thanks.. asking for help with wet sheets? As if.. "mh" He mumbled, pointing to his pants. "Hm? What is it darling?" She questioned, standing up to let haruto explain. The boy crawled out of bed, going to his cupboard and pulling out his drynites, holding one up to Daisy. He didn't mind his drynites to much, he liked that they were discrete and felt more like his boxers than the pull up. Daisy gave a small smile, a drynite was better than nothing. "Okay, let's get it on." Daisy said, taking it and bending down. Haruto stood holding lotus, yawning and grabbing onto Daisy's shoulder for support. Daisy took off the boxers and pyjama pants, slipping up the drynite. Haruto felt better, the reminder that he didn't need to worry. Daisy pulling the boxers up over it, grabbing the pants to also slip up. Haruto whined, stepping away and shaking his head lots. "Oh? No pants?" She asked. Haruto fussed and walked off, crashing onto the bed. Daisy folded the pants up and put them on the end of the bed. Haruto curled up, he liked only having two layers on since three was thick and sometimes annoying. Daisy pulled the blanket up and over haruto, kissing his cheek. "Goodnight darling.." she whispered. Haruto nodded, eyes too heavy to keep open or to care that Daisy was leaving him all alone. He felt protected, snuggling up and falling asleep. Daisy made her way back, the mattress was flipped and the bed remade. "He's down.." Daisy told Eric, laying down finally. Eric felt a frown tug at his lips. "He hates me, doesn't he?" He asked, laying down near Daisy. "No, he had a good day." She told him. Eric shrugged "mhm okay." He answered back, closing his tired eyes to rest. Daisy followed, laying close to Eric with a soft breath. Haruto woke very early the next morning, rubbing his eyes and fussing. He wasn't ready to wake up yet. He stayed curled up on his side, hugging his comfort items. The room was dim, outside was the sound of soft rain falling against his window. Haruto yawned, it was perfect sleeping weather. Daisy woke up first, getting out of bed to check the boy. She peeked in, he looked to still be trying to get some more sleep in. She slowly walked off, today looked like a lazy day for them all. Haruto rolled over, hand slipping between his thighs. Yes! He had made it the night with no accidents in his sleep. He sighed softly, It felt good to wake and be dry like other kids his age. He wanted to stay in his cozy bed forever, nothing stopping him from getting up. Uh oh...
Haruto furrowed his eyebrows and gave a bit of a squirm, pressing his hand up firmer between his thighs. Guess waking up to a dry bed means waking up to a full bladder..  he thought to himself. He considered his options, getting up or holding it. Haruto sighed and rolled over, feeling his drynite. He wasn't going to wet it on purpose, he actually wanted Eric and Daisy know that he made it through the night dry. That was a good idea, sitting up he flicked the blankets off and quickly hurried off to tell them. Haruto was standing in the doorway of the bedroom, squirming and standing awkwardly on his feet. Daisy heard him in the doorway. "Come in sweetie" she told him, her eyes still shut. Haruto ran in, cuddling lotus and his blanky. He got up on the bed, laying between them. "What's up sweetheart?" Daisy asked, wondering what haruto was up to. The boy laid down and mumbled incoherently to Daisy, fidgeting with his boxers. "Is something wrong with your big boy boxers?" Daisy asked. Haruto shook his head, shyly sitting up beside her. "Is Haruto wet?" Daisy spoke softly. Haruto felt the front, looking to her as if he was waiting for her to check. Daisy sighed softly, feeling Harutos drynite at the back. To her surprise he wasn't wet. "Oh good boy, you're all dry." She praised. Haruto wiggled excitedly, nodding and sticking his fingers in his mouth. "Do you need to go?" She asked, unsure if the child had relieved his bladder since last night. Haruto shifted at the question, he wanted to say yes. Haruto thought that wouldn't make him a big boy though, only babies needed the potty all the time. "Ah nuh!" He told her, rubbing his eyes. Daisy noticed it had been hard to get big Haruto out, little Haruto always had something they wanted to contribute. "What would you like today baby?" She asked. Haruto thought about it. "Big boy.." he whispered, furrowing his brows. "Oh? Are you a big boy?" Daisy asked. Haruto shyly nodded, keeping his eyes down. "I see, how about this big boy gets his drynite off and comes and has breakfast." She told him. Haruto pushed his shirt over his boxers with a fuss, he wasn't ready to give up his drynite just yet.. "Oh? You want your drynite?" She asked confused. Haruto