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"O Honey if I get restless!"

"Baby your not that kind!"

While Cameron and I our singing to the top of our lungs in our kitchen, making breakfast, a phone call interrupts me.

"Hellooo?" I said as I answered.

"Yo sis, I need you to do me a favor. I need you to pick me up from school today." Charlie asked

"Ain't no body got time for that." I replied.

"Rosie! Please, I don't wanna take the bus. Mom and dad can't."

"Dude I'm messing with you, yes I'll pick you up."

"Thank you amazing, beautiful, and wonderful big sister!"

"Dang, I need to start picking you up more often."

"Ok sis. See ya later."

I hung up the phone.

"I'm going to pick up Charlie from school. Come with?" I said to Cameron.

"I can't, I have a meeting." Cameron replied as he sat down with his plate of French toast.

"Ooo a meeting! What for?" I asked.

"With a design company who is willing to collaborate with us!"

"Cool beans babe! I wish you the best of luck!"
We continued to eat and talk.
After breakfast, Cam made his way to work and I got ready to pick up Charlie.

In a few hours, I headed out.

In a few minutes, I am going to revisit my old high school. Where some people taunted me for hanging out with only guys, having 'poor sense in fashion' and just being me.

I pulled up to the front of the school. 2:58pm is to be exact.
Suddenly I heard someone beeping at me and the beeping got more and more aggressive. I turned my head and saw a familiar black mustang and face.
I rolled down my window and so did she!




We kept shouting back and forth. People looked confused as we shout.
Who is this person I'm shouting with, it my only female best friend, Samantha James!
I met her before our senior year. She was new and saw that she was someone I had so much in common.

She pulled up and parked in front of me. We both got out of the car. We have each other a handshake and a hug.

"Missed you girl!" I said.

"Same!" She replied

The school bell rang and the front of the school started squirming with students.

"What are you doing here anyways?" Samantha asked.

"I'm picking up Charlie." I said.

"I'm picking up my sister too."

"Delilah goes here too?" I asked.

"Yeah, she's Charlie's age."
Suddenly we turn to the front gate and see them both walk out. At first I thought they just coincidentally walked out at the same time, but then I saw them smiling and talking to each other.

"Dang your little bro glowed up! Looking like a little Johnny Depp" Samantha said. "puberty hit him hard."

"He got hit by a truck." I said.

"Yeah that's how hard puberty hit him, haha"

"No I'm serious, this dude hit a truck and suddenly he started puberty a few days later." I said.
Sammy looked at me confused.

"He was riding his skateboard home. There was a truck parked in the neighborhood and he was distracted as he was looking down on his phone and boom, he hits the truck. He said he yelled and his voice cracked. That's when his voice started to change and everything else."

"No way!" Sammy was shook.

"True story." I said.

After telling Sammy the story, Charlie and Delilah stopped. Did they not see us?
They were so into their conversation. Facing each other, eye to eye, both mirroring each other's laughter and smile.

"Do you see what I see?" Samantha asked.

"Yepp. I see love." I said.

"Yo Lalah!" Samantha yelled.

"Charlie! I gotta goooo!" I yelled.

Both their attention were on us and even from the distance, I saw that they both blushed. They walked towards us together.

"Hey guys." Both Sammy and I said simultaneously."

"Heeeyy." They both said.

"Well we gotta go!" I said to Charlie.

Charlie nodded and said bye to both Sammy and Delilah.

"See you later bestie!" I said to Samantha.

"Lates." She said.

I drive off and the drive was silent.
I want to know the tea from Charlie.
Is Delilah his mystery girl?

"Delilah Is so pretty huh?" I asked him.

"Why are you asking me this?" He answered.
He was blushing. Yupp he likes her.

"I see it in your eyes! You like her! She's your mystery girl!" I teased.

"Ro! Keep it low key tho. I don't want anyone to know who yet. She doesn't even like me like that." He frowned.

"Bruh, the way y'all smile at each other! There is no doubt. She likes you." I said

"Friends smile at each other too! Friends can like each other too! As just friends!" He  said.

"You have a point, but I saw chemistry. A different kind of chemistry." I smirked.

"Ro, i just don't want to talk about it." He sighed.

"Why? You like her don't you?"

"Yeah but you know...when you like someone so amazing, so beautiful, and so sweet. And you love to talk about them and how they make you feel. The feeling they give you with even just them breathing and being in your presence. But at the same time you don't want to talk about them anymore because you think about how they might not share those same feelings with you. Negative thoughts attack your mind because it will never work. I just rather not." He sighs.

"Aww  Charmander! Brutha! You're going to make me cry. Can I tell you something?
Give it time. Your friendship may be the world to her, I can see it in her eyes and the way you both connect. Don't rush but don't keep her waiting. You never know if you don't try. When you feel confident, ask her out. You're an amazing guy." I said.

We pulled up to my parent's house.
Charlie smiles at me.

"I know I never really say this, but I love you. You're the best even though you're annoying. Thanks sis." He smiles and hugs me.

"Love you too little bro." I hugged him back.
He leaves the car and goes inside the house.

Like I said before, I need to start picking this kid up more often.


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