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It is Friday, the day before Saturday....obviously. The day before our bbq.
I don't have class Friday, but I do intern at a clinic.
Right after my shift I headed to my parents house to just visit.

"Mother!" I said as I walked in.

"In the kitchen." She yelled

I walked towards the kitchen to find my mom sitting on the floor with different books on the floor. Some books open, some books that are stained, some that are on the counter, and on her.

"Mom, you finally found out how to use your library card or something?" I looked around.

"These are my recipe books. You know, that huge box in the pantry, that's where I keep them." She said.

"Dang, why is this the first time I see them all out." I said as I sat down with her.

"Sweetie, we are having a high class man in our home tomorrow. I need to make sure I make something amazing to impress!" She said.

"He's just Jackie's fiancé, not the freakin president or the Royals from England." I said as I picked up a Rachel Ray recipe book and skim through it.

"I know but I just want to impress my new son in-law. Tomorrow just has to be a little more extra." Mom said.

"How come you didn't try this with Cam?" I said as I lifted an eyebrow.

"Honey, he's the best and I love him to death but he's always been family! We could all be eating spaghetti off the floor and he'd join us."

"Truuue and he does love your food."

After a few minutes of skimming through recipe book after recipe book, my mom picked her top 3 and I helped her put away the rest of the books.

"One book for dessert, one for appetizers and the other for the BBQ." Mom said as she laid the books on the counter. "I need you to go to the store for me and buy extra bbq sauce, strawberries, watermelon..."

And the list went on and on.
My mom is legit going extra for this bbq.
As she gave me the list, I drove off the the best store in the whole wide world!

"Attention Walmart shoppers, watch your step as you walk by aisle 1, their is water on the floor."

I walked around the store and for some reason felt guilty as the person in the intercom announced the accident. Like it wasn't me this time.

I grabbed things from the produce section and then headed to the refrigerator isle and so on.

As I continued shopping, I saw a familiar person.
As I kept staring he turned around and furrowed his eyebrows. He started to walk towards me.

"It was you! You caused the waters to spill on aisle 1!"

"Billy! Hello to you too!" I smiled. "I didn't know you came back to work here!"

"Target wasn't going so well...ANYWAYS, don't change the subject young lady!" Billy said.

"It wasn't me."

"Well then who-."

"Heard the words that I told her."

"What? Who"

"It wasn't me."

"It was you!" Billy said with an annoyed tone.

"She even caught me on camera."

"Oh she did!? Bingo! Proof- wait hold on a sec..are you singing?"
Billy then realized the words and rolled his eyes

"I'm just messing with you Billy. But I'm serious, I didn't do it. Im just running some errand for my mom. I'm in my 20s Billy, I don't do that stuff anymore." I said.

"Oh well I'm sorry, I didn't realize how mentally grown you've become. The waters were then a real accident." Billy apologized

"It's all good, it was good seeing you Billy, I'll bring Cameron along next time."

As I said that, a small smile peeked from his face and waved goodbye.
I headed to the checkout and once I was done, I headed back to my car and back to my parents house.
As I walked in, Dad and Charlie were trying in suits.

"Where y'all going dressed all fancy I said as I walked by them and placed the groceries on the table.

"Your mother wants us to dress in formal attire for tomorrow." Dad sighed.

"Mom is seriously tripping." Charlie said.

"I am certainly not, 'tripping' I just want to impress our high class in law." Mom said as she walked out of the kitchen covered in flour.

"Babe, we are a middle class family with a beautiful home and family. That's good enough isn't it? That's who we are." Dad explained.

"Yes my love but nothing is wrong with being a little extra." Mom replied.

"A little? Mom they are dressed like they are going to the country club to drink fine wine and Pellegrino."

"Let me mention that she asked us to try on our 'fine and best suits' she made me pull out the Giorgio Armani suit." Dad said.

"Which is the only high end suit you own!" Mom responded.

"Why do we have to wear our best suits mom. It's a bbq." Charlie said.

"Ok ok! No suits! Just wear your best clothes Period!" Mom raises her hands and walks back to the kitchen.

I sighed and said bye to them. I headed home and found Cameron laying on the sofa watching TV.

"Hey love." I said as I walked into our home and placed my things in the counter.

"Hey babe, I thought I was going to find you home when I got back." Cameron said.

I walked to the kitchen to grab a Dr Pepper and then to the sofa.

"I had to run some errand for my mom. She is making the bbq bigger than what it is. She was so close to making Charlie and dad wear their best suits...TO A BACK YARD BBQ!" I said.

"Wow, sounds like she is making this a big deal."

"She decorated the front porch with the white Christmas lights and went through her recipe book collection. Since William is a high class kinda dude, she wants to impress him by going a 'little' extra." I said.

"How come I wasn't fine dined for bbq Saturday?" Cameron said crossing his arms.

"Boy, you were impressed the minute we all drank water from our noses with a straw and that time when my mom made homemade chocolate pie." I chuckled.

"Truuuuue, I don't need fine dining, the love y'all gave me from the beginning is enough." He said and gave me a big hug.

For those who didn't understand the Rosie and Billy "It wasn't me" interaction, it's a song😂 and I know I didn't write the lyrics in order.

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