8. "Harry-boo."

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The interview went well. As well as interviews usually did; a few pictures, a few general questions, failed attempts to get personal, wishing luck on future projects, a kiss on each cheek, and off she went. It was too late for her to return to the company, but too early to have to go home. She wasn’t as angry as she had been through the day, being tired down by the lengthy hours and the little energy she was running on, she was merely exhausted now, and she knew that the rage would resurrect within her, as soon as her eyes met his. She retrieved her phone from her pocket, deciding to text him.

“ Going to be late tonight. Don’t wait up.”

“ Why late?”

“ Work.”

“ I’m in front of the company, Robin. Come and lets talk.”

She groaned, quickening her steps in the direction of the company. Barely minutes later, Harry came into view, shoving pebbles with his feet, his back towards the unlit company. He lifted his eyes, taking her in, walking towards her to shorten the remainder of her walk. He pulled her into his arms without a single word, his protectiveness overshadowing everything else. She found herself sinking into his touch; the touch that was normally distant, cautious, but not now. Now, he was holding her, knowing that she could have easily slipped away from him, and he wouldn’t have known how to retrieve or find her.

“ I was worried about you. I’m sorry. I don’t know what I’ve done, but whatever it is, I didn’t mean it.”

“ You can’t not know what you’ve done, Harry, dammit.” She groaned, pulling away, wishing he hadn’t spoken at all.

“ Well, I don’t, Robin. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do for you to not snap at me.” He shrugged, as if he indeed, was completely and utterly stuck.

“ I need you to care just a bit more, Harry. I need you to ask about my job, I need you to ask me how my day was, I need you to remember the name of my fucking boss. You’re supposed to take interest in my life, not just our shared one.”

“ I do care, Robin!”

“ Then not enough! You just-“

“ Is there a problem here?”

Her eyes widened at the familiar, firm, voice, cursing the stars that caused him to be there, at that instant. She found herself turning to stand by Harry, intertwining their hands, resting her head against his shoulder.

“ Oh, Zayn, sorry, didn’t know you would be around.” She giggled, swinging her arm along with Harry’s, who was watching their exchange in confusion.

“ It’s Mr. Malik. What’s with the yelling?” His eyes were suspicious, irritated, as they moved between Robin and Harry.

“ Oh, sorry, this protective one over here was just giving me a sample of what I’ll be getting tonight, weren’t you, harry-boo?”

“ Harry-boo?” Harry questioned, his eyebrows furrowed, his features squinting in slight discomfort at her sudden change in demeanor and unusual behavior.

“ Yes, Harry-boo.” She ran her fingers over his lips, giggling obnoxiously.

O-kay, Harry-boo, sure. I’m Harry, her boyfriend.” Harry introduced, pulling his hand out for Zayn, who formally shook it.

“ Zayn, Zayn Malik.” Zayn said, his eyes shifting between the suspicious couple, squinting slightly at the sigh that had gone past Robin’s lips, before her head shook weakly, almost as if she had forgotten about their presence. Harry’s eyes followed Zayn’s, looking down upon Robin.

“ Are you tired? Want to go home yet?”

She didn’t.

She didn’t really belong to what he had so casually called her home, perhaps, she didn’t belong with him either, but she couldn’t possibly allow these thoughts to consume her. So, she nodded, her eyebrows furrowed in thought, before Zayn cleared his throat, capturing her attention. He blankly stared at her, wanting to ask her a million questions, but not necessarily prepared to receive the answers. After all, it was none of his business.

“ I expect you in meeting room number two tomorrow by ten. You, Louis, and a few others are to be there.” He demanded, walking past them, without a second glance.

“ Wow, he really is an ass.” Harry commented, reminding Robin that she was still watching Zayn go. She brought her eyes to his, as he smiled weakly at her, his arms still blanketing her.

“ Get off me, I’m still pissed at you.” She shoved him away, fixing her clothes, running a hand through her hair, before walking away, in the direction of their shared apartment. A bewildered Harry followed, keeping a safe distance between them, unable to quite understand her mentality. Even after all the time they had spent together, there was always something to Robin that he was nowhere near aware of, there was always something to analyze, to understand, and sometimes, he wished she could just let him love her the only way he knew how.

“ I just don’t get it.” She heard him whisper, and she contemplated pretending that she didn’t.

“ I know you don’t.” She eventually responded, maintaining her pace.

“ What am I doing wrong? Why is this not enough?” She couldn’t tell him that he was too safe, too kind, too scared, too innocent. She couldn’t tell him that she was falling into a dark pit that she didn’t know nor like, and he wasn’t doing anything about it. She couldn’t tell him that they might have fallen out of love, or maybe, they were never even in love, they just needed one another, needed something, at a desperate time. She couldn’t tell him that even when she was in his arms, she still felt completely alone. She couldn’t tell him that his touch wasn’t as healing as it should have been, if they truly were in love. She couldn’t say any of that, because this was Harry, and he was all she had. So instead, she slowed down a bit, until he was walking beside her, and she silently took his hand in hers, putting it to her lips, to plant a tender kiss.

“ It isn’t your fault, it’s okay, I’m sorry.” She whispered, causing him to lift his confused eyes from the ground, to meet her own. She didn’t know if he could detect her deception, and still chose to give her that smile, or if he was really that oblivious. She chose to go with the second option, because she couldn’t bare the possibility of him ever finding out. She leaned in, brushing her lips against his slowly, tenderly, cautiously almost, before pulling away, returning his smile.

“ Lets go home.” She whispered, knowing that even though it wasn’t enough, and was probably unfair, Harry was the closest thing she had to a home. And she couldn’t let that go just yet.


A/N: robin is so awkward under pressure it's laughable :D

hope you liked this as much as I did, let me know whether you did or didn't!

ily x

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