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It's Saturday evening, and here we are, getting ready for the bbq.

As I picked out my outfit, I got a phone call from my mom.
Sweetie! Do your mom a favor!

What is it?

Why don't you try wearing a dress?

Really mom? I sighed


Mom! You can't just call me and tell me to wear a dress. A dress for what? To stain with bbq ribs?

Honey it not much to ask.

Mom you act like you don't know me, of course it's too much to ask from me!

Well just wear something nice! Don't wear those basketball shoes.

Mom, I'll see you later. Bye

Bye sweetie.

We hung up and I took out a pair of my good jeans, jeans that are not ripped, and a black blouse tucked in my jeans and my clean and white Air Force ones.

As I finished getting dressed, Cameron walked out of the shower.

"I overheard you talking to your mom about wearing a dress."

"Oh yes, she's going a little over board for this." I said.

"Well I am going to impress your mom by wearing a high end polo shirt. I'm going to wear all black and to top it off, I will match you with the white Air Force 1s."

"Nice babe! You do you. Casual but well dressed." I kissed cam.

After getting ready, we headed to the bbq.

We walked into the house and the house smells amazing. Like vanilla and food!

"My loves!" Mom greets us. "Not too bad kids! I love the outfit Cam!"

Dad and Charlie where both in Polo shirts. And khakis.
The backyard was well decorated with lights and the table nicely set up.

"Wow mom! It looks great!" I said.

"Right!" She smiled.
Jackie and William aren't here yet, they will be here in a few minutes.

Suddenly, the door opened and we all turned our heads to the door.

"And this is my childhood home." Jackie said as she walked hand in hand with a tall and handsome dude, who has to be the one and only William.

"Jackie! William! Welcome!" Mom hugged them both.

"It's a pleasure, Mrs. Dawson."
Everyone said hi to William.
Then came my turn.

"Prince William! Nice to meet you, I'm Rosie, the most amazing little sister of Jackie." I said and bowed.

"Oh my gosh Rosie, you're so embarrassing." Jackie shook her head.

"Yes, Jackie has mentioned you quite a lot." He smiled.

"Oh really! I must know the tea!" I smiled.

"Sit down Rosie." Jackie sighed

We all went to the yard and took our seats.

"It smells amazing!" William said.

"Thanks, I got some authentic stakes and ribs on the grill." Dad said as he flipped the meats in the grill.

Mom brought out the steak sauce, bbq, potatoes salad, salad, and drinks out to the table.
We served our selves the sides and then dad brought the plate with the meats.

One of the Guy2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora