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"Ok family! I'm getting married in 2 weeks! Everyone should have their tuxes and dresses!" Jackie yelled at us as we all sat in my parent's living room.

"Where the heck is William!?" Jackie yelled.

Either messing around with your best friend or busy modeling for mattresses. I still don't know if he's purposely cheating on Jackie or it's Chantel manipulating. I need more proof.

"Rosie! Rosie!?"
I shook my head and mentally came back to the meeting.

"What?" I said.

"I asked you if you got your dress yet?" Jackie asked as she had her hands on her hips.

"Yes I do, it came in yesterday."

"Ok good. Make sure your dress following my guidelines. Don't ruin it by wearing Jordans or air forces. Also, you must have your hair, nails, and makeup done. No chipped nail polish." Jackie exclaimed as she looked down at my nails.

"Yes mam" I gave her a thumbs up.

My sister is getting married in two more freakin' weeks! She thinks everything maybe be perfect but her man is most likely cheating on her. What kind of sister am I to let her go through this?
I quickly get up from the sofa and head to my old room.
I open the door and find most of my old things in their original place. I sit on desk chair and sigh. I look out the window and suddenly spot two people on the driveway.
"William and Chantel."
They were talking and smiling. They were also walking super close. They both walk towards the door.

"WHERE IN THE WORLD WERE YOU!?" Jackie yelled from downstairs.

"Babe?" Cameron walked in. "Are you fine?"

"Yeah, that's why you married me right?" I winked.

"Haha yes, no doubt in that." He winked back. "But are you ok?"

"Somewhat. I can't bare to see my sister plan her wedding while I know something about her fiancé. I feel guilty. I need to tell her." I sighed.

"Well right now it's not the right time. She's yelling at William for coming late." He said.

"Let's go see the drama." I said and we both walked down stairs holding hands.

"I was wondering where you were! I called you! And suddenly I see you walk in with Chantel? What were you guys doing!?" Jackie said disappointedly.

"First, you need to calm down. We went to get you a little surprise." William said.

"Surprise?" Jackie said and looked at William.

"Close your eyes babe." William said and put his hands over Jackie's.
Chantel opened the door and William walked Jackie out the door.
William removed his hands and Jackie opened her eyes. She looked down at a basket with flowers.

"Look inside." William said.
Jackie picked up the basket and took out a box.
She opened the little box and saw a key.

"This is the key to our new condo." William said.

"Shut up!" Jackie said shocked. "The one we were on the waitlist!?"

"Chantel went with me because she has connections. She was able to help us get it before our wedding." William said.

"Babe!" Jackie kissed William. She then hugged Chantel.

No way? I'm pretty sure she seduced the manager of the condo. Why are they always making themselves look good?

"You two are the best! I don't deserve you two!" Jackie said as she cries of happiness.

"No, they don't deserve you."
No, what am I doing? Shut up Rosie, shut up.

Everyone turned around, now all eyes are in me.

"Oh my gosh that's the nicest thing I've ever said to Jackie." I mumbled to myself.

"What are you talking about?" Jackie asked.

"You think Chantel is so perfect and the most amazing person in the world but you're wrong! She's-"

"Here you go AGAIN! You know what Rosie, I don't want to hear it because it's always the same. Shut up" Jackie angrily said.

"Hold up, excuse ME? Again? Of course, you really want your sister to go against me? Hmm? For your information, I am perfect and amazing. Without me, Jackie wouldn't have the things she does. What have you given her, hmm? Nothing right, so shut up and stay in your lane. You're just jealous and before anything comes out of your mouth about me, think twice and reflect everything, ok? Ok." Chantel said without a stutter.

"Apologize Rosie." Jackie said.

So you think I'm just standing there all calm and not about to do anything? You're wrong!
Two second later, Chantel was on the floor and I was slapping and punching her.

"Oh my gosh, Rosie honey STOP!"
Everyone was yelling but I ignored because don't care and she deserves it.
I then felt hands pull me back and familiar arms around me.
"Babe, calm down" Cameron whispered in my ear.

"I will NOT apologize! You don't deserve it. They will find out what you've been up to. And you to William, I just need more proof ok!" I yelled.

"You're crazy! CRAZY! She's crazy!" Chantel yelled!

"You're crazy! Leave now Rosie! LEAVE! You're not going to be a part of my wedding and I don't want to see you or talk to you." Jackie yelled back.
Cameron walked me out my parent's house, got in the car and drove off.

This isn't the ending, but the beginning. I'm not done.
During the ride, I was tearing up.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Cameron asked and grabbed by hand.

"Just hold me." I sighed.

He held and massaged my hand throughout the whole ride home.
My family really must think I'm crazy. They might think I'm just finding ways to get rid of Chantel but that's not the case. I'm just trying to protect myself family and what if no one believes. I already know Jackie doesn't.

We finally got home and I just slumped myself onto the couch.
"Babe, just a reminder, you need to explain to your parents about this situation. They're probably confused."

"I know they're confused but they also know I can't stand Chantel." I sighed.

I will not let Chantel win. She's going down

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