Sprinkling Marigolds

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Daisy gave Harutos hands a little squeeze "We are gonna go see Ryuu" she said looking into his eyes as they widened in disbeif, he darted his eyes over to Eric as he nodded backing up what Daisy said. Haruto pulled his hands out of Daisys before hugging her, she smiled and patted his back. Haruto pulled back away and bounced on his feet excited to see his brother "go get your bag hun, it's a little bit of a drive so grab your books too if you'd like." Haruto nodded and ran off as Daisy finished talking, going into his room he chucked his books in his bag and made sure his puffer set was in his bag too. Before Haruto went to zip his bag up he stopped and quickly slipped his blanky into his bag as well, he still found it hard to part with it even if it was for a day. He put his bag on and ran back out, he bounced on the spot waiting to go. Eric chuckled at his eagerness "someone's excited" he pointed out, Haruto nodded and ran to the door. Daisy and Eric followed not far behind, eric opened the door and Haruto darted over to Daisys car. Eric chuckled again "wrong car Haruto" Daisy said coming out and going over to Erics, Haruto stopped bouncing and noticed his mistake "r-right" Haruto whispered to himself, bringing himself back down to stop himself slipping into the headspace he walked over to Erics car. He opened the car door and got in, slipping his seatbelt on and putting his bag in his lap. Eric and Daisy got in as well, Eric being the driver. Daisy turned back to Haruto who was going through his bag "did you forget something?" Daisy asked, Haruto shook his head and pulled out one of his books. Daisy smiled and looked forward again, Eric turned the car on and started to drive. Haruto stayed quiet as usual, his feet softly bumping into the bottom of the seat as his legs swung. He read his book knowing he had a bit of time in the car, his book kept him busy for a little bit until Daisy past back a packet of gold fish crackers and a juicebox for Haruto. The boy looked up and took them carefully, he was a little hungry even though he had breakfast not long ago. He kept his book in his lap as he ate the crackers happily, he found himself rocking as he read and ate. Eric looked back and raised an eyebrow, he had noticed Haruto do it at breakfast too. Eric nudged Daisys arm and she leaned over "what's he doing?" He whispered to her, she glanced back and watched as Haruto was bumping his back against the back of the seat as he looked down and read while eating. He didn't even notice them looking back at him, he felt content as he had everything he wanted. Daisy looked back forward "I think he's just happy" She explained what she thought he was doing, Eric looked back at Haruto before nodding. Haruto didn't even know when he was rocking, he found comfort in it and only did it when eating most the time. Once finished his crackers he handed the empty packet to Daisy, the car was too clean to shove it in the door handle or drop it on the ground like his stepfathers car. Daisy thanked him and put it in her bag, she was glad Haruto gave the empty packet back. Haruto moved his eyes from his book to open the juicebox, poking it with the straw he quickly brought it to his mouth so it didn't spill. His attention going back to his book, sipping on it as he read. Eric put the radio on low as he talked with Daisy in the front, just about casual things like what they were doing after the visit. Daisy felt Haruto lean forward as his hand came through the side of her seat, handing her the empty juicebox. She thanked him and put it in her bag as well, she went back to talking with Eric. Haruto got comfortable in the back, brining his legs up on the seat to support his book while he stayed fixated on it. They were in the car for just over an hour when Haruto looked up, he knew they were getting close. Haruto put his feet down and closed his book, leaning down to put it in his backpack. As Haruto leaned down he felt the seatbelt tighten around his abdomen, his bladder full but it was comfortable enough not to worry about. He sat back up in his seat and watched out the window, he was starting to feel a little nervous since he hadn't seen him in over 2 months as they missed some family therapy sessions. He sunk low in his seat and folded his arms over infront of him, a small frown appearing on his face. Eric looked back at Haruto, he saw the boy was thinking about something that worried him. "What's up Haruto?" Eric asked, Haruto looked over and shrugged before he shifted his gaze out the window again. Daisy twisted herself to look back at the boy, she saw the pout on his face "is something wrong hun?" She asked to back Eric up, Haruto shrugged again. He gave in and signed that he was nervous, Daisy gave him a warm smile."it's okay to be nervous. It's been awhile, we understand" she reassured, Haruto nodded and sat back up. He loved his brother more than anything, he always wanted to impress him and show how much he listened to everything Ryuu had taught him. Eric pulled into the hospital car park and drove looking for somewhere to park, he found one and turned the car