A Mother's Love...

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Narrator's POV

As they began their walk down the street to the nearest gentleman's club, Ciel suddenly stopped walking.

"We have to keep going, baby." Lizzy said, trying to pull him along

"Can't walk, mummy." Ciel whimpered, trying to move but his legs would not obey

She was on the brim of tears, "I know you are tired, sweetheart, but we have to walk a little bit more and then you can rest."

Ciel began to whine, "Tryin', mummy, but leggies no move!"

Lizzy's eyes widened a bit and she picked him up, desperately trying to carrying him and all their luggage.

But, while she was a strong person, she was exhausted and could not manage it for more than a block.

Nearly dropping everything, she set Ciel down and begged him to walk.

"He is not going anywhere." A masculine voice said

Lizzy held Ciel close and began to look around for the source of the voice.

Not seeing anyone at all, she realized that voice had come from below her.

It had come from Bitter Rabbit.

"Bitter talk?" Ciel asked, just as confused

The toy spoke again, its black eyes turning red, "You are not leaving home."

"But Papa say hab to. Meanie papa make me and mummy leave housie." Ciel muttered

Black smoke oozed out of Bitter Rabbit's plush white fur, taking human shape, "Do not listen to him, the house has been mine for centuries."

The smoke dissipated to reveal a very tale pale man that had patches of pitch black skin doing up his arms and legs.

The creature was completely monochrome, the only color being its crimson eyes framed by messy yet neat black hair.

It was about impossible to tell where its black clothing began and its skin ended.

"Who are you? What are you?" The blonde girl asked, keeping Ciel close to her

"You may call me Sebastian." The creature answered, "I am a demon."

"Why mister in Bitter?" Ciel asked, holding his stuffie close

"Because I was curious as to what it felt like to be loved." Sebastian answered, stroking Ciel's pale face with his black-tipped fingers, "And your love is addictive. I was not going to reveal myself and simply stay within Bitter Rabbit forever to receive your love, but what that fool Vincent has done requires my intervention."

"What are you going to do?" Lizzy asked, scared the demon might do something bad to them

Sebastian smirked, "Take you both back home, of course. I will handle the rest."

"Are you new daddy?" Ciel cutely asked

Lizzy tried to hush the little, fearing the demon's reaction.

"Yes." Sebastian smiled, stroking Ciel's navy blue hair

"Will you hurt me or my fwiends or my mummy?" Ciel asked, holding Bitter Rabbit close

Sebastian shook his head, "Never, you are all under my protection."

Ciel smiled and wiggled out of Lizzy's arms, hugging the demon, "Okay, wuv new daddy!"

The little was picked up and Lizzy followed the demon back into the villa.

Sensing the six other humans had arrived back into the home, Sebastian removed all of the exits from existence and removed the property from the dimension and putting it into a empty pocket one.

Now, nothing existed in the world except the villa and everything and everyone in it.

A quick snap of his fingers put the six other humans in the locked basement and they now had the house to themselves.

Sebastian placed Ciel on the couch, "There will be rules for you both to follow."

"What are dey, daddy?" Ciel asked

"1. You are to always be happy and have fun; if you aren't happy you tell me or Elizabeth and I will fix it. 2. No touching your genitals or butt, only I get to do that. 3. No tantrums, all you will get from throwing one is spankings. 4. Do not listen to anything your old family says, only listen to mummy and daddy. 5. If anyone hurts you or makes you uncomfortable you tell me and I will fix it. 6. Always remember that daddy loves you." Sebastian told him

Ciel eagerly nodded, he liked rules, they made life so easy!

Sebastian then turned to Elizabeth, "Your rules are just as simple. 1. Continue providing and caring for Ciel as you have been. 2. You will obey me. 3. If Ciel wants something you cannot provide call for me."

The blonde nodded, understanding.

Sebastian clapped a bit and house began to redecorate itself, going from the modernish design it had become back to its original Victorian Era one.

And, of course, Ciel and Lizzy's bedroom had been transformed into a perfect nursery connected to another bedroom for Elizabeth to be near but not in the way.

Ciel loved his nursery right away, getting excited over the pale blue design, pale pink detailing and white furniture.

Wiggling happily, Ciel gave his daddy a hug and began to unpack his friends, showing them their new home.

While Ciel did that, Lizzy looked around her own bubblegum pink room that had white detailing, liking her queen sized bed and girly decor.

By the time she was done looking around, she saw Ciel has been put in his white crib and was asleep.

The poor baby had been so tired so he fell asleep easily.

Which left Lizzy alone with Sebastian.

They went to the sitting room so Ciel could sleep in peace.

"What are your intentions with Ciel?" Lizzy asked

Sebastian summoned a wine glass of blood and began to sip at it, "As I said before, I crave his love, it is addictive. I put the villa in a pocket dimension and I will expand the outside world later so Ciel can go outside."

"Where is everyone else?" She asked

"In the basement." Sebastian smirked evilly, "Let's go visit with them, shall we?"

Lizzy gulped and stood up...

That Demon, Bitter Rabbit: a Ciel X SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now