Cinquante-Cinq (55)

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Bryn's POV

Once we landed, all the smiles were gone. Or- the real ones at least. He didn't laugh like he usually did. He was no longer in denial, but in grieving, and all I could do was watch.

I tried comforting him, but I'm shit at that. All I could do was offer food and hugs, which didn't help him that much. We drove to his house where the funeral was being held.

The whole way was quiet and sad. I gave up on the jokes and just grabbed his hand. He looked up at me and gave a real, genuine smile until we got to his place.

I kept his hand with mine as we walked through the open door. We walked around trying to find his mom and dad, which it didn't help that I didn't know what they looked like.

"Niall, I'm so glad you're here," and older lady came and hugged him, but he still held onto my hand. The lady looked over to me and smiled again. "And you must be the girl that Niall left us for."

"I told you I was leaving for Harry," Niall defended.

"I know when my little boy is lying."

"Its a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Horan," I said.

"A lot of people are here, like the Scolland's and the Richmond's who live about an hour up, you remember them?" She asked.

"Wait, the Richmond's? Like Britney?" he replied.

"Niall James Horan," I heard a voice behind me say. I turned around to see a tall blonde girl wearing a tight little black dress.

"Britney!" Niall said back, letting go of my hand and hugging her. I watched them and waited for Niall to call me up to introduce me.

Which didn't happen.

"It's been so long, I can't believe you're here!" I heard Britney say.

"I was always here, you were just up north!"

I watched them talk about how much they missed each other and found them embracing each other a lot.

"I'm just gonna go get some water," I told Niall, keeping the two to talk amongst themselves.

"I'd keep Niall close to you around her, if I was you," Mrs. Horan said as I made my way to the kitchen. I nodded and smiled and got out a glass.

"Hey, guys, Brit and Ni are gonna sing like before!" Someone said around the house. I brought my glass with me to the living room and saw Niall with a guitar with Britney next to him.

"AmazingGrace, howsweetthesound


I looked around and saw people in awe while listening to them. I would be too if I wasn't so jealous. It was beautiful, and I hated that.

It was Niall's turn to sing, and that made me pay full attention. Until the blonde hog started playing piano with his guitar.

She can fucking play piano too? Next shes gonna come out on a unicycle juggling knives.

"You're Bryn, right?" An older brunette looking Niall said next to me.

"You must be Niall's brother."

"Call me Greg," he said with a smile. "I always found that girl to be a bit of a show off."

"You're about as fond of her as your mom is," I joked.

"The whole family isn't fond of her. But Niall is head over heels for her," he said and I just stared at them. They would be cute together. Their ship name would also be Briall.

"But he likes you more, I'm sure of it," his brother quickly covered.

"I'm not so sure about that," I replied.

"I am. The girl moved one hour away and never went after her, yet when you were a whole continent away, he went after you."

"He's also rich now and can afford to come to America easily." We didn't say anything to each other until the song ended, but all we did was give each other a quick nod.

I started walking up to Niall to tell him how good he did until I was cut off by the blonde babboon.

"Niall, we should do that more often!"


Later that night, we (as in Niall, Britney, Greg and I) decided to watch a movie together before bed. Niall chose The Hunger Games since he said Dustin was a fan.

I sat next to Niall, and Britney was on the other side. That slut, taking up the left of Niall.

Whenever something not even mildly scary happened, she just hadto cuddle up next to Niall. Even when Peeta threw the bread to Katniss, I guess the sound of the thump scared her, because right into Niall's side she went.

"I wouldn't worry too much about them. They're just good friends," Greg whispered to me. I nodded and continued to watch the movie cuddled up against my legs.

After the twentieth girly squel from the skimpy crow, I excused myself to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet and watched buzzfeed videos for about an hour then flushed the toilet. They'll either think I took a big dump or got sick. Either way, no one cared enough to check up on me.

I came back into the room to find Britney practically on top of Niall with the two asleep, and Greg gone. Great.

I got on the floor near Britney's shoes and tied her shoelaces together. Might as well get her back now with mild karma, and let mother nature do the rest.

I went up his stairs and found Niall's room. I got in his bed and fell asleep.


What's gonna happen :O

Dedicated to nattybug bc she's pretty cool and everyone should encourage her to text the guy who gave her his number.

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