shyly nodded, wiggling around where he sat. "Hmm.. I think you need to go potty" Daisy whispered. Haruto frowned and covered his face with blanky. "Its okay, you go potty." She told him, gesturing to the bathroom. Haruto fussed, pushing his shirt down more. "You can't hold it all day darling boy." She explained. Haruto hated that, it was so inconvenient. "Let's go, quick" She told him, getting up and holding her hand out. Haruto stood on the bed, giving grabby hands while squirming around a fair bit. "Okay" She spoke calmly, grabbing the boy and holding him in her arms. Haruto continued to squirm. "Ah gotta go.." he whispered with a pout. "I know hun, we are going." Daisy reminded him. Haruto held onto Daisy tightly, finally being put in front of the bathroom. Haruto held his crotch before kneeling down on his heel. "Go quick" Daisy told him, trying to help him back up. "Eh.." he whined, finally getting up and darting in. Daisy smiled, closing the door to give him privacy. Haruto stood in front of the toilet, unable to pull down his boxers or drynite. He stood having an accident right in front of the toilet, he couldn't stop it no matter how hard he tried. He felt his drynite soak it up, whimpering in defeat. As he finished his accident, he rubbed his eyes and took a deep breath. He finally wanted his drynite off, pulling down his boxers he took the wet drynite off and binned it before pulling up his boxers again. Haruto sighed, flushing the toilet and crossing his arms over. He didn't want to go back out without pants, why did little him have to run around with no pants? He slowly came over to the door, peeking his head through. "Pants.." he whispered, not letting Daisy see him. "Oh, okay sweetie." She said, hearing a change in his voice and body language. Daisy grabbed his pants off the end of his bed, coming back to the bathroom. "You feeling okay?" She asked. Haruto took the pants through the door, putting them on without replying. He opened the door and looked up at her, shyly signing 'finished' to let her know. "Okay, want to go back to bed or breakfast?" She asked. That was a tough question, keeping his eyes down and fidgeting with the bottom of his shirt. "You should have something to eat" she told him, walking down the hall. Haruto nodded, following at a safe distance. "You feeling big again?" She asked, she felt like it had been a long while. "Mhm.." he mumbled, sitting down at the table ready to eat. He was embarrassed, covering his blushed face and letting out a shaky breath. Daisy looked over "nothing to be ashamed about, you're a good boy Haruto" Daisy told him, grabbing out a bowl to get him some cereal. Haruto shrugged, slowly lowering his hands away. He looked down at the bowl in front of him, sighing and picking his spoon up to eat. He munched quietly, remembering to sign a small thank you. Daisy smiled, staying in the kitchen. Haruto leaned down as he took a mouthful, sitting up properly chewing. "You left these in our room Haruto" Eric told him, holding up lotus and blanky. Haruto stayed looking away, ignoring his comfort items with blushed cheeks. "Ah Eric, can you put them in his room for him please?" Daisy asked, coming over and sitting down. Eric looked to haruto, the boy obviously wasn't little anymore. "Right.. sorry" He said, walking off with them. Daisy sat and watched him eat, she needed to have the talk with him. "You didn't go to bed in your pull ups?" She questioned. Haruto stopped chewing, swallowing the mouthful and shrugging shyly. "You're not in trouble, they are to stop the bed getting wet or leaking through your drynites.. nothing bad" She explained. Haruto bit his tongue, not wanting to talk about how embarrassing it was to need a thicker padding for protection. He kept his head low, watching his cereal slowly go soggy in the milk. "If you don't like them, put them on the moment you go to bed, you don't need to have them on until you're going to go to bed." Daisy told him, knowing he might of been shy about the actual pull ups and the padding they had. His face was going a deep red, rubbing his eyes and slightly nodding. He really didnt like them though, his drynites held up just fine. "That's all.." she told him, hating to further embarras the boy. Haruto looked down still, shrugging and picking his spoon back up. "What would you like to do today darling? Last day before school starts up." She pointed out. Haruto felt his heart jump in his chest, daisy had said it was a couple of days. Haruto sank low and shrugged, pushing the bowl of cereal out the way. "Its raining so I was thinking we stay home and have a lazy day." Daisy explained. Haruto listened closely to the rain, nodding and giving a small cough. Daisy stood up, taking the bowl and replacing it with a plastic cup of water. "Have a drink darling" she said, hearing a slight wheeze in his cough. He took the water and sipped it, not bringing up the fact that he almost had an asthmatic fit yesterday. The water soothed his throat, putting the empty cup back down and stretching. "Okay, you go play or relax. You've got a big day tomorrow." Daisy explained, taking the cup and walking back to the kitchen. She had given him a decent amount of water on purpose, wanting to see how he'd go with his toileting today. She was stressed for tomorrow, he was too shy to go at home at times so she knew he'd be very timid to go at school. Haruto yawned and headed off to his room, stopping to Eric was still in the room. Eric looked behind him "Oh sorry, I was tidying up your desk.. for your school work." He explained. Haruto mentally rolled his eyes, he didn't need to be reminded of school right now. Haruto came in, walking by him. Crawling into bed, he hid lotus and blanky under the sheets so he could discreetly hide them. "Oh? Going to bed bud?" He asked, getting no response as Haruto faced the wall. Eric went into the cupboard, pulling out a pull up and coming over to the bed. "Here kiddo" he spoke calmly. Haruto glanced behind him, cheeks going red and a look of anger coming onto his face. He slammed his head back into his pillow, ignoring Eric. "Bud. Yesterday you wet through." Eric mentioned. Haruto couldn't believe him, having the audacity to bring up something that had embarrassed him badly yesterday. "Stop it!" Haruto blurted out, squeezing his eyes shut. "Bud. You need something on at least. Save the sheets from another wash, you might accidentally get lotus or your blanket wet." Eric pointed out. This was the finally straw for haruto, the twig had snapped. Haruto sat up, slapping it out of Eric's hand. "I-I said stop!" He shouted, his breathing picking up. "Hey. Enough boy. We are trying to help." Eric spoke back firmly. "Stop it stop it stop it!" Haruto yelled, covering his ears and squeezing his eyes shut. Eric had enough of Haruto snapping at him, picking up the pull up and throwing it on the bed. He walked out, closing the door on the child. Daisy came running at all the noise. "Its fine. He's yelling over the pull up." Eric pointed out. Daisy sighed "hes really embarrassed over them, I haven't been pushing him with them." Daisy mentioned. Eric didn't know this. "Still, he didn't need to scream." Eric said, walking off to get some fresh air. Daisy sighed again, though Eric was right about that. She didn't know why they were butting heads, yesterday went great. It didn't occur to her that Haruto was in a bit of a mood at the moment, school was a big deal to him and the anxiousness had bubbled and came out as anger. It just happened that Eric had hit a lot of his nerves this morning, them being easily triggered by all the stress. Haruto sniffled and laid on his side, uncovering his ears and cuddling lotus. He didn't want to make a fool of himself at school, he just wanted to fit in. Haruto yawned, closing his eyes again and slowly drifting into a sleep. The soothing sound of the rain on the roof and the smell of lotus calming his stress in his sleep. Daisy peeked in, the boy must of been tired she thought to herself. She left the door open a tiny bit, walking off to clean up from breakfast. Haruto furrowed his eyebrows in his sleep, tossing around a bit. He was dreaming, the stress bringing it on. The dream started off normal, going to school on a bus. When he got on the bus, he noticed he was only in his boxers, he didnt know where his clothes went. Other teenagers were laughing at him, pointing with abnormally large grins that took up most their faces. Haruto cried in his dream, trying to cover himself up. Haruto gasped awake, sitting up in a cold sweat. He had only a 45 minute nap, the dream had felt much longer than that though. Haruto felt tears in his eyes, patting around and freezing up. 