Big time crib

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"We call it the ultimate teen crib"

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"We call it the ultimate teen crib"

"ooh, swirly slide" Tamara and Carlos said as they admired the picture.

"uncle fin can I have a swirly slide"

griffin gave Tamara a wink as he told his assistant to put a swirly slide in his office.

"griffin I don't know what this is but I need to work with the dogs on harmonies today"

"change your plans our ancient Japanese founder, Mr. fugizaki wants to dump our music division but your boys are going to change his mind"

"and we get to live in there," Kendall asked as if the answer was yes.

"yes- but only for two hours while you shoot a promotional video"

while the boys and Gustavo were talking with griffin, Tamara walked out of the room into the hallway. hearing the phone ring she waited until the other side answered.


"Hey Jennifer"

walking inside of the boy's apartment she heard them talking about a plan.

"anything is possible"

"not really" hearing the mystery voice the boys all jumped and yelled out of being scared.

"We really need to get a bell on you," Kendall said as he turned around.

seeing Tamara about the cry, Carlos and Logan quickly ran over but it was too late before she ran out into the hall.

"oh no this is bad"


"Okay new plan James and Kendall you go look in the lobby, Logan you go look at the pool and I'll go and make sure she didn't tell Gustavo or kelly"

seeing the boys not moving, Carlos quickly yelled. "now"

meanwhile, Tamara was in Gustavo's office crying to him.

"so what did they do again," Gustavo said confused.

"I walked in there and they yelled at me"

"did you say anything for them to yell at you"


"did you scare them"

"..." not saying anything, she kept her head down.

"did you take your pill today" still not saying anything, Gustavo shook his head before looking at his desk for her pill prescriptions.

"here, now here's also some water, now take them"

shaking her head, Gustavo sighed as he stood up.

pressing the telephone he smirked knowing she was about to break.

"Kelly can you-"

snatching the pills and water out of his hand she hurried and took them.

"that's what I thought, now go"

picking up her purse she walked out of Gustavo's office but bumped into Carlos.

"Oh hey Carlos," she said hugging him as if she wasn't just crying.

Hugging her back he wanted to keep holding her but shook his head knowing the plan.

After texting everyone he found tammy, they both ran off where the boys said to meet.

Standing beside James, hugging on Carlos's arm she was watching Logan try to personate griffin when she saw Camille run up.

"I got to go" running away the boys tried to stop her but she was already gone.

Looking at Camille she shrugged and looked down a little sad.

"She'll tell you when shea ready"

Walking up to the boys with Katie, Tammy put her hand up telling them don't ask questions. "I'm doing this because Katie convinced me of something earlier, now Kendall what's the plan"

"Alright, James you stall Gustavo, Carlos, Tammy, Katie, and Camille you head to Rocque records and fake build the ultra teen crib while Logan and I install the swirly slide and all those other electronic goodies"

"Ok James up first"

Hearing Camille talking to kelly, Tamera laughed a little and continued with Carlos banging a hammer against the wood.

The whole time they were in there, Tammy told Carlos about Camille,
While they were laughing with Katie about a joke the door busted open.

"Hey mom" Tammy had with a huge smile on her face, Kelly thought it was from Camille but she was looking at Carlos.

"Make it count play it straight don't look back don't hesitate"

"We love hockey, we love singing"

"Listen to your heart now"

"Why do I wear a helmet"

Carlos crashed into a wall as Tammy held a sign with a ten on it.

"Go And shake it up what you got a lose"

"I'm the smart one of the group" Tammy hit Logan's shoulder glaring at him. "We're the smart ones of the group"

"Got to live it big time"

On the edge of their seat, everybody in the room was waiting to hear what Mr. Fugizaki was going to say.

" I like the boys...and the girl"

Everybody cheering especially the boys thinking something good was going to happen.

"So we learned a lot here today, didn't we"


Walking inside the boy's apartment with kelly and Gustavo, Tamara wasn't paying attention just texting Carlos from across the room.

After Gustavo left kelly was still standing beside Tammy.

"Who are you texting? ooh you have a crush"

Putting her phone in her pocket she turned towards her mom.

"Mom I don't have some big crush on Carlos"

Getting a big smirk on her face kelly ran out of the room.

"I never said who"

realizing what she said Tammy chased her mom down the hallway.

A/N: sorry it took so long.

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