Flowering Vines

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While Haruto was playing quietly in his room Daisy was busy herself, he needed to be in school and she was looking for a school that would suit him. Since he didn't talk she had a look into homeschooling, it was the safest option to look after him and know he wasn't worried about having to speak up in class. Eric came home and kissed the top of Daisys head as she continued to look for the paperwork, she put her hand over his hand that rested on her shoulder. "Hey, I need to talk." She told him, Eric was a little concerned about what she had to say but sat down anyway. "I know when we signed up for this you said you were happy if you got a teen boy, I know he is but he isn't like other teens his age. He's fragile and still warming up to us, please take it easy on him." She spoke keeping her eyes to him, Eric sighed and nodded. He wanted Haruto to be comfortable and do stuff with him but he was saying the wrong things, he didn't mean to make Haruto anxious about the shoelaces this morning. "You're right, I'm sorry. I really do want him to warm up so we can do more like go out places and all that." He admitted to Daisy, she nodded and closed the laptop lid. "How did he go today?" He asked curious, she sighed ready to tell him all about it and what she had learnt about him. "It was a good morning at the shops, his mood changed a little over halfway through though. He wasn't exactly acting like his reserved self, he was excited to get some new things." She explained, Eric thought that was great. " Yeah? That's good, he was happy." He told her, she gave a weak smile "yes it was, but when he was like this he was acting a little childish. I found him bent down looking more at the toys for younger kids, there's nothing wrong with that though. I just wanted you to know that he might slip into a headspace like that again, I think he does it to cope with his trauma." She explained further, Eric was a little confused "so he just slips? Does anything trigger that?" He asked trying to understand, she shrugged " He only really did it when looking at the toys for younger kids, I think because he was comfortable and the toys made him feel safe to slip." She explained to Eric, he nodded " We settled on two toys that didn't look too young but it's still not exactly for his age, don't mention it though as he seems really happy with them." She told him, Eric understood "whatever makes him comfortable" he reassured, Daisy pulled his hand into hers. "Thank you, I want to give him the space to have the childhood he never got to have. Maybe if he has that he will open up, we want to get him to start talking and this just might be the thing to help him along." She told him with a small smile, Eric kissed the top of her hand and nodded. Daisy had to tell Eric more yet "Hey.. last night he wasn't able to hold it" she said quietly so there was no way Haruto would hear from His room, Eric frowned remembering he was trembling this morning "ah jeez.. that explains him being so timid this morning." He said giving her hand a squeeze, she nodded "i thought he would of been okay from when he fell asleep to morning but he must of woke still. I only found out because his room was smelling like urine, he had hid the sheets and wet clothes under his bed." She told Eric, he felt horrible the boy felt he had to hide it " that poor kid, he shouldn't hide it." He said, Daisy nodded in agreement "i think he was scared of being in trouble for it, he's almost 14 too so he must of been humiliated." She said softly, Eric nodded "look, at least he's awake when it happens. He knows he's doing it, it'll be easy to break that habit." He reassured Daisy, she smiled and agreed. Haruto had stopped playing with the dinosaurs and was reading on his bed, he liked the books he had picked out. His door was still slightly open, he found that they were accepting of his privacy and only came in when they knocked even with the door slightly open. Haruto turned the page, in his other hand his blanky being softly rubbed between his fingers for comfort. He heard a knock and shoved the blanky under the pillow and sat up on his bed, he saw it was Eric and frowned. His toys were still on the floor where he left them, he was sure Eric was going to say something about them being baby toys. To his surprise Eric picked them up and put them on the desk with no questions asked, Haruto put the book back up to read. Eric sat on the side of Harutos bed "have a good day? I see you got a new book" Eric said pointing to the cover, Haruto looked at the cover and nodded before going back to reading. Eric was finding it hard when Haruto was shutting him off, he sighed and stayed sitting on the bed. Haruto looked up at Eric, he wasn't feeling too uncomfortable with him around. Haruto opened his bedside table draw and pulled out the milk and honey book, he held it out to Eric to show him. Eric smiled and took the book flicking the pages "ooh this one is nice, good pick." He told Haruto, the boy felt warm inside hearing that from Eric. He gave a small nod and continued reading, Haruto put a hand over his lower abdomen feeling he was getting full in the bladder. He hoped Eric would leave him alone soon so he could go, Eric stayed and started to read some of the book. Haruto looked up nervously, his knees rubbing tigther together. Eric had noticed this and decided to give Haruto back his space, he put the book down on the bed and stood up. "You know me and Daisy are really greatful you have stayed and tried to fit in so quickly." He told Haruto, the boy nodded so he would leave. Eric left and closed the door, as soon as he was gone Haruto sat back up and squirmed around. He needed the bathroom right now, he hadn't noticed it since he was busy reading. Haruto stood up and hunched forward, his lower stomach throbbing in pain. He pushed himself out the room and saw Daisy in the hallway coming down, Haruto froze up and stayed near the bathroom door doubled over. She could see he was in pain, coming over she went to say something. Haruto let a whine escape his mouth "..daissyy.." He whispered out, Harutos eyes slowly went down to lock onto his legs. He was mortified to feel warmness spread over his pants, slowly trickling down his legs onto his socks. He didn't mean for it to happen, he just got nervous with Eric around and was distracted but not to mention he had drank a lot of juice recently. Daisy gave a look of sympathy hearing Haruto whisper her name, she knew he had at least tried to go. "Hey it's okay Haruto" she soothed, Haruto finished up and sniffled feeling his wet socks made him cringe. He kept his eyes down at the puddle around him, it was a lot of pee he thought which embarrassed him. "Its okay, we can clean it up. I know you'll go sooner next time" she said, Haruto nodded still feeling his heart in his throat. He felt horrible for wetting himself on the carpet, he was almost 14 not a baby he scolded mentally. Daisy gestured for Haruto to step into the bathroom, he moved slowly. Once in the bathroom he waited with his arms folded over himself in embarrassment, Daisy came in with a change of clothes for the boy. Haruto put them in his hands and rubbed at his eyes, he was tired and humiliated. Daisy left so he could change, Haruto cringed as the soaked pants went down his legs. He took his socks off and frowned, now with the wet things off he stood infront the sink and washed his legs off so he didn't get a rash. He got changed and gave a shaky sigh, he picked up his wet clothes and did what Daisy had asked him to putting them in the washing machine feeling bad he couldn't put it on by himself. Haruto dragged his feet back to his room, he didn't normally have accidents during the day but on the odd exception if yelled at or too scared to leave his room. He hadnt had one from distraction, this was because he never had things to keep him busy enough to ignore his urges. Haruto was met with Daisy in his room sitting on his bed, the boy frowned and walked over lowering his head. Daisy rested her hand on the top of his head, Haruto felt like he could cry making him rub his eyes. "You okay hun?" Daisy asked, she had never expected herself to be looking after a teen still wetting themselves but she was very accepting of it. Haruto shook his head and kept rubbing at his eyes, daisy removed her hand. " Do you need a sleep? You had a big morning." She said pulling back the blankets, Haruto felt fussy making him whine and stomp his foot a little but he didn't say no. She thought he might be slipping again because he was embarrassed and exhausted, she pulled out Harutos blanky and stuffed bear. Haruto instantly went for them, crawling into bed and laying his head down holding the items to his chest. "You need a nap, I'll wake you before dinner or you come out when you're ready before that." She explained pulling the blankets to Harutos chin, the boy slightly nodded and closed his eyes too tired to make her stay. Daisy leaned down and kissed his forehead, Harutos eyebrows furrowed before his face relaxed into a peaceful state. Daisy went back out to Eric, sitting on the couch with him "he's alseep" she informed Eric, he raised an eyebrow as he read his book. "Should he be sleeping during the day? He might not sleep tonight." Eric told Daisy, she leaned back into the couch "He was really tired, I don't think he even knew just how tired he was. He wet himself in front of the bathroom door." Daisy explained to Eric with a sigh, he nodded and finished reading his page before answering "Yeah? Well that's not good. I guess a nap won't hurt, he did have a big morning" He told her back, Daisy nodded in agreement. Haruto had been asleep for just over an hour, Daisy went to check on him. Knocking on the door there was no answer, she opened the door and gave a sound of awe. Haruto was still asleep, his blanky resting on his cheek as he hugged into the bear. He looked calm, Daisy was happy he was getting some rest and left him longer. Haruto squeezed his eyes tightly as he was waking, he yawned and fussed to himself shaking his head. He had only noticed a hand on his shoulder after moving to get comfortable again "Come on, it's time to get up bud." Eric encouraged, Haruto heard his voice making his eyes shoot open. Daisy couldn't bring herself to wake the boy, he looked too peaceful to do so. Haruto quickly sat up pushing his comfort items under the pillow, his breath slowly increasing since Eric had seen him so venerable. Haruto felt Eric would want a sporty and tough teen, Haruto was neither feeling weak and bad at any physical activity. Eric saw the boy was panicked, he sat down on the bed near Haruto. "Hey, it's okay. Daisy is in the middle of making dinner, you hungry? She told me you didn't have a big lunch." Eric said calmly, Haruto placed his hand over his stomach feeling slightly hungry. He took a deep breath and nodded, he was feeling sluggish still but knew he couldn't go back to sleep since it was getting late and he wouldn't end up sleeping tonight. Eric stood up and waited for the boy to follow, Haruto kept his head down worried to pull the sheets. "You coming kiddo?" He asked unsure why he wasn't moving, Haruto gripped the blanket and slowly removed it. His heart slowed seeing he was dry, he was safe from making a fool of himself infront of Eric. Haruto stood up and folded his arms over infront of himself, walking out the room to the kitchen. He sat down and watched Daisy in the kitchen, Eric sat beside Haruto making him shift more to one side of his seat away from him. Daisy looked up to see Haruto seated and rubbing his eyes, she smiled " did you sleep well?" She asked plating the food, Haruto nodded feeling he did get some good sleep even though he was still a little tired and wanted to go back to bed. Daisy brought over the plates, followed by cups with water in them for each. Haruto looked at the plate and back at Daisy, it had been a while since he had a nice home cooked meal. Daisy had cooked chicken and mixed veggies along side mashed sweet potato, he sat up properly and thanked her with a sign. He watched them start cutting up their own food, he took a shaky breath and picked up his knife and fork holding them with fisted hands. Haruto tried cutting the chicken, the cut coming out jaggered and not cut completely through. He felt eyes on him, he tried harder trying to regrip his knife to help him cut the chicken but it didn't help. Eric watched him struggle, he hadn't thought such a small self help skill to be a challenge, he put his knife and fork down. " Haruto, here let me help." He said leaning over, Haruto glanced down as Eric repositioned his hands on the cutlery before guiding his hands over his to cut the meat up. He felt a little bit useless but was appreciative Eric didn't scold him for doing it wrong in the first place. Once all of it was cut up Eric removed his hands and went back to his food, Haruto put the knife down and mumbled a little. He was going to say Thank you but ended up stopping himself, he kept his head down and ate the chicken now it was in bite sized pieces. Daisy had watched the whole thing, she felt her heart melt while Haruto let Eric assist him. She knew Haruto was working really hard on speaking up, anything he mumbled back was progress even when it was incoherent. Haruto ate all the chicken and looked at the plate, he hadn't had vegetables in such a long time remembering the last time sitting at the table fussing until they were cold making him gag when he was little. He pushed around the mixed veggies lowering his shoulders, Daisy pulled the plate closer to Haruto "you gotta eat it hun, they'll go cold." She told him, Haruto frowned and gently pushed the plate back away from him. Eric took over knowing Daisy found it hard to be tougher "here, eat this much and you'll be finished." Eric said deviding the mixed veggies and sweet potato into half. Haruto pouted his lip and sat back up, Eric put the plate infront of Haruto. He glanced at the devided veggies and got a forkful forcing it to his mouth, he still didn't like them keeping back a gag. He swallowed them barely able to chew on them, he grabbed his cup and rinced his mouth before coughing noticing his eyes were watery. Eric chuckled "bud it's not that bad, they are good for you." He said picking up his own cup, Haruto picked up the last forkful and closed his eyes putting it in his mouth. He grabbed his cup and swallowed them with the water finding it easier. He shivered in disgust once they were finished, he still had the sweet potato left. He put his fork down and leaned back in his chair, he wasn't looking forward to it since he couldn't even remember having