off. Haruto looked out the window and let out a shaky breath, he was ready to see his brother. He took his seatbelt off and got out the car putting his backpack on, he gently closed the door and looked at the hospital. Daisy put a hand on Harutos shoulder, he flinched and moved away caught of guard. His breathing picking up, Daisy gave a look of smypthay moving her hand away. Haruto straightened himself back up and looked up to Daisy with concern "I'm sorry Haruto" she spoke softly, Haruto signed 'its alright' before facing towards the hospital ready to go, he didn't mean to flinch from her touch but he was feeling nervous still. They walked in a group to the entrance, Haruto got caught outside as he stopped and looked at the hospitals flowered bed. The flowers were being misted with a sprinkler, he smiled looking at the flowers. "Marigold.." He whispered to himself, they were common in flower beds out the front of hospitals or businesses as they were easy to maintain and very hard to kill. Daisy stopped and watched as Haruto looked at the flowers, giving a smile seeing the boy look at peace while observing. Haruto looked at the flowers a little longer as his eyes slowly moved to the sprinkler, uh oh water.. Haruto shifted his weight and turned walking to go in with them. Once in they went to the front desk to ask for directions, Haruto stayed back a little as he fidgeted with his sleeves tugging down on them gently to cover his hands. Eric looked back at Haruto "lets go bud" with those words Haruto followed slowly behind, he was excited to see his brother but Ryuu wasn't in the best state when he last saw him. It was scary when Ryuu was hospitalized, he saw a lot of things that no 9 year old should of seen and those images had always remained in his head though he always told himself he had gotten over it. They came to the ward doors, Eric and Daisy were unsure what to do. Very little hesitation Haruto stepped forward and pressed the buzzer, a lady answered through the speaker. "Ah.. here to see Ryuu?" Eric said into the speaker letting go of the button, the door clicked and Eric pulled it open to be met with another set of doors. Haruto went through with them and pressed another button, this time a staff member opened the door. Haruto had a very small smile as he looked up "Haruto! Oh darl it's been awhile, look at you all ready to see Ryuu! Very cute" the young nurse spoke to Haruto happy to see the boy looking in better condition than the last time she saw him, Haruto looked down shyly as his hands went to behind his back and he rolled his ankle on the spot while his head lowered hiding his blushing cheeks. This nurse had known Haruto since Ryuu got admitted, she always made sure Haruto was comfortable during the visits and sometimes feeding him from the little prepackaged biscuit sets. She looked up and greeted the couple with a smile "Hey, I'm Aria and I'm one of the nurses here." She explained, she gestured for them to come in. Eric and Daisy came in after Haruto "Hi, I'm Daisy and this is my fiance Eric. We are fostering Haruto of just recent, it's lovely to meet you." Daisy told her, she smiled before looking back down at Haruto who was yet to look up again after she said the nice things, she was ecstatic to hear Haruto was finally in better care since he always came in very hungry and dirty. Right now Haruto was the opposite, he smelt of sweet honey and lavender and was dressed in something different. "Follow me, Ryuu just finished getting his vitals done and is in the visiting room now. Head office told us he had visitors, he was very happy to hear that." She explained leading the way, Haruto was right behind her feeling eager to see him again. His bladder sending small jolts with excitement which he ignore, he just wanted to see his brother. Daisy opened the door for them, Haruto rushed in and stood looking at Ryuu who was sitting on the couch. Harutos eyes lit up and he let out a gasp of happiness, he ran over as his brother stood up. " Haruto! Hey my god I missed you." Ryuu said as Haruto dove into him wrapping his arms tightly around his older brother, Ryuu leaned his head down into the top or harutos "oh my goodness- you smell so good" Ryuu said as he sniffed into harutos hair, pulling away and smelling him again. Haruto didn't move, keeping his eyes closed as Ryuu wrapped his arms back around the boy. The boys stayed cuddling, Ryuu gently swaying them as they held on tight to each other. Ryuu finally looked up to see two people he didn't know watching, he took a step back keeping Haruto close in his grip. "who are you?" He asked glaring a bit, Haruto looked up at Ryuu but didn't say anything. Eric came into room holding Daisys hand "sorry for not introducing straight away, I'm Eric and this is Daisy. We are currently looking after Haruto, it's been two days so we are still getting to know everything. The moment we found out he had a brother we had to let him see you, we really want to make sure you two aren't separated." Eric explained, Daisy nodded in agreement. Ryuus glare lessened and he looked down at Haruto "no more Mark?.." He asked Haruto "no more.." Haruto whispered into Ryuu looking up into his brothers eyes, Ryuu smiled back and left a kiss on his brothers forehead. Harutos face felt warm, his body relaxed in his brothers arm. "Uhm sit please, I would love to talk." Ryuu said gesturing to the seats in the room, Eric and Daisy sat down across from the couch. Haruto let himself pull away, Ryuu sat down and pulled Haruto to sit right beside him. Haruto leaned his head on the side of Ryuus upper arm, the boys held hands as Ryuu rubbed Harutos hand gently in circles in his palm knowing that calmed the boy. " Well I'm guessing you know I'm Ryuu.. im a long term paient" he explained, Daisy couldn't help but notice the cuts up his arms all looking old. Eric nodded " yes it's nice to meet you" Eric explained back, It was hard not to glance at the older boys arms but they resisted. "He's been good for you?" Ryuu asked, Haruto looked up at Ryuu. Daisy smiled and nodded "yes, Haruto has been an angel for us" she reassured Ryuu, he was glad to hear that. "What about you baby bub? Are you using your words?" Ryuu asked looking down at Haruto, the boy blushed hearing his nickname again and shifted. "We are working on it, he's doing really well." Daisy piped in for Haruto, the boy nodded in agreement. "I am.." He whispered to his brother, Ryuu was impressed to hear he was working on it. "Sweet as" Ryuu said along with signing it, Haruto nodded and snuggled into Ryuus side. Daisy smiled seeing Haruto look very content in Ryuus presents "thank you for looking after him.." Ryuu said softly, Haruto took his bag off and grabbed out his blanky ignoring his new books. Ryuu watched as Haruto crawled into his lap facing him and laid his head of his older brothers chest as he kept his blanky close to his own chest, Ryuu looked down and smiled. "And blanky is back, Haruto you know you should keep it at home so you don't lose it." Ryuu said wrapping his arms around his brother, Haruto ignored him and closed his eyes. "Sorry, I didn't know he brought it with." Daisy pointed out, Ryuu looked up and smiled giving a shrug "it's fine, he'll find a way to bring it with him no matter what." He told them, Haruto stiffened his body not now please.. He thought as he started to shift around in Ryuus lap, his bladder reminding him it was still full. Ryuu raised an eyebrow "Haruto" Ryuu stated, he looked down "Haruto" he said again, Haruto shook his head as he squirmed his hips around and curled his toes in his shoes. "You know not to hold it" Ryuu said rubbing Harutos back, Haruto shook his head and wrapped his arms around Ryuus neck as he burried his head into the crook of his older brothers neck. Harutos bladder pulsed at the mention of it, pressing his straddled legs together followed by a whimper. Ryuu softly sighed and kept his eyes down on his brother, Daisy and Eric watched Haruto squirm around in Ryuus lap. "Yes.. about that.. He's been doing that at night and will you know go on his bed.." Daisy spoke, she thought Ryuu would be able to help with that. Haruto blushed and hid his face further into Ryuus neck, his body unable to stay still. "Oh uh" Ryuu said and behind harutos back he signed 'bed wetter' before pointing to Haruto, he wasn't going to say it out loud and embarrass his brother. "Oh" daisy said as Eric looked confused at the signing, Ryuu needed Haruto out the room so he could talk about it. "Baby bub, go get Aria to unlock the bathroom for you." Ryuu asked of Haruto, the boy whined before he nodded and pushed himself out of his lap. Ryuu held his hand out for Harutos blanky, Haruto pouted and handed it over before he pushed his legs together. "Go quick, Aria will unlock the bathroom for you." Ryuu reassured, Haruto nodded and quickly left closing the door. Ryuu rolled his eyes and smiled sitting back up and folding Harutos blanky for him putting it on top of his bag, he looked over at Daisy and Eric "Sorry about that" Ryuu apologised, Daisy nodded knowing Haruto held it in sometimes. "So I know he has accidents on his bed but you signed bed wetter?" Daisy mentioned to Ryuu, Eric understood what Ryuu was signing now. "Yeah.. Well sometimes he'll have an accident on his bed if he's scared to get up at night but that's rare, he actually you know- wets the bed as like in his sleep." Ryuu explained, Daisy and Eric looked at each other "we had no idea.. that explains it now.." Daisy told Ryuu, he nodded and sighed folding his arms over his body. "He never use to, by 4 he was completely day and night trained all by himself. That changed when mom left.. He would wake up crying with wet sheets, soon it turned to day time accidents too. Sometimes he would just stop holding it in by accident, it didn't help when he got scolded for it every time.. that lead to him just holding it in at all times, scared to be scolded for wetting his pants he would and as you see will still hold it in with all his mental and physical strength." Ryuu said lowering his voice, it was hard to think about remembering how Haruto was punished for it. Daisy frowned "poor boy.." She said as her heart ached, Eric held her hand. Out the door Haruto darted around looking for Aria, he had to stop himself from shoving his hand between his thighs like a child. Finally Haruto found