Chapter 14

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"Well that took you guys long! Just what were you guys doing in there?~"  Lexi sang while raising his eyebrows in amusement

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"Well that took you guys long! Just what were you guys doing in there?~" Lexi sang while raising his eyebrows in amusement.

"Ayyyyyeee~ Lizu is finally happening!!" Izasimp cheers as Mina and Mira both come down the stairs with the Black Book and a shit ton of junk food enough for a party of twenty.

"I heard Lizu?? What's going on??!?!? New progression??" Mina asks, eyes sparkling as she drops the entire bag of chips on the floor to rush over to Iza, who was sitting on the table looking near tears from not laughing.

"I'll take that as a yes! Finally me and Kami-" Kacchan starts before catching himself. "Dunce-Face can be left out of their antics." He corrects, while Kami looking at him like the girls look at a new ship.

"Chile- anyways so... Let's get this game started, I want to be drunk enough to not care what I did tonight tomorrow morning! Oh, and before everyone else gets here, don't want to get caught by Aunt Sophie." Justice laughs nervously, remembering the one time where Aunt Sophie caught us skipping school and made us all write a 10 page essay on why school is important.

Twenty Minutes Later... (Timeskip brought to you by the Rat God Nezu)

"Okay okay, low blow guys! That was a one time thing and it was your fault J, didn't you tell everyone that we should watch Final Destination??" I laugh, just a little tipsy.

"But who screamed 'AW HEEEEEEELLLLLLLL NoOOoOOoOoOOoooooOO' like they created the Vine??" Justice wheezes. We finished the first pack of beers before we had gotten to half of the game and were now pouring shots of vodka.

"Bitch please~ I remember that being both of y'all asses if I'm correct," Liam sassily replies while flipping his hair.

"AnYwAyS- Never have I ever called one of the homies a pet name," I say regretting my words immediately. Mira, Mina, Iza, J, Lexi, Kami, Kiri, Soshin (my new nickname for Shinso), Kacchan, and Ava take a shot. I hesitantly take a shot with everyone's eyes on me.

"OH MY GOD IT'S LIAM!!" Iza shouts, finally piecing together why Liam looked beet red.

"WHEN WAS THIS???? AND WHY DIDN'T I KNOW IZUBAEEEEEE!!" Mina cries, placing her hands over her heart with the look of utter betrayal on her face.

"It happened earlier when we went to go grab the drinks, I called him Amour," I whisper the last part. Unfortunately, Kacchan woke up and chose violence.

"AMOURRRRRRR~!!!" Kacchan teases, reaching over me to grab the Takis bag from the table. Damn him, his great hearing, and the fact that he is close to me. And once again, the whole group descends into complete chaos.

"Put away the stuff with me??" I mouth over to Liam on the other side of the table. He gets up, grabs all the shot glasses and the almost empty bottle of vodka and heads my way.

"Let's go before they notice we're gone!" Liam whisper-yells. I smile softly and follow him to the back room once again.

"Sooooo... Why did you call me Amour??" Liam asks as he hides the half full bottle of vodka in a box of napkins.

"I don't know, it just slipped out." I mumble.

Liam ohs and whispers something that I can't hear. Ignoring it, I stop fiddling with my hands and turn towards him.

"I have something to tell you-" We both start. I chuckle lightly. "You go first." I smile.

"Well I kinda, sorta, maybe like, a lot, like you..."  Liam trails off, making sure to make eye contact with me. I look at him in confusion.

"What??" I ask finally after what felt like hours of staring into his amethyst eyes.

"I like like you Izu," He answers without any hesitation. I feel my face and neck heat up from the actual reality that Liam, my best friend, my crush just said he likes me.

"I-" I manage to say before someone so fucking rudely opened the door of the "supply closet".

"Guys?? What's going on??" Todoroki asked blatantly.

"Nnothinnnnnngggg Todobrooooooo I'm in a closet  and you just so happened to appear at a very important momennnnnnnntttttt......" I sarcastically reply.

"Nothing happened. I guess I'll see you later Izu." Liam utters in annoyance, while giving Todoroki a hard shove out the door. 

I ENDED ON A CLIFFHANGER FOR A REASON!! The next chapter should be up by this weekend! Tysm for 4k reads!!!  

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