Middlemist Red

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Eric was responding to emails slowly, making sure he had all his files linked and put all that needed to be listed in the email. It was nice working while the boy was snuggled in his lap, he could feel Harutos chest rising and falling as a soft wheeze remained in the centre of his chest. Eric didn't think much of it as Haruto shifted for a moment, it seemed he was making himself comfortable again. Haruto rested still once more, his eyebrows furrowing in his sleep. A faint hissing noise appeared, Harutos bladder finally giving away. Eric looked down at the still sleeping child, rubbing a hand over his back to try and comfort Haruto as he rested. Because Harutos bladder wasn't completely empty when he went last on top of the bottle, the hissing noise remained for awhile. Eric was waiting for it to finish when he felt his pants get wet, quickly looking down and cussing under his breath. The drynite wasn't made to hold that much liquid so Eric thought, leaking just before Haruto could finish emptying his bladder. Eric took a deep breath, rubbing over Haruto's back again. This was concerning, if Haruto was wearing drynites Eric wanted them to at least hold for Haruto to sleep peacefully through the whole night. With that Eric picked up his phone and brought it to his ear. Daisy heard her phone going off, pulling it out to see it was Eric. She didn't hesitate picking up "hello?" She said, standing still in the isle. Eric was glad she picked up, he could tell she was still in the store by the noise around her. "Hey.." he whispered, not wanting to wake the boy. Daisy could hear he was whispering "what is it? Everything okay??" She asked concerned. Eric sighed softly "its okay here.. Harutos having a rest in my lap.. look Daisy, he put on a drynite but it's leaked.. I don't think the drynites are going to be a big help when he's asleep." Eric spoke softly, maybe the drynites could be used during the day or in the car Eric thought. Daisy sighed and rubbed her temples "I'll see what I can do.." Daisy said, saying goodbye and hanging up. Eric said bye and put the phone down, sighing as he went back to emails. Haruto snuggled in closer and yawned, rubbing his closed eyes. The boy shifted his hips for a moment, he could tell something was wrong as he slowly began to wake up. Haruto opened his eyes and sat up quickly, his eyes darting up to Eric's. Haruto felt it, his wet boxers and the cooling underneath him. Eric looked down into Harutos panicked eyes, he knew to handle it gently. "Hey.. wanna hop up and go change?" He asked softly, not making it a big deal that he'd wet through his protection. Haruto held lotus and blanky to his chest tightly, his glossy eyes looking down as he gave his head a tiny nod. He wanted to sulk at the wetness and the fact hed peed on Eric's lap, sniffling and walking off. Harutos headspace was up and down again, feeling guilty but also just wanting to curl up and be hugged while someone told him it was alright. The boy shut his door behind himself, rubbing his eyes and dropping lotus and Blanky again. Haruto slipped his boxers downs, frowning at the freckled like rash. Haruto cringed at the wet drynite, taking it off slowly. Haruto looked at it and frowned, the absorbency inside wasn't even completely used. Haruto had thought he had overused it, so did Eric but that just wasn't the case. 'Did i put it on wrong?..' haruto had to ask himself, it hadn't leaked on him last night so why now? Haruto couldn't smell pee lingering on him from wetting through to his boxers, he rarely picked up on the smell of his own urine because he was used to it. Haruto went over and grabbed the powder, putting it lightly on the area of rash and rubbing it in. Once that was done he went back over and slipped on clean boxers and pants, sighing and looking at the ground. He picked up his wet boxers and the drynite, bundling them to his chest. With one quick movement he slipped from his room to the bathroom, disposing of the wet drynite first and covering it in the bin. He kept the boxers to his chest, slipping out the bathroom and running to the laundry. Haruto chucked the boxers in and fiddled around with the settings on the washing machine trying to be quick, while doing that he looked up for the washing powder. "Haruto." Eric said behind the boy, he had to his pants on to wash too. Haruto gasped and dropped the measuring cup into the machine, looking in to see he couldn't reach the bottom and grab it out. Haruto gave defeat, turning around with his head lowered. "Daisy and I asked that you put the clothes in and we will put it on, I know you have wet clothes kiddo so there's no need to hide them. Eric said, coming forward and pulling out the measuring cup and putting in the pants that harutos had wet on him. He looked at the powder in the machine, the boy had put so little in. "Haruto come here" Eric said, gesturing for haruto to have a look. Haruto shrugged and stayed his