Quarante-tres (43)

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Niall's POV

Niall: Hey, so how do I get to your room?

Brynny: Are you in California?

Niall: Yup, I'm in a cab

Brynny: You're already done in Ireland?

Niall: I was there for a week already, so I thought maybe a week in Ireland, and a week in California.

Brynny: Oh, wow, ok

Brynny: Well just go to the UCLA neighborhood, and its the first apartment building on the right. Room 101, like Zoey 101

Niall: What's Zoey 101?

Brynny: You're a disgrace

Niall: My mommy doesn't think I am

Brynny: ............

Niall: .....(:

Brynny: Are you a momma's boy?

Niall: Maybe.


Niall: Why? Is Toby more masculine? bc I do 100 push ups a day

Brynny: So you went on steroids?

Niall: You don't get muscles any other way (;

Brynny: Hottttt, I love when boys take pills to look hotter

Niall: Too bad you have a boyfriend

Brynny: He doesn't need steroids

Niall: Good for him.

Niall: So, are you guys gonna break up after he graduates?

Brynny: I don't know, we haven't thought about it, why?

Niall: Just want to make sure you don't get your heart broken

Brynny: How's your girlfriend with the crazy fans?


Niall: She's doing good.

Brynny: Hey, how about you invite your.girlfriend here and we can do a double date?! :D

Niall: Ohhh, no she wouldn't want to. She's a little sick.

Brynny: Aww, that sucks.

Niall: I'm here

Right after I pressed send, I knocked on her door.

"Niall!" I heard before I felt a body press up to mine and arms go around my neck. I put my arms around her waist and put my face in her neck.

"I missed you," I told her.

"I missed you too." She squeezed her arms around me one last time, then released herself from me. "I'll give you a tour!"

I looked around and saw a fairly big apartment. "It's big."

"Yeah, Toby has a good job, and I get a big allowance from my parents."

"So, Toby lives with you." I say, trying to keep a smile on my face.

"Yeah, he's an amazing cook, so it works out," she says before her phone rings. "This is him now, let me take this."

My eyes follow her out of the room and I flop onto the couch putting my face in my hands. I have absolutely zero chance that they'll break up. They LIVE together.

"He just knocked on the door! What was I supposed to do? Tell him to go away?" I heard Bryn in the other room. So I guess Toby doesn't want me here. I get up closer to hear better.

"Well he's my friend! I'm not kicking him out because you don't want him here." You go girl. Preach it. "Well then you better get a hotel until he leaves, because he's staying here."

"Sorry about that," she said when she came back in. "Have you felt my toilet paper yet? I made sure to get three ply. My butt needs a good wiping paper. Want a roll?"

"That would be the third roll I've gotten from you."

"That's normal, right?" She said curiously.

"You're nowhere near normal."


I finally got me some string cheese. I've eaten 6 in like, two days. I'm pacing myself. If I didn't, they'd all be gone by now.

Dedicated to CookiesForCalum bc you rock my socks.

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