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"Gran Mag…"

Summary: Utterly for fun…Sheldon is in deep, deep trouble…From certain povs…When Amy's older sister blows…Into town…For Halloween and their engagement party…

Helps if you look up the wondrous Charlotte Gainsbourg…And one of the better pics of the equally wondrous Maggie Hamilton…

Disclaimer: BBT is all Chuck's…

Part XXV…

Penny having released Leonard and I having moved off with Amy Farrah Fowler to make the most of our possibly brief non-Charlotte time, Hofstadter had managed to find time to be bemused by my conversation of the previous ten minutes…

"What was that about a wire?..." he stared, at Raj, then Penny…Who to her credit despite a rather heavy dose of alcohol avoided spilling her guts and the details of my plan…

"Sex thing…" she noted…Now attempting to carry off perfect sobriety…An acting performance at which she failed…However, failed to such an extent that Leonard's concern for her outweighed his curiosity at my latest "antics"…So, in a sense I must concede that she succeeded, by failing…

"Was it?..." Raj, proceeding to do his best to atone for Penny's success…

"Yeah…" curt reply, she frowning at him…

Moron…And Priya brother…

Not to mention…God, everyone but poor Howard…And maybe Leonard know what's going on, bucko…

Deeper frown, Raj realizing its intent…Slight gulp…

"I see…" croak…

So much for several years' progress in overcoming his shyness with women, or at least with Penny…

"We better get you back to your room…The party's in three hours, you'll need to sleep a little of this off…" Leonard urged… "C'mon, lets go…"

"He's got me…It's fine…" she eyed Raj…

Perhaps no quite so drunk as she now made out…Clever girl on certain levels, really…

"What's that you're humming?..." Leonard, pulling her along as she leaned on him…

"C'est magnifique…" she smiled at him, getting it perfect…

Mutual gasp as we unlocked our lips…

I believe we've set a new record there…Must look it up…

"Is there really a need to face Charlotte?..." Amy, still gasping a bit… "I understand what she's tried to do, Sheldon…It's her old behavior pattern…"

"I have to have the proof…And force her to leave us alone…For good…" I note…

"I see…" pause… "Sheldon, my dearest one?...Is there anything you need to tell me?..." careful look…

"After I speak to Charlotte…" I insist… "Please, Amy…I don't want anything spoiling us…"

"All right…" sigh… "But just know I trust you and I know my sister…Sad, pathetic thing…I'd so hoped she'd changed…But she's never forgiven me for not joining her in France or helping her get away…But, moon-pie?..."

I regard her solemn face…

"Nail the bitch's hide to the wall for me…I don't want anything spoiling us either…" beam…

"And don't underestimate her, Sheldon…" stern look…And in that witch's outfit, rather frightening one…

"Though if you can avoid hurting her too much, I'd appreciate it…"

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