distance, he didn't want to look at the clothes that were wet because of him. "Make sure you put more powder in next time you ever wash and some liquid fragrance." Eric explained, putting the lid down and turning it on. Haruto closed his eyes, an old habit biting him in the back. Haruto would always have to use very little to wash his clothes, his dad would notice if a whole cup measurement was missing from the powder box. Haruto nodded and opened his eyes, folding his hands over his stomach. His shirt felt damp, looking down to remember he'd held the wet clothes and drynite to his chest. The dampness was drying quick and he couldnt smell it, shrugging it off and walking out the laundry. Once back in the hall Haruto stopped, looking down at the floor and hugging his arms around his stomach. Being reminded of the past always made him feel a little sick to the tummy. Eric came out behind him, watching the boy stare at the floor with discomfort mixed through his face. Eric bent down in front of Haruto "You're not in trouble, we want to help you Haruto." Eric reminded the boy, standing up and going to walk off. Eric felt the soft hand of the boy grab onto his hand, looking back to see Haruto was staring right at him. Eric gave a smile and continued to walk, holding onto harutos hand as they walked back to the kitchen. Haruto followed while looking down at his socked feet, he didnt know why he grabbed onto Eric's hand but the man looked to be comforting and he needed that right now. Once back at the table Eric pulled out his chair and then Haruto's, gesturing for the boy to sit with him while he did his emails. Haruto tangled his hands together in front of himself, shyly looking down still while standing next to Eric's chair instead of near the other chair pulled out for him. Eric raised an eyebrow "would you like another cuddle?" Eric asked, turning himself so Haruto could get into his lap. Haruto nodded and helped himself to sit back in Eric's lap facing him, giving a content sigh as his head rested on the man's shoulders. Eric was happy to hold Haruto, rubbing a hand back over his back. Haruto felt safe and warm against Eric, he knew he could relax leaving him to close his eyes again. Eric noticed this, he also noticed Haruto wasn't wearing a drynite. "You're not going to fall asleep again, are you?" Eric asked softly. Haruto shook his head a little "mhno.." he spoke back, not tired but just embracing Eric's comfort. Eric nodded "Alright, if you get sleepy you tell me." Eric explained, though he cared deeply for the boy he wasn't looking for two extra sets of clothes in the wash. Haruto nodded weakly, fidgeting with Eric's buttons on his shirt. The older was working quietly, trying not to let the smell of Haruto's urine bother him. Eric could tell Haruto had never been taught how to clean himself up properly after an accident, he didn't want to ruin the mood by telling haruto he smelt of urine rather strongly. Haruto stayed in Eric's lap, swinging his legs softly. After a little while later daisy came home, quietly unlocking the front door and sneaking in. Her heart melted to see Eric was working on his emails while haruto was snuggled closely, it was beautiful to see how a couple hours could get rid of cold feet. Eric looked up and smiled with a small nod, he was proud to share his achievement with Daisy. Harutos eyes were still closed, he snuggled closer and promised himself not to fall asleep again. Daisy came over and bent down to Haruto in Eric's lap, she notice his eyes flutter open. "Daisyy" Haruto said, sitting up with a tiny smile since he had missed her. "Hey.. have a good time?" Daisy asked the boy, she assumed it had to of gone okay. Haruto looked up at Eric before nodding, resting his head back on Eric's shoulder. "I'll start lunch" Daisy said, standing back up and going into the kitchen to do just that. Haruto sat up again "puzzle.." he whispered to Eric's ear, pulling away and waiting with an eager look. Eric looked down "You wanna bring it out and do it on the table?" Eric asked, looking right back into Harutos eyes. The boy nodded and slipped off Eric's lap, walking down the hall to get a puzzle to do. "I'm glad it went well." Daisy spoke. Eric nodded, not wanting to worry daisy about Haruto getting stuck in a tree or being on the edge of an Asthma attack. "I got him some better protection for at night, same brand but they are made for incontinence. Daisy said, pulling out the packet that showed a plain blue pull up design with little dark blue stars on it. "and its got a wetness indicator, the starts fade when wet." Daisy pointed out, putting the pull ups back in the bag. This was different to just drynites, Daisy would need to talk about this with Haruto as it was a little more serious and she needed to explain why she got them for him. Eric nodded, they looked a lot more sturdy for Haruto to sleep in and would avoid leaks no matter how he slept and for how long for. Haruto came out shortly after with the puzzle box, putting it on the table. He was really excited, the puzzle had a Middlemist Red flower pattern. The flower was one of the rarest in the world, he loved its pink to red tinge. The puzzle was only 250 which was a lot better than the frustrating 1000 last night. Haruto looked at the box and then to Eric "Need help.." he whispered, tugging on his shirt sleeve while pointing to the box. Eric looked over, the new puzzle needed to be opened correctly unlike last night. Eric took the box, standing up and going to the kitchen. The man used a knife to break the seal, coming back over and handing it over. Haruto mumbled a thank you and tipped the pieces out, he smiled a little as he knew he could finish this puzzle quick. Eric sat back down, finishing up his emails. Haruto was very content, it left him starting to slip. Finishing the border before popping his fingers into his mouth to sit back and admire his work, happy rocking followed shortly after. Haruto let out a giggle as he found the first middle piece, clapping and sitting up properly. Eric and Daisy were quick to look over, glancing each other right after. There was clear indicators that Haruto was feeling little. Eric and Daisy left it be for now, as long as he was happy and was being good they didn't mind him slipping. Haruto continued the puzzle until growing bored, leaning back and huffing. "Hungy.." Haruto whispered, leaning his head on Eric's arm. He looked down at the puppy eyes, ruffling the boys hair a little. "Soon bud, how about you clean the puzzle up and then I'll help Daisy bring it over." Eric explained, shutting his computer. Haruto looked at the puzzle, giving a nod and sitting up to put it away. Haruto handed over to puzzle box once done, standing up and going over to Daisy. Eric got up and went to harutos room to put the puzzle away. Daisy looked down as Haruto clung to her waist. "Hey darling." Daisy spoke softly, running her fingers through his hair. Daisy could smell the urine on the boy over her own cooking, bending down and holding his hands. "I think you need a bath tonight" Daisy said gently, trying not to upset the boy. Haruto shyly looked up into her eyes but nodded, he had been playing outside today so it made sense. "Bubbles..?" He asked with eager eyes, Haruto loved bubbles in little space. Daisy smile "sure sweetie." Daisy said before kissing his forehead and standing up properly. Haruto squealed happily and ran back to the table, sitting down and waiting patiently as he could. Eric chuckled and sat down beside Haruto, he wondered what made him squeal so excitedly. "Bubbubs!" Haruto told Eric, tugging his arms. Eric raised an eyebrow "What's that kiddo?" Eric asked, he wasn't sure what haruto was saying exactly. "Bubbles, he wants a bubble bath tonight." Daisy explained, plating the food for them. Eric chuckled "ohh very fun." He said, thanking Daisy right after as she put a plate of food down. Haruto clapped and pointed to his bowl, curious what was in it. Daisy and Eric had a spicy chicken pasta and Haruto had mac and cheese with mixed veggies hidden. There was another squeal given, sitting up high in his chair and pointing in his bowl. "Yeah, eat it up." Eric said, pulling the bowl to right in front of Haruto so he didn't make a mess. Daisy sat down and watched as haruto grabbed out a handful, quickly grabbing his wrist and shaking it to make him let go of the pasta. "Haruto darling, spoon." Daisy said, picking up the spoon and holding it out to haruto. The boy grabbed it with a fisted hand, putting it in the bowl and trying to pick up a big scoop. Most fell off before it made it to his mouth, still he rocked happily and chewed. "Daisy, I don't know how I feel about Haruto bathing tonight.." Eric said with concern, with how haruto was eating his food he doubted he should be left alone in the bath. Daisy looked down as mac and cheese was already on Harutos face. "You're right.. ill sit beside the tub." She spoke softly, she didn't want him getting hurt or up to mischief like last night. Haruto wasn't listening to them, doing his best to eat and get a whole spoonful in his mouth. Eric chuckled "you like it?" He asked, pulling the bowl a little closer to Haruto. The child nodded, holding his spoon up to Eric. "Yeah, use your spoon." He encouraged. Haruto put the spoon on Eric's plate, wanting to be fed. "Oh? Do I do it?" He questioned. Haruto opened his mouth and nodded, pushing the bowl closer. Right before Eric could even pick up Harutos spoon, the boy lowered himself. "What's wrong?" Dasiy asked, he had just snapped out of it again. Haruto didn't like to be demanding. "Please.." he whispered, sitting up and signing it to Eric. "Okay sweetheart, good manners" He praised, scooping up some mac and cheese before holding it to harutos mouth. Haruto leaned over and took the spoon full, putting a hand over his mouth while chewing and swallowing. He opened his mouth for another spoon full, he was getting much more out of Eric's scoops compared to his own. After