Quarante-Neuf (49)

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Niall's POV

Niall: Gay?

Niall: As in he likes boys?

JoJo: Yeah

Niall: How do you know?

JoJo: First off, have you seen how he dresses?

Harry: Louis used to dress questionably, but he's as straight as a candy cane.

JoJo: ...

Harry: Wait, I meant the straight part.

Harry: Not the curved part.

Niall: .....


Niall: ...How else do you know that he's gay

JoJo: I went to Bryn and his apartment with Jake

Harry: Who's Jake?

JoJo: Not important

Niall: You went over there?


JoJo: Jake was talking to Toby while I talked to Bryn, and we went to Bryn's bathroom to feel her toilet paper

Niall: Of course

Harry: ...

JoJo: I was thirsty, so I went out to the kitchen, and I saw Toby flirting and feeling up Jake, so I just went back

Niall: Are you sure it wasn't just a bad angle?

JoJo: No, I asked Jake about it in the car, and he said that Toby was with Bryn for his parents to not be disappointed, then I thought Jake was gay too

JoJo: Then he took me home, and he proved he was in fact straight

Harry: .....so you have a boyfriend?

JoJo: No

Niall: This is perfect! Once Bryn knows this, she'll need somewhere to stay, and I'll be right here

Harry: I'm the one with the house in LA.

JoJo: Don't tell JoJo until she's dependent on herself. She doesn't like having to rely on someone else

Niall: But I can get her an apartment

JoJo: I'll hint that she should get her own apartment

Harry: She can just move in with me!

Niall: No

JoJo added Bryn to the conversation

Bryn: What do you want, I was on tacospin.com

JoJo: Tacospin.com?

Bryn: You watch a taco spin around in circles and it counts how many times it spins. I was at 213 and you added me.

Niall: What we're you doing while it spun

Bryn: Watched it

Harry: You just sat and watched the taco?

Bryn: What else was I supposed to do?

Niall: I thought she was joking, there actually is a tacospin.com

Niall: Its mesmerizing

Bryn: See? I'm not that weird

Harry: You broke Niall.

JoJo: What?

Harry: He's just watching the screen.

Bryn: Not my fault

Harry: He won't talk to me.

JoJo: Thanks a lot, Bryn

Bryn: You try it, JoJo

JoJo: Okay fine, but I dont get what the hype is, its just a taco

Harry: How did you even find it?

Bryn: I was hungry, looked up tacos, and found tacospin.com

Harry: Who made it?

Bryn: I wish I did, its fucking amazing

Harry: Don't curse, I already hear enough from Niall.

Bryn: Hey, where's JoJo


Bryn: Try it, it's the website's fault, not mine

Harry: Okay, Okay.

Bryn: Tell me what your high score is gonna be

Bryn: If anyone beats 213, no fair, because you guys cheated

Bryn: Harry?

Bryn: Niall?

Bryn: JoJo?

Bryn: ...and then there was one.

Bryn: Damn you taco

Bryn: I'm gonna go to taco bell

Bryn: Bye


Hello readers. You guys are cool, but blow up my phone. Y u all comment so much.

I mean, don't stop, but after I post a chapter, it's like my phone has a seizure.

Dedicated to @harrys_heart_shirt bc they comment a hella lot.

Elusive (n.h.) *sequel*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat