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"Gran Mag…"

Summary: Utterly for fun…Sheldon is in deep, deep trouble…From certain povs…When Amy's older sister blows…Into town…For Halloween and their engagement party…

Helps if you look up the wondrous Charlotte Gainsbourg…And one of the better pics of the equally wondrous Maggie Hamilton…

Disclaimer: BBT is all Chuck's…


I am bodily carried up the hotel stairs…No doubt we are enroute to the helipad on the roof, first stop the airport and a drect flight to Paris…

"Sheldon…" Charlotte, keeping pace with me and my "carrier"… "I wanted to do this the right way, I tried to make you see…But I'm not leaving without you…In time, you'll see it's the right place for you, with me…"

Unable to respond, I merely offer a withering gaze and seek some means of escape…

"We belong together, my love…I'll make you see…" she pats me… "Hurry, mes amis…" urging the henchthugs…

Amy and Leonard for the sake of time had left Penny to inform the just entering Howard, Stuart, Raj, and Bernadette…

"A helicopter?...She has a helicopter?..." Howard stares at the still milling but at least for now on break, thanks to Amy's "Cut"…Extras…

"And a floor full of extra guys and some pretty beefy hunks…We gotta get up there!..." Penny moves for door…

"Stuart?...You have your car…?" Howard turns to him… "Get to the airport, as fast as you can…Find out at the desk here which planes are leaving for France or Europe within the hour…"

"Right…" Stuart heads for the elevator…

"What is going on here?..." the manager steps out… "I need to speak with Dr. Fowler, something is not right here…"

"You betcha it's not…" Bernadette calls, heading to join Penny at the stairs…

"Stop that helicopter!..." Howard yells at the manager… "The good doctor is off her rocker and kidnapping our friend…C'mon, Raj…"

"Lets go!..." Stuart urges the manager… "I need you to call the police and get me flight schedules…"

Helicopter pad…Dusk…The last light of this eventful, vanished day fading fast…

A medtiransport, no less…Charlotte having thought of everything…An easy clearance to the airport…

But IQ of 189, one must expect this sort of thing…

"Nearly ready…Afraid you'll have to play patient, Sheldon…" she tells me as I am set down before her… "But the drug I'll use isn't too strong and won't last long…Attendez!..." she calls to her people… "See if the pilot is ready!…"

Normally on being released, though still held…I would seek to verbally challenge my opponent and break them down with carefully honed sarcasm…

However…I saw one of those apes wrinkle my Amy's costume…

"You hurt Amy!...Listen you insane freak of a sister-in-law!…Back in East Texas where I hail from…" I begin…

Hmmn…Out of what repressed gene from my father did that come?...

"Was Amy harmed?..." she looks round… "I told you not to hurt her…"

Several of the half-dozen henchthugs at hand eye each other… One speaks up…

"No, doc…She was fine…"

"Bien… I want her to have a long and miserable life…Alone…"

"…Love you?...I'm going to see you dead!" I holler…

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