Tea Lights...

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A/N: Reference to one of the few fics that made me cry, "A Duck Named Sir Edward" by SickSickling on Ao3.

Narrator's POV

Go Ciel, the idea of having a mummy and/or daddy was the best one in the world.

It was not a familial title to him nor was it rooted in sexual nature, but rather it was the way he described a protector.

To him a mummy/daddy was the person who makes the choices and is the grown up so he does not have to worry his little baby head with that.

His biological parents did not meet that standard as they were mean to him, so they were called Muma and Papa instead of Mummy and Daddy.

The closest Ciel had to the protector he sought was Lizzy, but he still wanted more.

The blunette hummed as he sat on the floor of the villa's library, playing with his stuffies.

They were having a tea party and Bitter Rabbit —like always— was the guest of honor!

Softly singing a Disney song, Ciel poured imaginary tea into Bitter's 'teacup' which was really an unlit candle.

He then put another imaginary tea cake onto a teddy bear's 'plate' which was really a coaster.

Ciel was so absorbed in being a good host for his tea party that he did not notice the unexpected guest enter the room.


Vincent Phantomhive was exhausted.

After a long day at the office, all he wanted to do was lounge in the library, read a light novel, and smoke a pack of cigarettes to calm down.

The box of smokes and the lighter were already in his pocket as he walked into the library.

Walking to his favorite lounge chair, he paused when he saw his invalid son playing with his damn plushies in front of it.

"What the hell are you doing in here?!" Vincent demanded to know

Ciel half-jumped in fright, tears already springing to his mismatched eyes, "H-Habing tea party, papa."

Vincent sighed, rubbing his pounding head with his palm, "Acting like a baby is not enough for you, now you are acting like a damn girl?!"

Enraged, he picked up the plushie closest to him —which happened to be the teddy bear Ciel had just given food— and held it over his lit lighter.

The younger blunette pitifully raised his arms up on the air in attempt to save his toy, "Pwease no hurt Mister Bear, he do nuthin' bad."

"Act like a man and I might consider sparing it." Vincent replied

Tears rolled down Ciel's cheeks, "No know how, papa, pwomise to twy! Pwease gib Mister Bear back!"

For a moment, the man seemed to consider it.

But it was a cruel hope as he lowered the teddy bear's foot into the flame and the stuffie quickly caught flame.

Dropping the burin into mass before it could burn him, Vincent smothered the flame with his shoe, only one of Mister Bear's ears made it out somewhat intact.

Curling up into a ball and sobbing, Ciel cradled the semi-burnt ear in his palms, doing his best to ignore the tingling the hot material caused.

"Get the rest of this crap out of here. You have five minutes to clean up while I get a drink before I burn another one." The grown up warned, walking away like he had not caused his son any trauma

Ciel tearfully stood back up and put everything back where it had been and left with his stuffies.


Elizabeth was in the room she shared with Ciel doing homework when the door opened.

Seeing her cousin carrying his stuffies, she immediately noticed something was wrong.

There was only five plushies in his arms when earlier there had been six.

She saw Bitter Rabbit, who rarely ever left Ciel's arms.

Beside that was Sir Edward, a yellow duck who wore a black top hat and bow tie as well as a monocle.

Then there was Princess Kitty, a black cat that had a silver crown atop her head.

Ribbit the Frog with his lime green rain coat was there.

And finally was Miss Rainbow the Unicorn who had white fur and a rainbow mane and a pearl necklace.

That left Mister Bear missing.

"What's wrong, sweetheart, where's Mister Bear?" Lizzy asked, concerned

Ciel sniffled and held out his closed fist, opening it to reveal the plush ear.

"Did his ear fall off, honey? I can sew it back on when we go to school tomorrow." Lizzy tried to soothe

The blunette shook his head, tears rolling down his face as he struggled to get his words together, "Dis a-all dat's left of M-Mister Ba-Bear."

Lizzy rose an eyebrow in confusion, not sure what he meant.

"Papa got mad at me for acting like girly baby and...and gib Mister Bear burny hurties." Ciel rapidly explained, choking up

The girl's emerald green eyes widened in shock as she realized what he meant.

Uncle Vincent had burned Mister Bear to punish Ciel.

How did that moron not realize that he just damaged Ciel's already fragile mind.

Ciel did not know his toys were not sentient, to him they were as real as anyone snd were his only friends besides her.

And Vincent had brutally murdered on of Ciel's friends in front of him and left him with a body.

Hugging Ciel close, she rocked him slightly to try and calm him down.

"We can give Mister Bear a funeral in the morning, if you want." Lizzy offered, kissing his head, "And I can buy you a new friend, we can go to the toy store and browse after school and I can save up money to get them for you."

Ciel shook his head, sobbing against her chest, "No wan new friend, wan Mister Bear back!"

"I know, sweet boy, but Mister Bear can't come back. He would want you to make a new friend now that he is in Heaven." The emerald eyed girl softly replied...

That Demon, Bitter Rabbit: a Ciel X SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now