sweet potato in his life. Eric pushed Harutos chair in so he was close to the table even when leaning back, Eric picked up a forkful of the sweet potato mash and held it to Harutos mouth. Haruto shut his mouth tightly and shook his head, he was not going to eat it at all he thought to himself. Eric pressed it to Harutos lips leaving some on his bottom lip, Haruto turned his head away and wiped his mouth on his sleeve. Daisy raised an eyebrow watching how Haruto was acting over vegetables "Haruto, you gotta have it." She told the boy, he shook his head back. Daisy looked at Eric, he needed more back up it seemed. "Haruto" she said sounding a little more stern, it made Haruto sink lower in his chair as he finally stopped moving his head away. Slowly he opened his mouth, he felt silly having Eric have to feed him because he was being stubborn. Eric slipped the fork in, Haruto was quick to take over the fork pulling it out now empty. He tasted it and to his surprise it wasn't as bad as he thought it would be, he swallowed it and took a drink. "Thank you Haruto" she said now the boy had done what was asked of him, Haruto shrugged and scooped up more eating it by himself. Once the half was eaten he put the fork back down, he was full now he had eaten some decent food. Eric had finished his food awhile ago same with Daisy, he had only noticed now that he had finished too. Daisy took the plates, scrapping the leftovers on Harutos plate. Haruto sat quietly fidgeting with the edge of the table, he looked up to see a bowl infront of him. He sat up to look in it, the bowl had icecream with sprinkles. He looked up at Daisy, she smiled at the boy as he signed Thank you. Haruto felt very lucky, he picked up a spoonful and ate it. Haruto dropped the spoon back in the bowl and put a hand to his cheek in discomfort, Eric watched confused. Daisy sat back down next to Haruto removing his hand from his cheek, he swallowed and rinced his mouth with his water. "Does your teeth hurt?" she asked, Haruto ran his tongue over the sensitive tooth and nodded. She pulled out harutos chair and faced it towards her "here open up" she said calmly, Haruto hesitated but did as she asked. She squinted and had a look, his teeth were perfectly straight and seemed clean apart from one that looked to have a hole in it. "You've got a cavity, when did you last go to the dentist?" She asked, Haruto closed his mouth and shrugged. He couldn't even remember the last time, he knew it was a scary place though. She shared a glance over Haruto to Eric as to say he needed to have a checkup, he nodded and pulled out his phone to book one online. "Okay, just don't eat near that tooth." She told him for now, Haruto nodded and pulled his chair back to the bowl of icecream. He ate carefully, avoiding the side of his mouth that gave off pain. Haruto finished the icecream and mumbled to Daisy, she leaned in " what was that hun?" She asked trying to understand, Haruto sunk low in his chair and shook his head too nervous to try to thank her again. She pulled away and smiled "Okay, when you're ready I'm sure you'll try again in the future" she said trying to imply that him talking was a good thing, Haruto nodded and sat back up. Eric looked over at Haruto "Hey bud, I was just wondering who taught you sign language?" He asked out of curiosity, Haruto instantly got an overwhelming urge to cry. He lowered his head seeing as the tears blurred his vision, Eric didn't mean to upset him. "Hey hey, it's okay if you don't want to talk about it." Harutos shoulders jerked foward as he let out a sob, Daisy rubbed Harutos back to soothe him. Haruto bursted into tears closing his eyes to aviod the feeling of crying infront of people for a second night in a row, Daisy frowned and kept her hand rubbing up and down his back. Haruto pushed his chair away from the table, standing up before leaning himself into Daisy as the tears wouldn't stop. Daisy pulled Haruto to sit in her lap, wrapping her arms around him as he cried into her shoulder. Haruto closed his eyes and tried to calm himself, he was feeling overwhelmed thinking about the answer to Eric's question. Haruto sniffled "..rr..ryuu.." Haruto managed out through his sobs and small hiccups as he tried to hold back more cries. He wrapped his arms around Daisy, the smell of lavender in her hair soothing him slowly. "Ryuu?" She asked softly in a whisper, Haruto nodded and opened his eyes not pulling away from her shoulder. Eric and Daisy had no idea who Ryuu was, he shrugged at Daisy. "Is Ryuu a good person?" She asked calmly, Haruto sniffled and nodded as the tears came slower. "Who's Ryuu hun?" She asked starting to rock the boy who sat in her lap, Haruto sniffled and mumbled into Daisys shoulder. "it's okay hun, you don't have to explain." She said putting a hand to the back of his head to hold him close, Haruto nodded knowing it would just upset him more trying to talk