"Gran Mag..." Part III...

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"Gran Mag..."

Summary: Utterly for fun...Sheldon is in deep, deep trouble...From certain povs...When Amy's older sister blows...Into town...For Halloween and their engagement party...

Helps if you look up the wondrous Charlotte Gainsbourg...And one of the better pics of the equally wondrous Maggie Hamilton...

Disclaimer: BBT is all Chuck's...I don't own the characters of "The Big Bang Theory.  Plot of this story and additional characters are mine. Strictly for entertainment.

Part III...

Darkness...Light rain falling on the mean streets...Mean streets testifying to a serious degree of poor city maintenance...Look at that bag of garbage just lying there in the alley...Oh...

Pardon me, ma'am...Didn't mean to interrupt your alcohol-induced coma.

In the belly of the beast that is Pasadena, CA...A lone man running for his life...Hunted by a dark and sister...I mean sinister, it's difficult to see to type here on the mean streets under lamplights...force...Who is in fact his would-be sister, in-law...

Along with unsinister but clueless friends and treasured acquaintances...Not that it should surprise me they'd be taken in...

And not including my dearly beloved intended, Amy Farrah Fowler...Whose reason for allowing herself to put trust in her older sister is perfectly understandable. Though potentially deadly to me...

Well, at least to our relationship...Which would be death to me.

Yes, that's not scientific...But my experience with Amy Farrah Fowler and the various ups-and-downs of our passionate roller coaster of a relationship...An apt metaphor given roller coasters make me ill...

As I said Love indeed hurts...

...And yet I keep wanting to get back on...And Meemaw always said if I ever did want to get back on a roller coaster with a girl...She'd be the one...Has taught me there are times when science must...Be flexible in providing answers...And look for them in corners perhaps not as yet...But one day after my award-winning research...Will be judged as justifiably scientific as any...In short, string theory for the vagaries of the human heart.

...As I was saying...A lone man running for his life...With no support but his world-shaking intellect and this laptop, he must clear his name and defeat the unspeakable evil that is Charlotte Magdelena Fowler.

But first...He must get out of this rain. Before he catches cold and his one link to the greater world and one hope of securing data to use against his foe gets totally fried.

Hmmn...There seems no alternative...

To Starbuck or not to Starbuck...That is the question...Whether it is nobler in the mind to suffer the smell of concentrated caffeine and the jostling of elbow-rubbing patrons whose empty lives lead them to herd in such dens of iniquity or to face the alternative...


I don't do McDonalds...Case closed.

My phone vibrates.  I'd wisely shut off the ringer in case my clueless band of treasured acquaintances and friends attempt once more to reach me and my instinctive deference to social convention caused me to again answer...Putting me in the clutches of my fiend-like enemy who even now is worming her foul way into their hearts...Determined to turn their devoted love and loyalty to me to suspicion and enmity...

Again, my Amy exempted...She's just trying to be a good sister.

I peer out the condensation-fogged windows of my caffeine den.  Charlotte has my roommate and occasional comic-relief science sidekick, Leonard Hofstadter driving her about in search of me...No doubt already her devoted slave...

Gran Mag...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora