Chapter 19

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Thank you so much  for  7.9k reads!! It means a lot to me that you actually read this trash, that rarely gets updated bc Im a lazy hoe who likes to procrastinate. But this time I have an excuse on why I haven't been updating. I had exams so I was recharging my creative battery. That being said this chapter might be trash. Sooooo yea enjoy! *insert evil author laugh here*

🥦The Green Knight's POV🥦

"Hey Guillotine, you good??" Lex asks Liam from behind us. It usually takes a lot out of him so he's probably just trying not to fall asleep. But then, I remembered that Liam just teleported over 10 people in one go. I glance over my shoulder and see Liam tipping forward into the pavement.

"Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!" I curse loudly. Powering up OFA, I rush to his side just before he hits the ground. Just how much sleep did you get in the past few days Amour?? Is it my fault?? Did I do this? Was he not sleeping because of me?? It's all my fault. 

"Hey Izu, he's going to be okay, it's not your fault." Mina assures me while patting my back. I must have been mumbling, like I normally do. Even now when Liam's asleep, I still manage to make trouble and cause everyone to worry about me. You're selfish. Liam just passed out and everyone's worried about you. What kind of friend are you? Are you even Liam's friend. Liam's going to hate you. You're going to end up alone. When Liam wakes up, if he ever does he'll hate you.

"What if he isn't? It's all my fault. If I had just talked to him and went to his room to watch movies like we always do he wouldn't have passed out! And he wouldn't be so tired right now! What if he goes into a coma? What if he dies?? Oh my god it's-it's all my-" I ramble, losing myself to the images of Liam being in a hospital bed in an endless sleep, and then the heart monitor stopping after the doctors decide to take him off life support. 

"Izuku goddamn Midoriya. He's fucking asleep not dead damn it! You need to calm down." Kacchan interrupts me before I can think any longer about what might happen to him. See, even Kacchan's worried about you. You're supposed to be helping Liam out, why are you even still on the floor. I ignore the voice inside my head that keeps telling me that I'm a burden to everyone and stand up with Liam in my arms. I have to get him to the nurse. There's no time for me to wallow in self-pity.

"I know Kacchan, thank you. And you too Mina. I'll text you guys when he wakes up." I say as I walk towards the nurse's office. You should stay with him it's your fault after all. It's not my fault, I didn't know how much sleep he got. It's your fault, take him to the nurse. That's all you're good for anyways. The voice says one last time before I tune it out, focusing on the directions of the signs.

Timeskip to when Izu arrives at the nurse's office

"Hello! What is it that you nee- Really Liam?? Again?? How many times must I tell him that not sleeping and teleporting too much is a bad idea!" A short woman around the age of fourty sighs. I'm guessing that she's the head nurse. I guess Liam also visits his nurse a lot too.

"Just set Liam on the bed there. Oh dear, I'm sorry! What is your name sweetie??" The nurse asks while pointing a french tipped nail at the elaborately decorated bed.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya, one of Liam's friends." I manage to reply. Are you really even his friend though? Friends make sure that other is taking care of themselves. Shaking off the negative thoughts, I set Liam down on the bed and offer my hand to shake. "And you are Mrs.-"

"Ms. Killian, head nurse here. I've heard a lot about you, sweetheart. You're from the UA Japan transfer program, yes?" I nod my head. "Well then you have nothing to worry about here. Normally, I wouldn't let Liam sleep here for too long but I'll just call the office to let them know that he's been excused from classes for today." Ms. Killian smiles at me and I feel a little better knowing that he's going to be okay.

"Thank you Ms. Killian," I look up at her forest green eyes and almost see Mom staring right back at me. Man it's only been a few days. How am I going to make it almost a whole 4 months without seeing her? 

"How about this? I can get you out of your first few classes, and you and the group can have lunch in here alright?? Plus, you look like you need a break." Ms. Killian chuckles at my startled face. "Yeah, I'm good at reading people. Had a rough morning huh??" She asks, pulling up two chairs for the both of us.

"Rough would be an understatement." She laughs at this.

"Well your day can't get any worse so just try to have fun. Today is your first day in an American highschool *cough* hell." Ms. Killian pats me on my shoulder and walks back to her desk in the back of the surprisingly big office. I smile fully, grateful that I talked to Ms. Killian.

Ms. Killian was just pitying you. That's why she's letting you stay. No that's not it. She actually saw that I was not in the best shape to deal with people right now so she let me stay. Yeah right, we both know that's not true. Just- I shut the voice up by pressing play on my phone and turning up my airpods to wait for Liam to wake up.

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