about it. He was missing his older brother badly, he was his safespace and cared for him more than his father did when he was back at home and not in hospital at the ward. Eric decided he should give Addisiom a call to find out about this Ryuu, he stood up and took himself outside calling her number. Daisy kept held of Haruto "you ready for bed sweetheart?" Daisy asked the boy into his ear, Haruto closed his eyes feeling soothed by her voice and nodded drapeing his arms around her neck. She could feel him starting to slip again, noticing he was doing it when tired, upset or excited. "Hun?" She said softly, Haruto shook his head thinking she wanted him to get out of her lap and walk himself to bed. His mind was blurry, he didn't know how to explain how he felt exactly. He tried really hard but he just couldnt understand it, he gave up and rested his head on Daisys shoulder feeling safe in her arms. Daisy kept hold on him "hun, I was just gonna ask if you needed anything before bed." She said standing up straddling the boys legs around her to hold him, Haruto kept his eyes closed and shook his head. He wanted nothing apart from her, she walked him to his room and very slowly put him down pulling away. Haruto started to cry into his fisted hands, she frowned and put a hand on the top of his head. "Pajamas first" she told him, Haruto sobbed louder not wanting to change. " You can have another cuddle after you change sweetheart" she bribed, pulling out a long sleeved button up pajama top and matching long pants. Haruto pulled his hands away from his eyes to see Daisy holding them out to him, Haruto took them and stood up. "I'll wait outside the door hun." She told the boy, Haruto didn't answer and changed very slowly after she left. He got slightly frustrated at the buttons but managed, once dressed he rubbed his red patchy face with the back of his hand. He left his clothes on the desk, grabbing a dinosaur in the process. Daisy came back in hearing Haruto grab something off his desk, Haruto quickly came back over to Daisy and put his arms around her in a hug, he really needed her cuddles as it made him feel better he had found. Daisy picked Haruto back up and sat on his bed, Haruto kept the dino in his hand as he snuggled into her shoulder closing his eyes. Daisy rubbed his back and kissed the side of his head, she felt a sence of mothering as Haruto had found comfort in her arms. The boys head still clouded, he was falling asleep very slowly. "Haruto, tonight if you wake up and need to go to the bathroom you get up and go okay?" She reminded him, "mhm.." Haruto mumbled back not really listening, she slowly stopped rubbing his back as the toy dropped on the bed signalling he was alseep now. Daisy carefully pulled back the blankets and put the dino toy near the end of his bed, pulling out the bear and blanky she tucked them in beside him after pulling the blankets back over Haruto. She left a kiss on his forehead, his skin was pale and not blotchy anymore from crying. She turned the light off and left the door open a little for him incase he woke, she went out to see Eric coming back in from outside. "Who was that?" She asked watching him put his phone away "Addison" he replied sitting back down, daisy sat as well. "Ryuu is his older brother" he told her, Daisy didn't know he had an older brother. "Really? I had no idea" she said a little surprised, Eric nodded "he's in a mental ward facility, apparently he's been suicidal and shown aggressive behaviours which is why he's there long term for now. Haruto hasn't visited him in awhile, I think that's why he got upset because he misses him." He explained, Daisy could understand that "poor boy.. Haruto must feel awful not being able to see him." She said leaning back in her chair "I have the hospital name and address, we can let him see his brother as soon as he would like." He held up a slip of written down notes about what ward and other information they needed, Daisy smiled and felt a bit teary eyed for Haruto "that would be great" she said expressing gratitude now knowing they could help Haruto see his brother once again. Daisy and Eric washed up from dinner and got ready for bed, quickly checking on Haruto before going to sleep with Eric in thier room. Coming in she went over to Harutos bed, it was nice watching him sleep with no worry showing. As she went to leave Haruto rolled over knocking the wooden dinosaur onto the ground, he woke to the sound and started to cry again feeling startled by the noise. Daisy patted Harutos back, he felt his eyes go heavy and fell right back alseep. Once she knew he was sleeping she left once again, going to her bed with Eric. Later on in the night Daisy woke knowing she should check Haruto, getting up she went to his room and snuck in. Glad to see he was still sleep and hadn't moved from where he laid when she left, as she was leaving Haruto shifted in his bed and