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"Gran Mag…"

Summary: Utterly for fun…Sheldon is in deep, deep trouble…From certain povs…When Amy's older sister blows…Into town…For Halloween and their engagement party…

Helps if you look up the wondrous Charlotte Gainsbourg…And one of the better pics of the equally wondrous Maggie Hamilton…

Disclaimer: BBT is all Chuck's…

Part XXII…

Stuart Bloom's sister's home…Front porch, where Stuart and I awaited our fates…In the form of Leonard's car pulling up…My friends emerging, along with my nemesis, Charlotte…Looking quietly triumphant…

"Sheldon…" Amy, eyeing me rather coolly as she came up to me…A brief cheek peck… "I won't ask for an explanation…I just want you to say whether you'll come back or not, now…." Steadily grim look…

Slight movement of eyes to side belying her stance…

Pon my soul, Amy Farrah Fowler…You are not only a fine actress, every bit as good as TV's Blossom, the actress Raj and Howard always claim resembles you…But I would swear by that twinkle in the corner of your lovely brown eye, you are starting to enjoy this…

You wicked woman , you…

Meanwhile the truly wicked, if rather pathetic in her way, Charlotte had also reached me, keeping right behind her sister…Equally grim look…

"Dr. Cooper…I can't say I'm very impressed with your behavior these last two days…" she said, quietly… "But if my sister is willing to overlook it, I'll say no more…" narrow stare…But, with Amy in front, Stuart busy speaking to his sister just inside the house, and the others behind, coming up, she felt free to indulge…Putting her tongue out iand about n rather daringly languid fashion…Immediately resuming solemn expression…

"Sheldon…What the hell did you think you were doing?..." Leonard, behind Charlotte, moving up… "Don't you know how worried Amy was?...All of us?..."

"I did what I felt I had to do…" spoke I… "I do want to say that Stuart and Penny were in no way to blame…And Amy, I am sorry if I worried you…"

"I just need to know if you're coming back now…And are willing to attend the party tonight…" Amy replied, solemnly…

"Of course…" I nodded… "I never intended to miss it…"

"Sheldon, we have a few questions…" Leonard began…Amy putting up a hand…

"No, we don't, Leonard…I said I only wanted to know if Sheldon would come back and I meant it…He can explain things to me later when he's ready…Lets go…"

I nodded again…But couldn't resist an urge to scratch where Howard's wire was chaffing the skin on my upper torso…Quickly refraining as Charlotte focused on me again after a glance to Amy…

"Stuart…Thanks for accommodating me last night and today…And thanks to your sister…" I raised a grateful hand to my ally…Who nodded…

"No problem…Amy, I'm sorry I lied but…" he began…

"My fault…" I cut in… "I asked him to keep my presence secret until I was ready…"

"This is not nearly good enough, Sheldon!…" Leonard, annoyed… "You put us all through hell…!"

"Leonard, I asked you to drop it…" Amy, firmly… "I appreciate your help last night but it's done and lets leave it at that…Stuart, we'll see you and your family tonight…Thank you for looking after Sheldon…" she waved over at his sister, solemn-looking genius niece, and nephew…

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