two more mouth fulls, haruto refused to open his mouth. He was full, a hand over his stomach. "Finished?" He asked, Haruto was still struggling to get through child size portions of food. Haruto shyly nodded, sitting up more and rubbing his eyes. "Okay Hun, let's run you a bath." Daisy told him, Standing up and stacking the plates and harutos bowl. The child nodded, rubbing the back of his hand across his face and feeling Mac and cheese smear. Eric stood, smiling softly at the child. "You go with Daisy, I'll come in and say goodnight a little later once you're ready for bed" He told the young minded boy, taking the things to the sink to wash up. Haruto held onto the back of Daisy's shirt, following to the bathroom to have his much needed bath. "Ah bababas?" He questioned, slipping his fingers into his mouth. "Yes darling, Bubbles." Daisy agreed, closing the door and going over to run the bath. "Stand on the mat sweetie" He explained, not wanting him wondering around. Haruto stood on the mat beside the bathtub, keeping his fingers in his mouth. Daisy finished, putting Bubbles in last and standing up in front of Haruto. She ran her fingers through his hair, sighing softly. Haruto liked the touch, smiling back with blushed cheeks. "Baby boy.. you smell of urine, all afternoon. You need to clean up yourself properly after accidents" She went on to explain. Haruto fussed, covering his eyes and shaking his head. It was very embarrassing to be told he smelt all afternoon, why didn't Eric tell him?? "Now now haruto, you're not in trouble but please look after yourself and if you need help Eric and I can assist in doing that for you." Daisy explained, gently tugging up and off harutos shirt. Haruto still blushed and avoided eye contact, fingers slipping straight back into his mouth. Daisy glanced at the fingers in harutos mouth, sighing softly but not stopping him. Harutos mind was still wrapped around the fact that Eric hadn't told him he smelt of urine, he had been sitting right in his lap so he would of had to of smelt it at some point. "Pants hun" Daisy told them, leaning down and assisting. Haruto frowned and let her, he knew she was going to help him nicely and not smell of urine anymore. "Step in sweetheart" she told him, taking his hand to assist him to step in the bathtub. Haruto slowly stepped in, sitting down and hugging his legs. Daisy gave a soft smile, grabbing the cloth and swaying it in the water. Haruto looked at the bubbles, shyly poking at a couple. He shivered as daisy let the water run down his back from the cloth, the warm water was nice after now noticing how gross he actually was. He closed his eyes and let daisy clean over his back, laying the side of his face on his knees. "Feeling better?" She whispered, still letting the water trickle down his back. Haruto opened his eyes and nodded, a soft content sigh following. Daisy handed over the cloth, wanting Haruto to do the rest of himself. "You finish up? I just got to grab something." She told him, getting up and looking down at him. Haruto looked up with his mouth slightly open with confusion, nodding and starting to wash his arms. Daisy left, leaving the door open slightly just in case. Haruto didn't think much of this, washing over the remainder of his body before poking and playing with the left over bubbles. Daisy went to Harutos room, stopping to see Eric was already on it. "Oh sorry, I was just laying out his pajamas for when he got out.. since you didn't want to leave him." Eric mentioned, stepping to the side as Daisy came over to look. Eric had laid out a nice cotton set of blue pattern long length button up pajamas, fuzzy blue socks and the pull up from the pack that Daisy had got today for the boy. "That's good, thank you." She smiled a little, leaning over and kissing Eric's cheek. "Though I like to put boxers out too, that way he can take his pull up off without having to get redressed to put the boxers on. It helps, especially if he's tired or wants to come out for breakfast." Daisy explained, going into the cupboard and putting the boxers on the bed with his pyjamas for the night. Eric nodded "Ah alright, you got this?" Eric asked, hoping Daisy could handle Haruto if he acted out over the new pull ups. Daisy nodded, grabbing Haruto's towel and heading out the room. Eric left too, going to the lounge room to wait for Daisy. Haruto was splashing slightly at the water, stopping when Daisy came back in with a short knock. "Ready to get out sweetie?" Daisy asked, coming over and holding the towel open. Haruto kept his eyes down, nodding and helping himself up. Daisy wrapped the towel around Harutos shoulders, offering a hand out the bathtub. Haruto mumbled a very soft thank you, yawning and rubbing at his eyes. "Let's go darling" she spoke calmly, leading the way out and to Harutos bedroom. The boy followed quietly, coming in to get dressed for the night. He went to shut the door but Daisy stopped him. "O-oh.. uh-" haruto let out, he wanted to dress himself since he knew he would be expected to put on his drynite which he wanted to do privately. "Oh? It's okay darling. You get changed into what's on your bed?" She asked, pointing over to it. Haruto nodded, gently closing the door in front of Daisy to have privacy. Daisy sighed softly, waiting at the door for haruto to get dressed. The boy came over to his clothes, searching through to grab the drynite first. Haruto froze, picking up the pull up. It wasn't his drynites, frowning and feeling at the padding of it. No way was he wearing it, the padding on the pull up was thick and he didn't need it. Haruto gently chucked it far under his bed, he was far too old for pull ups. Haruto gave a content sigh, picking up his boxers and slipping them on. He felt much better in his boxers, he knew he just needed to go pee before bed and in the middle of the night. Harutos slowly finished getting dressed, buttoning the pyjama top and slipping on the long pants and warm fuzzy socks. Haruto was feeling rather good, giving a soft content sigh once again. He felt the back at his pants, no padding which made him feel rather like a big boy. "Finished sweetie?" Daisy questioned, knocking on the door. Haruto had a feeling Daisy would notice the missing padding, quickly jumping into bed and under the covers. "Uh-huh.." he called out, holding the blanket to his chest. Daisy came in, seeing Haruto was under the blanket. She had a feeling he was just hiding, worried the padding was more noticeable than the drynites. "Ready for bed?" She asked, coming in slowly. Haruto shyly nodded. Daisy smiled, coming next to the bed and handing haruto his blanky and lotus. Haruto took them slowly, hugging both to his chest. "Comfy..?" She asked, she hoped the pull up wasn't too much to handle or get used to. Haruto nodded, hand slipping down and feeling his boxers. "Good boy.. well goodnight, eric and I will be in the lounge room and will head to bed soon.. you come get us if you need anything" she explained. Haruto held lotus to his blushing cheek and nodded, eyes shifting up to the glowing stars above him. Daisy ran her fingers through his hair, whispering a goodnight and walking out the room. Haruto glanced over, the door open ever so slightly. "Go pee.." he whispered to himself, sitting up ready to take himself. Haruto shuffled out of bed once Daisy left, taking lotus with him. Haruto came to the closed bathroom door, frowning as he heard the shower running. Haruto wasn't sure who it was. "I guess it can wait.." haruto told lotus, holding her up to whisper to her face. Haruto heard someone coming, quickly running back and into bed. Just in time too, Eric opened the door as he settled into bed. "Hey kiddo.. all ready for bed?" He asked, same routine as Daisy had. Haruto nodded, trying not to side eye him too much. Eric stayed at the door. "I had a really good day with you.. thank you Haruto.." Eric mentioned, it had felt good to bond with the boy. Harutos face went warm, nodding shyly and staying focused up on the glow in in dark stars. "Alright.. night kiddo." Eric whispered, leaving the door the same width open as Daisy had. Haruto let out his held breath, rolling over onto his side to face the wall. Haruto felt at his boxers through his pants, what was he so nervous about?? He was a big boy and always had wore boxers to bed even if they got saturated sometimes. Haruto didn't need a quick potty break before bed, rolling onto his stomach and closing his eyes. Very slowly he fell into a light sleep, a big day of working out emotions and slipping in and out of little space. Daisy finished her shower shortly after haruto fell asleep, coming out and sitting with Eric on the couch. "How did he go??" Eric asked, turning the tv down. Dasiy sighed and leaned her head on Eric, watching the tv blanky. "I think okay, he didn't want me in the room when he got changed but that's normal for a boy his age. He was already hiding under the blanket in bed when I come in, think he was just embarrassed." Daisy informed. Eric nodded "Alright, as long as he has the pull up on he won't have to worry about a wet bed and can sleep in longer." Eric mentioned, leaning his head on top of Daisy's. They stayed up watching the documentarys they wouldn't put on when haruto was around, not wanting to scare the child with true crime. Haruto woke up a little later, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. The boy was hazy, groaning and stretching. Haruto looked around his room with his tired eyes, fussing and crawling out of bed. The child wrapped his bed blanket over his shoulders and carried lotus and his blanky out to go find some company and affection. Daisy and Eric didn't hear haruto come in, only pausing the tv when he stood in front of them. The boy rubbed his eyes and kept them closed mostly. "Hey sweetie.. what are you doing up?" Daisy asked, sitting up on the couch. Haruto didn't answer, continuing to rub his eyes. Eric noticed lotus and blanky in clear view, gesturing for haruto to