Chapter 9

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Okay so Hi. Hell,- I mean school, has been kicking my ass lately and this chapter is short cause I have homework (Who's a bitch?? Homework😭😭)

 Hell,- I mean school, has been kicking my ass lately  and this chapter is short cause I have homework (Who's a bitch?? Homework😭😭)

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✍🏽💅🏽No One But The Authors POV✍🏽💅🏽

Meanwhile In Japan...

Izuku, who just finished packing is sitting in Mina's room trying to figure out how to tell the class that they were going to stay at The Place for the trip and helping her fin outfits. "Mina! How do I tell them that we're going to be staying at The Place?!?! They'll get curious about why we're staying there instead of a hotel!!!" He groaned while Mina, pops out of her closet with three shirts.

"So what?? Tell them it's none of their business, and that's it. Izubae, what bottoms??" Mina replies, showing the shirts.

"Purple one with your black cargo pants, Neon yellow with your fishnet top underneath it with the turquoise jacket and black shorts, and Black shirt with the skirt I love on you." Izuku answers without missing a beat.

"The hot pink one?? It's not too much??" Mina asks, unsure that the skirt looks that good on her. Almost as if he was reading her mind, Izuku shakes his head and stands up.

"It looks great on you Minabae. I can't believe you want to actually hide all this ass!! Like I'm going to find you someone next so you can stop shipping Liam and I so hard. And this-" Izuku pauses putting his hands on Mina's shoulders, "This girl I see in front of me deserves someone who makes her happy! You're beautiful, sweet, kind, and the most fashionable person I know!" Izuku smiles softly at his best friend who was tearing up.

"And this is the reason why you're my best friend!!" Mina smiles brightly, quickly wiping her eyes to pull Izuku in for a hug. "Thanks Izu." Mina says as she pulls away from the hug a few minutes later.

"It's no problem, after all, I need my crazy best friend to stay confident! You can't mellow out on me, who am I going to party with in Japan??" Izuku giggles, as they both continue to raid Mina's closets searching for two more outfits.

2 Hours Later... *insert weird spongebob narrator here*

"Okay, we're finished!" Mina sighs as she jumps onto the bed.


"It's the obsession with quirks for me," Mina replies as Izuku rests his head on his hands.

"It's the shipping without remorse for me," Izuku grins.

"It's the dying you hair for me," Mina smiling, reaches out to touch Izuku's emerald curls.

"It's the letting me dye my hair this bright!" Izuku and Mina stare at each other for a moment and burst out in a fit of laughter.

👑👽The Baddest Pink Queens POV👽👑

After we finished packing for the trip Izubae and I decided to watch old Disney movies. I honestly don't know what I would do without my best bitch, he's amazing. I look over to my right to see Izu peacefully snoring. I carefully get up from the bed to check the time and head to the common room to see if anyone is awake.

"You know, Deku-kun isn't in his room..." I hear Uraraka say as I walk into the common room, she was sitting on one of the couches near the tv.

"Well, Midoriya probably went to go visit his mom." Todoroki blankly replies, looking totally over the conversation already while sitting on his chair. As usual he covers for Izu with no hesitation.

"Or he went to go see those people we met a few weeks ago Iida, kero." Tsu ribbits, as she plops down into a chair next to Uraraka.

"As class president, and as his friend, I must say that those people are a terrible influence on our classmates." Iida frowns while doing his normal arm spasm. (I have honestly come up with at least fifty names for Iida's hand movements I kid you not)

"Who are these people you guys are talking about?? And when did you meet them??" Uraraka asks innocently.

"Well, those people are Izuku's and my friends. And they're not terrible iNfLuEnCeS, you just don't know how to hang out without acting like a dad, and IzaSimp doesn't like that."  I answer, making Iida jump up in surprise.

"You shouldn't eavesdrop its not herolike and it is rude!" He scolds.

"You shouldn't talk about people, especially the ones you call your friends behind their backs." I reply while walking away. "Btw, Izubae is in my room!" I quietly shout so that I don't wake up the others.

Making my way back into my bed, I decide not to tell Izu about what Iida had said cause he would probably loose his entire cool and tell Iida some shit that could get him into some trouble. (Not the notebook with all his weaknesses and fears! Lol why am I even in here rn? Imma head out.) It's 1 am, I should probably go to sleep right now. The moment my head hits the pillow, I fall fast asleep.

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