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"I have loved you since forever, ever since we were children. As a best friend and as a partner and now I will love you as a wife, forever and always. Best friends forever life, no matter what..."

As Cameron said his vows, I couldn't believe that we were both standing on the alter, hand in hand, dressed all fancy shamncy, and getting married. I'm getting married to my best friend. I couldn't ask for more.
This is my fairy tale. This is something that is way to good to be true.

I smiled and he mirrored my smile.
I took a deep breathe

"Well who would of thought I was gunna be standing up here in a white dress. That's how much I love you. I'm standing up here in a dress for you boy! We have been through so much but look at us now, we never left each other's side. From childhood through  high school, through college, through Black Friday shopping at Walmart  and even through constipation..."

I continued with my vows and once I was done, we both smiled once again.
I'm legit sweating, this foundation is just too much for my face. Just smile through it Rosie.

"You may kiss the bride."

"Finally dude!" I said and both Cameron and I kissed.

Then the Cha-Cha Slide started to play and obviously Cameron and I danced down the isle.

We are walked out the church and made it inside the limousine.

"I can't wait to get out of this dress!" I sighed.

"Me too." Cameron smirked

"Cameron Dallas, I suggest you keep it PG, you'll gross out the driver and he might drive horrendously because you'll make him uncomfortable." I said.

Cameron smiles at me and says
"Gosh I'm glad I married you."
We both laugh and kiss and head to take our photos and then to the venue.

This day, will always be a day to remember.


Rosie and Cameron Dallas

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