'Oh no..' pulling the blanket up to peek under, the smell of urine hit his nose making him quickly pull the blanket back down. His eyes went ever more glossy with tears, scrunching his nose up with frustration as he glared the pull up on the end of his bed. He hated to admit it, Eric had been right about needing the pull up for his nap. Haruto looked away, something catching his eyes on his cleaned up desk. One item seemed to remain, slowly getting out of bed to have a look. A couple of Petunias flowers laid perfectly together still covered in droplets from the rain. Harutos expression softened, tears running down his face. Anger and resentment are common themes for the flower. It is commonly given to someone with whom you have recently had an argument. Haruto started to sob, rubbing his eyes. He didn't know why Eric was saying sorry, he was the one to yell and be excessively angry. Haruto bunched the flowers in his hand, crying as he left his room. Haruto darted around, finally going out to find Eric out in the Garden making sure no plants were getting too much water from the rain. Haruto ran out into the pouring rain, coming up to Eric and latching on. Haruto sobbed loudly, hugging into Eric's side with the flowers tightly in his hand. "Woah woah.. bud what is it?" Eric asked, bending down to comfort the crying boy. Haruto hugged into Eric tightly "s-sorry" he cried out, Eric deserved the flowers more than him. "Oh bud.. its okay, I know you've been upset.. Haruto, you can't be out in this rain, you're going to set your asthma off and youve got no shoes on." Eric pointed out. Haruto latched on tighter, arms around Eric's neck while hiding his face into Eric's shoulder. Eric sighed softly, picking haruto up and carrying him in. He noticed Haruto's bottom was very damp, more than it could of been with the rain. He understood Haruto must of wet his bed, adding to his emotional state. "Youre okay, let's get you inside and warmed up." He whispered, walking in the back door. "Oh goodness, What were doing in the rain??" Daisy asked, rubbing Harutos back as he sniffled. "He was looking for me." Eric told her, taking him back to his room. Haruto shivered, the wet clothes not helping him warm up now inside. Eric gently put Haruto down, taking the flowers to rest back on the table. Haruto sniffled and coughed, rubbing his eyes. "Let's warm you up. You need those wet clothes off." Eric pointed out. Haruto nodded, slowly leaning down and pulling off his soaking pants. Eric went into the cupboard, finding very warm clothes. A sweater and comfy sweat pants as well as boxers. He put them on the bed, turning around to give haruto his privacy. Haruto changed into his sweater, coming over to get his boxers and sweat pants. He stopped, sniffling lots and looking at the pull up. He knew what needed to be done, picking it up with his sweat pants and boxers. He came over, tugging at the back of Eric's shirt. Eric turned around, Haruto was holding up his sweat pants with the boxers and pull up. "Oh? What is it?" He asked confused. Haruto pulled at the waistband of his wet boxers, his way of asking for help. "I see, alright kiddo." Eric said, bending down and taking off the wet boxers. Eric stopped as he slipped the pull up on haruto "you okay?" He didn't want kenma to become overwhelmed again by the pull ups. Haruto held his hands in tight fist, nodding and keeping his eyes lowered to the ground. Eric pulled the boxers and sweatpants over the top. Haruto shifted, the pull up didn't feel too bad right now. Eric stood up. "Is that better?" He questioned. Haruto shyly looked away to the wall, nodding and rubbing his eyes. "Alright, good boy. Let's clean your bed up." Eric whispered, coming over to strip it. Haruto stood watching, frowning at the puddle. "would you like these?" Eric asked, holding up lotus and blanky. Haruto pouted, shaking his head and not taking them. He was scared to move, he didn't want to feel the pull up too much. Eric bundled up the sheets, holding his spare hand out for Haruto. The boy took is slowly, holding on and walking to where eric was taking him. Haruto was red in the face, pulling down the front of his sweater. He could feel the padding between his legs, this made Haruto very embarrassed and walk a little funny. Eric put the sheets in, talking haruto through it on how much cleaning products to add. Haruto nodded shyly, secretly touching at the pull up to feel its padding in areas. Eric finished up. "You alright pumpkin?" He asked. Haruto shyly looked up, nodding and standing funny to avoid feeling the padding between his legs. Haruto watched as Eric tugged his hand to walk out. Though haruto wasn't little, he really didn't want to walk around as he could feel the padding. Haruto shot his hands up, fussing and bouncing on the balls of his feet. Eric could say no, picking him up and holding the boy to his chest. "What is it buddy?" Eric asked, rubbing a hand over his back. The child gave a shaky sigh, feeling extra embarrassed with all the attention he'd been given even when big. "You wanna go to bed or the lounge room?" Eric asked, putting his hand to rest on the back of harutos still damp hair. Haruto mumbled and pointed to the lounge room, hoping Eric and maybe Daisy would watch something with him. Eric smiled, carrying Haruto out and putting him on the couch.

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