come sit in between them after moving over a bit. Haruto yawned and got on the couch, laying on his side with his head in Daisy's lap and his bottom half of his legs resting over Eric's lap. "You okay darling?" Daisy asked, seeing a tiny nod. Haruto still had his blanket over his whole body, feeling warm and safe between the two. Eric pressed play, seeing as haruto was facing away but he kept the volume low to not disturb Harutos sleep. The child was silent and still, trying his best to get some sleep in. Eric slowly removed Harutos feet from his lap, standing up and leaning into Daisy. "Going to the kitchen for a drink, want anything?" He asked quietly, daisy smiled warmly and shook her head. Haruto fussed and lifted his head, squinting his eyes at Eric. "Botbot.." he whispered, pouting and laying his head back down. "Oh okay kiddo" Eric said, running his hand through harutos hair before leaving to go get his drink and a bottle for haruto. Daisy never had haruto ask for a bottle, he only ever seemed to ask Eric for one which was sweet. Daisy hummed softly, running her hand through Haruto's hair. Harutos eyes rolled back before closing, tired and her touch being soothing. "What woke you sweetie?"  Daisy asked, curious on why. Haruto shrugged, sometimes he just woke up and in that time he often felt lonely and little. Daisy understood, running her hand back through his hair. Haruto wanted to remain in this moment forever, no worries present on his mind. Eric came with the warmed bottle and his own drink, handing the bottle to Daisy to give to Haruto. Haruto sat up with a pout "mmine.." he told Daisy, not wanting her to take it off him. Eric sat down again, glancing over to them. "I know sweetie, I was handing it over to you." Daisy informed him, holding it up. Haruto kept his pout, slowly laying his head back down and looking up at Daisy. He smiled and guided the bottle to Harutos mouth, letting go once Harutos hands took over holding it. Haruto closed his eyes and drank it, already making him sleepy more than he had been. Eric pressed play, leaning back and watching. Daisy kept most of her focus down on haruto, just glad to have him feel so comfortable with them. Haruto finished his bottle shortly before the end on the documentary, laying on his side and cuddling the empty bottle with lotus and blanky. The documentary ended, harutos eyes closed trying to rest. Daisy looked down, he couldn't sleep on the couch like this. "Sweetie, let's take you back to bed." Daisy whispered, gently moving ready to get up. Haruto fussed, covering his head with the blanket over him. Eric stood up "now now haruto, you're going to be comfy in bed instead of the couch." He explained. Haruto fussed louder, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "Let's go kiddo, off to bed" He said, holding his hand out. Haruto fussed even louder, squirming around in retaliation. "Why not haruto?" Daisy asked. "Mh wan stayy" He mumbled in a whine, pointing to both Eric and Daisy. They understood now. "You want to stay with us?" He asked, getting a quick nod back. "Sweetie, we are going to bed too." Daisy told the child, hoping he understood he wasn't going to miss out on anything. Haruto groaned and fussed, stopping once his thumb went in his mouth. Instead a silent tear streamed down his face, eyes staring off to the side. It was very clear to Eric and Daisy That haruto was suffering from abandonment issues, they couldn't blame him with his mother leaving and brother going away. Eric looked to Daisy, seeing if it was okay for Haruto to sleep with them again. Daisy gave an unsure look back, of course she wanted to say yes but the child couldn't rely on always sleeping in their bed. It was strange to have a teenage boy still in the bed, most children grew out of it by 4 or 5 occasionally sneaking into a parents bed when scared. She needed to remind herself that he was different, at heart still very connected to his inner child. "You promise to be a good boy? Straight to bed and not getting up to run around?" Daisy asked, after the last little adventure Haruto had at night time. Haruto glanced to her and nodded, thumb still in his mouth. "Alright, off we go." She went on, standing up and waiting for him to follow. Eric lead the way, eyes flicking back every couple of steps. Haruto got up, hands full with his teddy, blanky and blanket as well as sucking his thumb. The blanket dragged behind him, too tired to bundle it up in his arms. Once in the room, Eric pulled the blanket back. Daisy came in with Haruto, gesturing for haruto to lay down first. There was no retaliation, crawling across and laying in the middle. Eric took the blanket from Haruto, he didn't need his bed blanket since they had theirs. Haruto curled up and kept his eyes closed, feeling Eric and Daisy lay on each side of him. "Goodnight kiddo" He whispered, pulling the blanket up over them all. Daisy smiled, glad she let the boy sleep with them. .

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