her talking with another staff member, Haruto tugged at the back of her shirt. Aria looked down to see a very fidgety Haruto, bouncing on the balls of his feet as he suppressed a whine. " What is it Haruto?" She asked, she knew he needed the toilet but understood Ryuu was getting him to focus on using his words more. Haruto whined out and pressed his legs together as he shifted his weight side to side, he shook his head not wanting to answer. Aria knew she wasn't going to get an answer before his urine was all over the ward floor "you want me to unlock the lavatory?" She asked, Haruto looked up and hunched forward as his knees buckled to the mention of it giving a quick nod. He let go of her shirt and followed her, nothing had changed since his first visit. Haruto wet himself during his first visit, leaving it to the last moment before running off going to the bathroom to tug on the door handle only to find out it's locked as he looked down and saw his shorts darken until it started to stream down his legs and puddle underneath him. Aria had watched the whole event unfold, she ended up assisting Haruto and got him cleaned up that day. Aria came over to the bathroom and unlocked it, Haruto quickly closed the door behind him locking it. In privacy he shoved his hands to his crotch and squirmed around, he went to pull his pants down uh oh not pants.. not pants! Clasps oh no.. Haruto squatted down using his foot to hold it in. He fumbled with the clasps as he whined and stood back up pacing around on the balls of his feet, he hadnt had to undo overalls before and it was stressing him out. He shoved a hand between his thighs and hunched forward, he needed help right now. Haruto opened the door and ran out right past Aria, Ryuu.. ryuu need ryuu.. Haruto thought to himself, he ran through the door and stood infront of Ryuu as both of his hands ended up between his pressed together thighs. Haruto whined and bounced on the spot regripping his crotch to stop it coming out, Ryuu sat up as his conversation about what he was doing to help Haruto through bedwetting was cut short. "Baby bub, what is it? Couldn't you find Aria?" He asked concerned, Haruto cried out in pain and pulled a hand away from his crotch as it tugged at a strap on the overalls. "ohh, you need help? okay." Ryuu said standing up, he started to unclip one side as Haruto started to tear up. Daisy and Eric just watched, it looked like he was going to burst. Haruto squeezed his eyes shut, pulling his thighs apart to regrip himself again as his hands and thighs trembled struggling to hold on. Haruto bounced as he felt himself leaking, no please.. hold it.. His body urged for relief but his mind screamed back, Haruto couldn't look down as the front of his overalls darkened through his hands holding on for dear life. Ryuu shook his head softly and sighed, trying to undo the overalls for his brother but it was hard when Haruto wouldn't stand still. Daisy stood up and tried to take over, Ryuu nudged her away with his shoulder "it's okay I got it" he insisted, Ryuu still felt he needed to look after his brother like a parent would. Haruto just whined as Ryuu fumbled with the clasps, he couldnt hold on anymore. Haruto continued to shift his weight foot to foot as it started to escape through his hands, slowly trickling down his legs after the overalls obsorb as much as possible in the crotch area. He couldnt do anything about it, His legs tingled as the urine ran down them and soaked into his socks and inside his shoes. Ryuu looked down as he stopped undoing them "see? This is what happens when you try and hold it in Haruto." Ryuu told his brother who started to tremble, Haruto removed his hands from his crotch and sulked at the feeling. Ryuu let out another soft sigh, pulling his brother in to let Haruto sob into Ryuus chest. Wrapping his arms around Haruto he swayed him gently, he was use to it but wasn't sure if Daisy and Eric were. He turned so his back was facing them to hide Haruto who clung to him tightly, Ryuu threw his head back in a glance "d-don't look" Ryuu whispered, something coming over him worried they would treat Haruto differently because of it. Daisy frowned and took a step closer "it's okay.. we can get him cleaned up. These things happen, it was just an accident." Daisy spoke calmly, Eric decided to stay back knowing he wasnt as good at handling it as Daisy. "No.. I can, I have clothes he can burrow" Ryuu said looking back down at Haruto, the boy was mortified being center of attention. Aria finally came in, worried after Haruto fled from the bathroom "everything okay?" She asked. Haruto gripped tighter to Ryuu, the older boy shot back a look at Aria "just.. no it's fine." He told her, Aria wasn't convinced. Haruto couldn't handle so many people watching, he just wanted to be alone with Ryuu. Daisy opened her bag up, pulling out a spare change of clothes she packed without Harutos knowledge. Ryuu glanced back "you knew.." He said softly, he found it calming that Daisy was understanding of the situation Haruto was in. "Well.. I packed them just incase something happened." Daisy explained, after yesterday's accident she wasn't going to risk Haruto not having