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Izabel Quill

Izabel Quill

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Quirk: Angel's Curse: When user has overwhelming feelings (when first manifested she can change on command since she was 12) user will get white wings, horns and tail. User can heal, and make objects of light. When transformed while angry, user's horns, wings, and tail, will turn purple and black; user will gain power to destroy things at will, control shadows, and raise armies of shadow monsters. Drawback: If user stays in form for too long, heals too many people, raise too many shadow monsters, or control too many shadows, user will pass out from exhaustion, and be in a comatose state for 2 hours to 3 weeks. Users body will hurt when transforming, and transformation takes up to one minute. User must also concentrate while controlling shadow monsters and shadows.

Personality: crackhead, insomniac, childish, easily distracted, creative, drama queen, *sips tea*, tomboy, baby of the group, dancer.

Sexuality: Lesbian (top)

Relationship: Taken(Evangelina Redwood)

Likes: Her fRiEnDs, sex with Eva, cuddles from Ava, breakup makeovers with Izu, gaming, beating villains asses, watching scary movies, making fun of E.A.T, drinking, smoking, yelling out of car windows, dancing.

Dislikes: Anyone who messes with her friends, no cuddles, ugly outfits, the color orange and brown (for some reason), Bakuhoe's 'I'M BETTER THAN EVERYONE' act, homophobes, anyone who flirts with Ava, bullies, and people with "sticks so far up their ass that it's coming out their mouth" (ahem, choppy hands that means you).

Nicknames: Izzy, Iza, Iza-simp, Princess.

Siblings: Justice Quill(Twin)

Hero Name: TrueBorn

Justice Quill

Justice Quill

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Quirk: Siren: Allows user to hypnotize anyone by singing. User is able to breathe underwater and swim faster than a normal person. User can create air bubbles for others to breathe while underwater. Drawbacks: user gets a sore throat from singing too long. Hypnosis is easy to break if user is not completely focused. Too many breathing bubbles will tire user out.

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