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"She simply doesn't care! I can tell her that her lip is lopsided and she'll not believe me." I told Cameron.

"Why would her lip be lopsided?" Cameron asked.

"I've noticed that lip injections tend to do that to peoples lips."

"Babe, I'm going to be honest with you. I think you should probably stop worrying so much about Chantel and Jackie."

"Jackie's my sister! No matter what, I worry about her and I don't want her to get hurt."

"And I don't want you to get hurt either!" Cameron said.

We both stared at each other. I could see the worry in his beautiful big brown eyes.

"I'm-I'm not going to get hurt babe. I'm a tough girl. I can handle anything." I said.

"And I admire your strength but I know your sensitive side. And when someone hurts you, it really does hurt you." Cameron said.

"No ones going to hurt me." I said confidently.
"I got to go work."
I got up and gave Cameron a kiss.

"I love you." Cameron said.

"Love you too." I smiled.
The day continue with going to my paid internship at a school, where I help counsel high schoolers.
After that I had to pick up Charlie from his football practice.

I parked in front of the school. And patiently waited for him.
He walked towards my car with Delilah.

"Helloooo." I smirked and wiggled my eyebrows rapidly.
Charlie rolled his eyes.

"Hey Rosie!" Delilah waved.

"Rosie can we give Delilah a ride home?" Charlie asked.

"Please?" She said sweetly.

"Of course." I smiled.

Charlie opened the door for Delilah to get in.
Ugh my HEART!
He got in right after her. Yes he sat in the back with her. My HEART! I honestly thought he was going to sit in the front.

"It's so sweet how you stayed to watch Charlie practice." I said.

"It's so fun to watch him. Our friend group stays also. So we buy food and watch the guys in our group practice." Delilah responded.

"Cooooool." I responded. "I used to stay for Cameron's games too with our friend group.

We made it to her house and Charlie got out to walk her to her door.
I took a million snaps to send to Samantha and Cameron.
When Charlie was walking back I quickly hid my phone.
He hopped on the front seat and I drove off to drop him off.

"Soooooo, y'all together yet?" I smirked.

"Not yet. I have to ask her....but we have...um already kissed..."Charlie said as he bit his lip nervously.

"Boy! Wait what!? Ok then what are you waiting for! Dude! Oh my gosh!"

"Rosie, it's not as easy as it looks. I-I'm just nervous. I'll do it when I'm ready. It will be soon. I want it to be special for her."

"Don't keep her waiting too long. She's probably anxious." I said.

"I won't, you'll see." Charlie said and bit his lip nervously.

"So that's why you were in such a good mood the other day?" I asked.

We made it to my parent's house and I dropped him off.
As I drive back home, I get a text from Cameron.
I stop on a red light and quickly read it.
He wants me to stop by Walmart.
I drive to the nearest Walmart.

Since I'm already here, I'm going to buy a few groceries as well.
I grab the things Cameron asked for, which were deodorant, shaving cream, and his favorite snacks.

As I push the cart through the chip isle I recognize some one.
Ah shoot. It's her. I quickly grab the chips and go to the next isle to get the rest of the snacks.
I make it to the other isle and without noticing I hit someone with my cart.

"Ugh excuse me!"

I look up and it was Chantel. So much for avoiding her. Well at least I got to hit her with the cart.

"My bad." I faked smiled.

"Whatever, we missed you at the shoe boutique." She said sarcastically.

I sighed and rolled my eyes
"Aren't you too bougie for Walmart?" I asked.

"The guy I'm with asked me to stop by the nearest Walmart to get him pain medication." She sighed.

"Aw I feel so bad for him, you're giving him migraines. He's going to need a bigger bottle." I said.

"Oh you're so funny, now get out of my way." She shoved into me purposely.

"By the way." She said as she turned around. "I'm so glad Jackie no longer wants you around her wedding planning. Things are so much better without you. We've been having so much fun. So much sister bonding." She raised her eyebrow and smirked. She turned around and continue walking.

Don't make a scene, don't make a scene! I took deep breathes and clenched my fist and jaw. I had the urge to do something. I quickly grabbed a water bottle from the shelf and tossed it towards her. That water bottle went straight to the back of her head and I turned around and casually walked away.

Her screams were heard throughout the whole store.
At least I'm not the one making the scene.
I quickly scanned my items and left the store.

I finally made it home. I was angry. I wish I tackled her and would dissolve all her fillers.

"Hey, babe." Cameron said as he walked down stairs shirtless and in sweat pants while holding his I pad.

"Oh sweet baby, I'm evaporating. You just made my night even better." I said to him as I bit my lip.

"Let me help you with those bags." He said as he kissed me and grabbed the rest of the bags.
"You're twitching. What happened at the store?" He asked.

"I confronted the wicked witch of the west, north, south and east." I sighed. "This woman really gets under my skin. She knows what she's doing. Good thing I hit her with my cart and threw a water bottle to her head." I said.

"You threw a water bottle to her head?" Cameron said.

"Yea sir, I am proud of how good I aimed, babe."


"Don't 'babe...' me, she deserves it. Do you rather have me tackle her in the middle of the store and have me arrested?" I asked.

"Well no, but what if she wants to, I don't know, sue you. Or do something behind your back." Cameron said concerned.

"I won't let her. She only knows how to anger people with words. Plus who sues a person for throwing a water bottle? And she already does things behind my back."
My phone started to ring mid conversation.
It was Jackie. I'm not answering. I can hear her already.
How dare you do that to Chantel, my best friend! You're just jealous blah blah. Just leave her alone blah blah. Stop hating on her blah blah.

I continued to ignore her phone calls.
Tomorrow is her birthday so we will talk tomorrow. If we even have the chance.

She's going to have it at her luxurious condo.
She hasn't said I'm not invited so yes I'm going.

"Anyways, babe, you need to wear sweats more often." I said as I bit my lip.

"As you wish." He said as he prepared our food.

"You know what?" Cameron said.


"You need to be shirtless more often." Cameron smirked.

"Oh shut up."
We both laughed.

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