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Today we are celebrating Jackie's and William's engagement.
"Babe, can you please help me with my tie?" Cameron said from the closet.

"Babe, I feel overwhelmed." I sighed as I helped him with his tie.

"Hold on, let me just interrupt for one second. But can I just say DANG! Rosie, why do you always take my breath away! You look gorgeous!" Cameron said.

"Liar!" I pointed at him.

"The truth babe." He said and kissed me.

"Well thank you." I pose.

"So why are you overwhelmed?" Cameron asked.

"This whole wedding. It's not even mine. It's just that, Jackie stupid maid of honor makes a vein pop out of my forehead. Also, I kinda feel upset that she didn't pick me to be her maid of honor. Weird right?" I sighed

"I'm scared to meet this maid of honor. But it's understanding that you are upset. You're her sister and surprisingly Jackie doesn't really have many friends. For her to choose this messed up person to be her maid of HONOR over you sucks right?" Cameron said.

"I love you so freakin much Cameron. Exactly what you said! You understand me."

It's true, surprisingly Jackie doesn't have many friends. She has acquaintances. Jackie has like 2 other close friends. Yeah Jackie seems to be such a popular person but she doesn't make friends easily.

"All this will be over, trust me. Relax, breathe, and enjoy the food that will be served at this party. Also be happy that your sister is getting married." Cameron looked at in my eyes.
He is literally the best. He always knows what to say.

"Let's go and get this show on the road." I said.

Minutes later we arrived at the venue.
It was a beautiful garden venue.
"Darling over here." Mom shouted from her table.
Cameron and I walked hand in hand.
"Two extra seats reserved for you two." Mom said and hugged me.

"Hello lovely family." I smiled and then my eyes landed on someone I wish I didn't lay my eyes on. I Ignored her. Her table was right beside ours.
I sat down and so did Cameron.
From the distance, Jackie and William were talking to other guests. Her eyes landed at our table. After they were done talking, they walked towards us, both of their arms wrapped around each other's.

"Family! The buffet will open up soon and by the way Rosie, you look stunning. She said.

"Thanks." I said

"Best FRIEND!!!" Chantel yelled from behind us.

"Heyy, girl I need to introduce you to the rest of my family." Jackie said.
Jackie began to introduce the rest of our family.

"Wait, you're married to him!? But he's so hot!" Chantel said to me.

Remain calm Rosie. REMAIN CALM.
Cameron put his hand on my thigh. Letting me know to calm down

"Well thank you, I'm glad I have a hot wife to match my hotness." Cameron said as he looked at me and kissed my cheek.

Aw I love him so much.

"Anyways, nice meeting you all. I need a drink." She said and walked away.

"Shoo shoo bad vibes." I said as she left.

"You weren't wrong about her attitude." Cameron said.
We continued to have a good time.
I tried not letting little miss attitude ruin this moment.
William and Jackie seemed like they were having a great time.

"Attention! Attention!" Chantel said through the microphone.
I sighed and gave her my attention. Everyone faced the stage.

"Hi everyone! Ok so if you don't know who I am, I'm Jackie's maid of honor, Chantel. I just want to say a few words to my best friend. I am sooooooo excited you found love! You guys are totally cute! When I tell you, they make the cutest most perfect couple. They are perfect for
each other and I can't wait for the big day. I can't wait to stand right next to you! I promise to be the best maid of honor. So let congratulate the cute couple. Jackie and William! Woohoo!" She raised her glass and so did everyone else.

This girl is the worst at speeches.

"Let's celebrate!" Jackie said through the microphone.
The dj began to blast music and a few people went to the dance floor.
"Let's dance." I said to Cameron.

"You don't have to ask me twice!" He said and grabbed by hand.
As we moved onto the dance floor. Chantel was dancing with William.
I saw Jackie through the crowd trying to get through.

"Jackie!" I yelled.
Her attention was on me and she walked closer to me and Cameron.

"Yes?" She said.

"Why is Chantel dancing with William?" I asked.
Jackie turned around and then turned back.

"I told her too. I have to take care a few things. She's keeping him company. Why?" She said.

"Oh no, just wondering. She seems very close to him." I said as I looked over.

"Oh my gosh, Rosie! Of course they are. She's my best friend and he's my fiancé. They have a close friendship! What are they not aloud to be friends?" She said with an annoyed tone.

"I'm-my bad Jackie. It's just that-"

"It's just what? You don't like her so you're just coming up with excuses. You know what, deal with it. She's my best friend and she's going to be around." Jackie angrily said and walked away before I could say anything else.

Cameron put his hand on my back and I looked at him.
I looked over one more time.
She just seems so flirtatious around him. Both of them smiled at each other and continued to
Like I've said, this girl gives me bad vibes.
But then I could be over thinking it. Maybe because I dislike her so much, that's why I see bad in her.
I sighed and continued to dance with Cameron. I'm going to just get over it.

"THE AUDACITY! How am I going to shake my booty in front of my best friends fiancé? How am I going to act all sexy and flirtatious? Huh! Tell me!" I said to Cameron.
We were home already after a long day at the party. I kicked off by boots and plotted my body on our bed.

"It's just the way she is. I guess. It's probably a habit of hers to flirt with men. Even if they're married or engaged." Cameron said.

"Man, if she tries to come at you, oooh just watch me! I'm going to get all John cena on her."

"I support all your wishes my love." Cameron said as he walked to the bathroom.
After ranting for a whole 30 minutes. Cameron and I cuddled on our bed and ready to sleep.

"Just don't over think it babe. You're going to end up getting into trouble again."

"I won't. I'll try not too." I sighed.

Sometimes your instincts could be right or wrong.
For me...I don't know.

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