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I got up and looked around. I headed to the door and heard Jackie saying her vows.
I headed down the stairs and enter the chapels small lobby. I peeked through the chapel doors. I then saw a sound system and controls. Jackie's phone was connected to it to display "Jackie  & William" on the screen that's over the alter.
This gave me an amazing idea. I quickly got out my phone and disconnected hers, I connected mine.
I displayed my proof.
Everyone gasped.
"Now is this the man you want to marry?" I yelled as I pushed open the doors.

"And you call that a best friend?"
Jackie looked at William and Chantel.
She then looked at me.
"Security! Take this woman away!" Chantel yelled.
The body guards didn't do a thing.

"It's-it's photo shopped!" Chantel yelled and grabbed Jackie by her shoulders. "You're going to believe your sister over me?" 

"Oh cut the crap Chantel." How is that photo shopped, you're wearing my sisters Versace robe!"
"I also saw them kissing at your birthday. In the women's bathroom." I said.

William was silent.
"Look at me in the eyes and tell me this isn't true." Jackie said looking up at William.
William avoided eye contact. He was silent.

"Oh you sure are brave to be cheating on her huh!? But admitting and telling the truth about it, total coward." I said.
Jackie looked at everyone at the crowd.
"I'm sorry for wasting everyone's time."

"You ruined everything!" Chantel yelled at me.

"Woman! I know you're not blaming her for ruining this wedding! In matter of fact, she saved her sister from committing to a man who doesn't even love her and from a back
stabbing maid of honor. In reality, you and Mr. Cheater ruined this wedding." Samantha spoke up.
Everyone agreed.

"FACTS!" Charlie yelled.

"Don't listen to them Jackie, they are all haters. I'm your best friend, you're the reason why you're happy." Chantel cried out

"A best friend doesn't sleep with her best friend's fiancé. A best friend doesn't lie to her best friend-"


"A BEST FRIEND IS HONEST, LOYAL, LOVING AND CARING! NOT A BACKSTABBER! Do I look happy to you? How could you!? Why!?" Jackie cried.

"Jackie I-"

"Tell her, stop acting all innocent! The act is up." I said.

"Shut up! Ugh, Jackie....I love him. I love William."

"William, you've been quiet..." I interrupted.

"Babe. It was a mistake, I-I love you." He said as he grabbed Jackie's hands.

"A mistake? A mistake is something you do, stop and try again and avoid from doing the same thing. Sleeping with Chantel many times and secretly being with her is not a mistake. Why were you even trying to marry me?"

"Jackie. Listen, just forget it all and start all over. I love you. You're my everything. I still wanna marry you." William said.
Jackie slowly removed her veil and engagement ring. She threw her bouquet at Chantel and her ring at William.

"You two deserve each other."
Jackie walked down the isle with her head up and walked out the chapel.

"Now can my sister get all The Undertaker on both of y'all?" Charlie said.

"Charlie, no violence." Mom said. Both mom and dad walked out to check on Jackie.

"Thank you everyone for coming, we will open the buffet early, there is a lot of food. If you'd like to take pictures with the entertainment clowns, who will be waiting at the alter." I said.
"Ooo, I'm going to charge people." Charlie said.

"Nah bro. They ain't worth a dime."
I headed out the chapel.
I then realized my phone wasn't in this amazing dress with pockets. It must have fell when I jumped through the window. I went upstairs and entered the room.
Jackie and my parents were sitting with her. Both hugging her.
They looked up and smiled at my presence.
I peeked my phone by my mom.

"I could leave if you'd want. You probably don't want to see me either. But I just came to get my phone." I said.

"Stay" Jackie mumbled.
She looked up. Her makeup completely smudged and her eyes red as rubies. Shiny and and red.
"Can you give us a minute please." Jackie said.

"Sure my love. We will be outside attending the guests." Mom said.
They both gave her a kiss on her forehead and left the room.
I picked up my phone and sat right next to her.

"Jackie I'm sorry. I just needed to do what needed to be done. I wasn't going to let you ruin your life even more. I understand this was your dream wedding but-"

"I'm sorry" she said.
I stared at her pale devastated face.

"You were right and I was a jerk. This is not your fault and this is not my dream wedding. Never was from the start because the guy I was going to marry didn't love me and dream weddings don't end like this...
This is also my fault for making it this far after you telling me the truth. I was in denial and I trusted the wrong people. I'm sorry."

"You were just blinded by their lies."

"I thought you were being jealous and thought you were being the jerk. In reality you were just trying to protect me and I appreciate that. I know I don't always show or say it but what could I've done without you, thank you." She cried.

"Me jealous of her? Pfft! Do you even know me? Although I can be a jerk sometimes, I wouldn't be when it has to do with protecting my sister."
We both embraced ourselves in a big hug.

"Love you little sis."

"Love you too, big sis."

I cried with her and we both looked at each other with tears in our eyes.
"We are a mess." I said

"Look at you with your dress and hair."
We both laughed.

"How'd you get in here anyways?" Jackie asked

"Oh, well, the process was a bit traumatizing. I'll tell you later." I said as I rubbed my aching and burning knees. Luckily my dress is red.

"I'm going to stay in here a little longer." Jackie sighed.

"Ok, do you have extra clothes?" I asked.

"Yeah I do. I'm just need some alone time." She said

I left the room and headed down stairs.

"How's your sister?" Dad asked.

"She's doing better. She's just going to change and stay up there for a little while. She wanted some alone time." I responded.
Dad nodded and hugged me.

"Although this was messy, you did the right thing." He said into my ear.

"Thanks dad."
Cameron came into the chapel and our eyes met. He ran to me and gave me a huge hug.

"Babe, you're a mess. Why is you dress ripped?" He asked. "How'd you sneak in?"

"Well.. I climbed a tree and jumped through a window."

"Rosie! The baby!" He whispered baby.

"I fell safely! Not on my stomach or anything. I'm fine! My knees are just in pain from the crawling." I said.

"Oh my gosh Rosie, the things you do." He nods his head. "You really need to start acting more like a pregnant woman and less like a ninja turtle." Cameron said and embraced me in a hug.

"Did you say pregnant?" Charlie whispered.
I looked at Charlie and then looked at each other. "Don't say a word you nosy weasel!" I said.

"My lips are sealed." He winked and walked away.

Well we have to tell the rest of the family soon.

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