rolled over still asleep. Daisy left not wanting to wake him, going back to bed she leaned her head on Erics shoulder "he's still asleep, could you check him in an hour or two?" She asked, Eric nodded and rolled over to face Daisy, they cuddled and went back to sleep. Haruto didn't wake as warmth spread under him making his eyebrows furrow together while he clung tighter to his blanky and bear, he shifted in his sleep becoming comfortable again. Later on Eric woke and checked the time, seeing it had been just under two hours since Daisy checked him. Eric got up and walked to Harutos room peeking in, he was still asleep making him smile warmly before heading back to bed. Daisy heard Eric come back "he's asleep still" he informed her " are you sure? He wasn't faking it??" She asked concerned, he shook his head "trust me, he's out really. He hides his comfort items when I'm around, he's asleep." He reassured laying back down, Daisy nodded knowing that was true. "He will be alright till morning" Eric told her, Daisy sighed "okay, I told him if he did wake to go so he should be." She told him as they laid together and went back to sleep, they didn't wake till 6am in the morning. Eric was first to wake, he stretched and got out of bed to check in on Haruto. Walking in he sighed, Eric could smell urine lingering. He didn't know if he should deal with it or Daisy, the boy was asleep he saw so he slowly backed up. "Daisy, I think he had an accident last night." He told her, Daisy sat up and frowned. "You think?" She asked, he nodded "He's not awake right now, poor kid must of put himself to sleep again after it happened." He said softly, Daisy got up and walked to Harutos room. She could smell the faintest smell of urine in the room, coming in she bent down and started to wake Haruto. "Honey.. time to get up.." She said softly, Haruto tried to ignore the rocking of his shoulder. He slightly opened his eyes to see Daisy "Haruto.. did you try holding it all night again?" She asked, Haruto furrowed his eyebrows and teared up noticing his pants were sticking to him in an uncomfortable way. Slowly he sat up and signed sorry trying not to act like he hadn't only found out, she frowned at his apology "hun, you know you can get up and go at night?" She reassured, Haruto nodded and signed sorry again "Its okay sweetie, if it happens come wake Eric or me and we will help you. I don't want you sleeping in your own pee, it'll make you cold and feel yucky." She told him, Haruto frowned and nodded lowering his head. "Up you get now, let's have a look and fix it up." She said calmly, Haruto hesitated as he slowly pulled himself out of bed. Daisy had a look at the sheets. It wasn't much urine as the patch was small, she pulled the wet fitted sheet off to see if luckily didn't go through. Haruto stood slumped feeling ashamed "okay, you go shower Haruto. I'll remake the bed, Eric and I have something you might want to do today." Haruto raised his head hearing that, he was curious so he did what was asked of him. "You wear something nice?" She asked of him, Haruto looked in the cupboard unsure what was nice to wear. Daisy came over and pulled out a soft purple sweater and the overalls, Haruto had a look at them before grabbing what Daisy showed along with boxers and a pair of socks. Daisy followed Haruto out, he went into the bathroom and she went to get more sheets. Haruto let out a shakey sigh, he was glad they didn't suspect him of being a bedwetter knowing the humiliation would eat him alive. He had a very hot shower, shivering as it ran down his back. He finished up and got out, drying off he looked at the clothes. He hadn't worn overalls since he was very little, he slipped his boxers on followed by the sweater. It felt soft on his pale skin, rubbing the sleeve on his cheek. Haruto leaned down and slipped on the overalls, as he reached his arm over he couldnt grab the strap making him frown. He didn't want to have to ask for help over a simple task of getting dressed, he swallowed his pride and held the overalls up at the front going out the bathroom. He turned and went to his room, seeing Daisy had just finished making the bed for him. She heard his gentle footsteps and looked behind her, she smiled at how cute he looked. Haruto came over and looked up with a pout trying to grab the strap from behind again, Daisy grabbed them and pulled the straps over his shoulders and bent down clipping them up at the front. Haruto felt a simmalr feeling to last night, looking down at himself the overalls made him feel safe. His mind blurred in and out trying to understand the feeling in his head, a hand to his shoulder snapping him back. Daisy smiled softly "shoes and socks Haruto" she reminded him, Haruto didn't answer in anyway as he stood still. Daisy could tell he was thinking about something, taking it upon herself she grabbed his socks and new shoes. Haruto went blank again, running