Chapter 7

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Okay OKay OkAy OKAY!! So I AM HERE! Like All Might if he took a break from hero work and found out he got more popular, but anyways, this is Chapter 7 (look at the title if you forgot ಥ_ಥ) Okay so, tahnk you for 1.4K reads!! And here is an extra long chapter because I've been gone for so long. Ummmm we're just going to timeskip to when the group goes to the dorms cause I'm ✨lazy✨

 Ummmm we're just going to timeskip to when the group goes to the dorms cause I'm ✨lazy✨

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🥦The Living Broccoli Bush's POV🥦

When we finally left the studio it was around 8, so we all stopped by Mom's house to raid the fridge, and then to the best skating rink in town which was of course a spot that Mina and I often went to when we were bored. By then it was 10 and it was 33.5 minute walk from the school so we all decided to walk together back to the dorms. But because we all were talking  and making the adults around us feel uncomfythe normal 33.5 minute walk took us a whole hour. So when I step into the dorms at 11:30 with everyone laughing and talking with one another, I see Iida speeding down the stairs at lightning speed.

"Midoriya, Bakugou, Kirishima, Mina, Sero why are you returning from your outing after curfew???!! It is not very herolike to be coming in so late, especially with company who are extremely loud! I am sorry, but as class representative, I have to report this to Mr. Aizawa!!" Iida scolds while chopping the air. I roll my eyes and look over my shoulder to see both Izzy and Ava looking pissed. 

"Iida, I say this with love, as your friend, please kindly fuck off." I say and nod my head at Ava and Izzy to go crazy.

"Firstly, IM the ONLY one who can scold my precious baby Izu. Secondly, how fucking DARE you tell us what a herolike behavior is!" Ava starts before Izzy interrupts.

"Three, WE CAN GET LOUDER FUCKING STICK IN THE MUD!! I swear, you're worse than the adults out on the streets that we bother. Maybe next time take the fucking stick that's so far up your ass, out of your ass to talk like the FUCKING TEENAGER THAT YOU ARE!" Izzy yells, her purple eyes slightly glowing. I chuckle a little when I see that Iida looks mortified by who I ACTUALLY hang out with and winces every time that Izzy raises her voice.

"Guys?? What's all the yelling for??? Oh, hello Midoriya." Todoroki asks as he pulls a disturbed Iida away from Izzy, Ava and I. Behind him, Tsu and Momo are standing with looks of confusion.

"OH MY GOD THAT'S FUCKING HILARIOUS! FOUR EYES, NEXT TIME THINK TWICE BEFORE SAYING SHIT ABOUT OUR FRIENDS! Kacchan says as Todoroki, Momo Tsu, Mina, Kami, Kiri, and Sero's eyes widen "oh. oh shit. I mean, the idots." he corrects as Kami starts to smirk.

"Oh no, no, no, KaCcHaN! You can't take it back now!! We're your friends~!" Kami sang as everyone else waits for Kacchan to say his usual "SHUT UP YOU DAMN PIKACHU!" but it never came. Instead he gumbles and grabs Mina , Sero, and Kami in for a hug.

"OH MA BABY HAS GROWN!! Princess, do you see this??? Do y'all see this?? I need more of this Kats, I love it!!" Ava coos as she snaps photos.

"Well anyways, we gotta go. You know how Mr. E gets when we get to the class late." Liam speaks up. I pout and give him a hug. "Who knows, we might just pop in later on this week!" He smiles and my heart  decides to run a marathon.

"Well if that's the case eboy will be seeing you soon Izuku," Kacchan teases, while a certain redhead bends down to whisper something in his ear, and Kacchan becomes a blushing mess.

Timeskip to 3 weeks later

After the gang visiting, Iida pretty much made sure not to tick me off. Sadly, it did not last long, because yesterday Iida walked in on Sero, Mina, Kami, and I having a "study session" with the only thing that actually could get us expelled; smoking weed in the dorms.

Mr. Aizawa walks into class lokking extremely tired, he clears his throat but of course with all the noise, no one can hear him. "Okay you problem children I have something to tell you- OKAY WHO THE FUCK WANTS TO TEST ME TODAY?!?" Dad- Mr. Aizawa yells, his eyes glowing red. Everybody quiets down as our teacher-dad finally regains his composure. "As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, Principal Nezu and I just received a message from The Academy of Gifted Students and Aspiring Heroes in New York. They are inviting the Hero Course along with Shinso to study there for the rest of the semester. So, what I want you to do right now, is go pack your bags and let me sleep. If someone is not dying, fatally injured, captured by villains, on fire, or set the dorms on fire, I do not want anyone to call me. Classes are dismissed for the rest of today. We will leave tomorrow by 8 so be ready." Aizawa, Dadzawa? Dadzawa says as he slides into his yellow sleeping bag and hops out the classroom.     

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