a spare change of clothes. Aria now knew Haruto must of had an accident, she walked forward and bent down infront of Haruto. "You go get changed and I'll sneak you some biscuits" Aria bribed to make him feel better, Haruto sniffled and pulled his face away from Ryuus chest. Biscuits sounded nice, he found it hard to accept since it felt like a praise and he wasn't use to that when having an accident. Ryuu looked down and gave a small smile, it felt good knowing Haruto was safe and being looked after not only by him now. Daisy handed Aria the spare clothes, she thanked her and sat back down. Aria held her hand out to Haruto, the boy took it and lowered his head as she walked him out the room to go to the bathroom and change. Ryuu sat back down "sorry about that.. He was really trying that time." He spoke quietly, Daisy nodded as Eric stayed observing. "Baby b-Haruto holds it more when he's out, he gets too shy to say anything." Ryuu explained, Daisy thought that would of been the case "Yeah he did it at the shops too, but he.. I don't know how to explain it. He was in a different headspace when he was doing it at the shops." She tried her best to explain "he was acting childish?" Ryuu butted in, Daisy nodded. Ryuu leaned back in his seat "he's regressing again, he used to do it on and off a lot at home when dad was out. He never talked about it so I just left him do it without saying anything. I'm not even sure he knew he was doing it, I could tell though because he acts completely out of the usual." Ryuu told them, Daisy felt relief knowing Ryuu had some idea of what was happening. "That's what I thought was happening, I've been doing the same leaving him to just do it." Daisy explained, Eric nodded in agreement. "I learnt about it in therapy, my therapist told me I might want to try it to you know.. get my childhood back but it's not for me, he didn't effect my core childhood like Haruto. That's why I think he does it, his mind is trying to cope by escaping into a comfortable headspace but he can only involuntarily do it when he feels like hes safe.. it's nice to know he feels safe with you two.." Ryuu said lowering his voice, he wanted Haruto to have a safe place with safe people to overcome his trauma. "What happened sweetheart?" Aria asked Haruto as she held his hand back to the bathroom, Haruto shook his head to say he didn't want to talk about it. Unlocking the bathroom again she let Haruto go in handing him the clothes, she closed the door gently "Haruto, I'm gonna go get a plastic bag for your wet clothes" she told him, Haruto didn't answer as he fumbled with the clasps and finally managed to get them off. His face showed humiliation and discomfort as he tried to push away a frown, he thought he was sure to get punished when back home for wetting his pants out in public. He sniffled and curled his toes, his socks felt damp in his shoes. He changed putting on the sweater and jeans, Haruto wasn't a big fan of jeans since it restricted some movement. Aria slipped the plastic bag through, seeing Haruto was dressed she came in and picked the wet clothes up for Haruto. He stood feeling helpless, watching her tie the bag up and walk back out opening the door for him. Haruto dragged his feet as he followed out, she decided to take him to get a snack to make him feel better. Ryuu and the couple sat quietly for a bit "were you doing anything to help with his day wetting?" Eric asked, he wanted to be able to help too. "Well sometimes he would just do it without warning when it first started happening, as time went on he started to hold it in which was a lot easier to notice. He can't sit still when he's gotta go, he'll press his legs together or squat down to hold it in. When I noticed that i would encourage him to go, I don't know why he was anxious to go since he was scared of having an accident in the first place. You'd think he'd want to, I guess he just felt it was inconvenient as when we were out or in the car and Haruto would mention he needed the bathroom dad would just yell at him." Ryuu explained, Eric sighed and nodded. "All we can do is just make sure he's going regularly then, I got him to go before we left which was 2 hours ago?" Daisy mentioned, Ryuu shook his head "Its hard because his urges are normally urgent, I guess it'll help to get him to go but in two hours he could of been hit with that urge as soon as he got here. Sometimes when he's excited he needs to go unexpectedly, I'm sure you'll find something that will work.." Ryuu said lowering his body into the seat, Daisy frowned knowing Ryuu was doing his best to help his brother out. " We will, he's not going anywhere any time soon." Eric pitched in, Ryuu looked up "really?.." He asked, Daisy and Eric nodded. It was more stress taken off of Ryuus shoulders, it was hard stressing over his brother on top of trying to get better. Aria brought back Haruto, he came in and ran straight back to Ryuu. His brother pulled him up in the hug and placed Haruto back into his lap, he heard something crinkle in Harutos hand "what you got there baby bub?" Ryuu asked looking down, Haruto opened his hand to show Ryuu.

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