his hand over the clasp of the overalls. Daisy came back over and watched Haruto stare blankly, she didn't know what was on his mind but she left it. Haruto snapped back when he saw Daisy holding his shoes, he sat on the bed and went back to concentrating on his thoughts. Daisy knew it was important for Haruto to process emotions and trauma, bending down she grabbed his ankle and slipped his socks on his feet. Haruto remained oblivious to her helping hand, he closed his eyes and thought harder. His mind didn't feel the same sometimes, he remembered what made him feel this way. Going back to the store, seeing some of the toys, or being held in Daisys arms and now the overalls all linked him back to the best parts of his childhood. Haruto opened his eyes and looked down to see Daisy slipping his new shoes on, he felt safe and protected with her close and assisting. Haruto wiped his eyes, pulling away he looked at his sleeve seeing it was wet. He didn't know he was crying, daisy finished doing the Velcro and looked up. Seeing his eyes and cheek glistening from the tears escape, she quickly stood up and put her hands on harutos arms "hun, what's wrong?" She asked with concern, nothing was wrong he thought in fact it was the opposite. He looked up into Daisys eyes, he signed 'safe' to her. She was pleased to know he felt safe, her concern turning to relief. He felt very safe, it made him feel like he was small again knowing that was the last time he did feel safe when his mom was around. Haruto looked down, he didn't know how to explain his headspace to Daisy. She watched his concentrate again "anything else Haruto?" She asked rubbing his arm, Haruto looked up again and signed 'younger' before pointing to the side of his head. It took Daisy a moment to understand what he meant, daisy remembered that he would slip into a childlike state at times and worked out he was still learning to understand it too. She smiled and caressed his cheek "does your mind sometimes feel younger than you really are Haruto?" She asked calmly, Haruto leaned his face into her touch closing his eyes and nodded to her question. She was glad they were starting to better understand it together " Its okay darling, it's just you're mind coping with the past. You're safe to let your mind do what it needs to, it'll help you okay?" She told the boy, Haruto nodded knowing he couldn't control it happening and it was best to leave it as the feeling was comforting. He looked down and tapped the sides of his shoes together, he didn't feel his mind was small right now. Getting off the bed he hugged into Daisy "thank you.." He whispered into her, she put her arms around the boy and rubbed his back " Its okay, I'm really proud of you letting yourself recover." She praised, Haruto looked up and nodded. "Hungry?" She asked the short boy, Haruto nodded again. He pulled away and followed Daisy out to the kitchen, sitting down he saw Eric come out making him sink low in his seat. He was still getting use to the man, it was hard to trust men straight away. Eric looked at Harutos outfit and sat down beside him "very nice Haruto, good to see you wear something different." Eric told him, it was true he had been sticking to just hoodies, sweaters and sweatpants. Haruto nodded in agreement sitting back up, Eric heard Haruto tapping his shoes under the table making him have a little look. He saw the Velcro and had to smile, Haruto got nervous that Eric was going to say something about them. He hid his shoes by wrapping them behind the chair legs, Eric saw the boy was uncomfortable. He needed to show Haruto there was nothing to be ashamed of "oohh, new shoes too? Can I see them?" He asked with interest leading his tone, Haruto glanced Eric and thought about it. Pulling his chair out a little he put his foot up to rest on the seat to show them to Eric, he leaned down a little and looked at the design. He smiled "those are some pretty awesome shoes, look at those flowering vines on the sides. Have to say I'm a little jealous you get cool designs on your shoes, adults get boring ones." Eric told the boy, Haruto looked at Eric shoes to see they were black and leather. He was glad that he had a small shoe size for once, giving him the options of patterns and nice designs. Haruto was feeling better about liking them now, a small smile broke as he looked at his own shoes. Daisy watched as the two shared a moment, it was a good feeling watching them get along and that Eric was able to come back down to Harutos age to make the boy feel comfortable. Haruto put his foot back down, Eric pushed his chair in for him as Daisy came over with the plates. Haruto was happy to see toast again, it was a safe food for him now knowing it tasted good. Haruto thanked her and started to eat it, the toast having a coat of peanut butter and a layer of cut up banana on top. He ate it happily, his body softly rocking in enjoyment. Eric ate his toast and watched Haruto rock, it was a behaviour or a young child or a person with autism. Haruto felt safe again, with Eric making him feel good about his shoes and now having food he liked he hadn't noticed himself slip. Daisy looked over as she sat down next to the boy, she saw him have a smile while eating. "Are you happy?" She asked putting a cup next to Harutos plate, he nodded and looked into the cup to see it was just water making him stop rocking and smile disappear. Daisy watched "just water" she told him, Haruto took another bite of his toast wanting a juice of any type. He nodded and swallowed his bite of toast before taking a sip, his legs swinging under the table as he finished his toast. He pushed the plate back and went to grab the cup, Haruto gasped as he over shot and knocked it over. Eric reacted quickly, pulling harutos chair out before it spilled over the edge or the table narrowly missing him, daisy stood and picked the cup back up and going over grabbing some napkins on the water. Haruto frowned, he didn't mean to spill his water. Before he could sign sorry Eric grabbed his hand " no Haruto, it's okay it was an accident. These things happen, you don't have to be sorry when accidents happen." He told the boy, Harutos eyes started to tear up. He couldnt remember the last time he felt safe after making a mistake, he was use to getting scolded at every little mishap. Haruto didn't feel himself slip, he stood up and leaned into Eric as he started to sob unsure how to handle the feeling he felt. Eric looked down to see Haruto sobbing into his chest, hesitant he put his arms around Haruto. Daisy looked over, frozen in place as Haruto went to Eric for comfort. Eric looked over at Daisy giving her the shocked look, daisy smiled and nodded. Eric pulled Haruto into his lap "now there's no need to cry bud." Eric insisted, Haruto shook his head and gripped Eric's shirt with fisted hands. " No?" Eric asked, Haruto shook his head "s-safe.." He whispered into Eric, he looked down at the top of harutos head hearing him talk to him. " Yeah.. You're safe.." He reassured Haruto, he rubbed the boys back to soothe him. Daisy cleaned up the mess as Eric continued to hold Haruto as he slowly stopped sobbing and stayed clinging to Eric with his eyes closed. Once he had calmed down he fell back out of his headspace and opened his eyes, looking up to see Eric he quickly pushed himself off of his lap and looked down as his cheeks felt warm with embarrassment. Eric ruffled Harutos hair " you are doing so well Haruto" Eric praised, Haruto gave a slight nod looking back up. Daisy came back over and leaned down to Harutos ear " you go brush your teeth and use the restroom before we go" she whispered, Haruto turned his head to see daisy whispering behind him and nodded quickly walking off to the bathroom to do what was asked. Once gone Daisy sat back down " did you notice that? He slipped in and out a couple of times, he wants to do it but fights the headspace when he's felt hes done with coping." She told him, Eric nodded " yes, he pulled away a different person." He explained feeling like he felt the moment Haruto slipped back out of the headspace, Daisy nodded "Its good, he's still trying to work on it and understand why he does it but he'll get there." Daisy assured, Eric smiled and grabbed her hand " he hugged me" Eric said with excitement, he felt so happy the boy went to him for reassurance. Daisy chuckled through her smile, she knew just how good it felt to have Haruto come to you for affection. Haruto blushed as he brushed his teeth, he didn't know why he let himself trust Eric for a moment. He spat the toothpaste out and rinced his mouth, it felt nice hugging into Eric in that moment. He remembered that childish feeling, clinging to him for reassurance and affection. He sighed and wiped his mouth, he felt a little embarrassed but remembered Daisy said it was okay to slip and let himself cope. Haruto put his toothbrush in the holder before walking to stand infront of the toilet, he felt his abdomen. He screwed his face up, he didn't need to go to the toilet right now so he wasn't going to try. He removed his hand and walked out to see Eric and Daisy talking, he stood in the doorway. Eric and Daisy turned "brushed your teeth?" Eric asked, Haruto nodded and ran his tongue over his sensitive tooth. "Been to the restroom?" Daisy added, Haruto nodded putting a hand back over his abdomen. Daisy gestured for Haruto to come over, Haruto hesitantly came over and stood infront of her. She grabbed both his hands and looked into his eyes, he thought he was getting busted for lying so he lowered his head. Daisy put his chin back up " you know where we are going Haruto?" She asked calmly, Haruto thought about it and shook his head not knowing actually where they were going.

Word count: 7408

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