Quarante-Six (46)

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Niall's POV

"I think it was Scarlett, in the dining room, with the axe!" Toby screamed. We were playing clue for the last two hours and Toby has won EVERYTIME.

"Scarlett, dining room, axe," I quietly mocked him to Harry. He slapped me and scoffed.

"YOU GOT IT RIGHT!" Bryn said and hugged Toby for the sixtieth time. If I could bang my head against a wall of nails, I would. Ten times.

"Who wants to play again?!" Toby asked.

"Not me, I'm feeling a little nauseous. I'm just gonna go up on Harry's bed," I said and got up.

"But we haven't even eaten the cookies I brought!" Bryn said and I stopped.


"Yeah, chocolate chip! But Toby also has pepto bismal. He brings it everywhere, which is a little shady to me, but whateva," she said and Toby passed me the pink bottle of medicine.

"Yeah, thanks." I snatched it out of his hand bitterly and walked up the stairs. They'll just think I'm cranky from feeling sick or something.

I flopped onto his bed and took out my phone. Now I'm stuck upstairs for hours. What am I supposed to do?

I decided to go on omegle and meet fans. Why not? I could make people's days.

I went on Harry's computer and typed in the link. I pressed video and met with a few faces.

"AHHHHHHHHH ARE YOU REAL??!!?!!" A girl that was way too young to be on here said.

"Yup, the real deal."

"AHHHHHHHH WAIT, LET ME GET MY FRIEND!" she screamed. Her face went off the screen and I was stuck looking at her bedroom wall. I think my ears are broken.

After ten minutes of waiting, I skipped and met with another girl, a few dicks, and finally a familiar face.

"Hey, I know you!" I heard her say.

"What are you doing in here?" I said with a smile.

"Its a Saturday night, and I'm bored, and single," she said in a whiney voice.

"You're single? What happened?" I asked her.

"I came home one day, and Jake was sitting on my couch and said 'JoJo, I think we have to break up.' And it was all downhill from there."

"Tell me about it. I was stuck staring at Bryn and Toby get all over each other," I told her, fake gagging.

"Wait, wait, wait, you're still into Bryn?" I just nodded and looked back up at the screen. "YES! I knew it! I ship you guys so hard!"

"Yeah, yeah, but nothing is gonna happen. Did you know Toby and Bryn LIVE together?!"

"When I heard, I bought about 20 boxes of Oreos. Hey, I gotta go, but we still have to talk. I think I know something about Toby that could maybe bring Braille back together."

I'm not a big fan of blackmailing if that's what's gonna happen, but I was desperate. I need to know what could end "Broby" if it's what's best for Bryn. So I re-gave her my number and got off omegle.

Brynny: I hope you feel better, mostly because I hope it's a one time thing that's not contagious and that I'm not gonna get sick :P

Niall: Oh, it's not contagious. Did you leave some cookies for me?

Brynny: ..............I'll leave you a recipe.

Niall: C'monnnnnnn, I'm sick and miserable

Brynny: Okay, okay, I'll make some and drop them off

Niall: And that's why I love you


Brynny: Do you know where Harry gets his toilet paper? It was so fluffy

Niall: You don't need anymore toilet paper

Love of my Life: YOU DON'T KNOW ME

Love of my Life: I AM NOT A MINORITY

Love of my Life: What's a minority?

Niall: Your guess is as good as mine

Love of my Life: Whatevs, I'm going to bed

Niall: Good night

Love of my Life : Nighty night ❤

A heart emoji? SHE PUT A HEART EMOJI!

I can finally go to sleep in peace.


If you can't see the emojis, it's just a heart. So, yup.

Dedicated to unstopable_craziness bc they voted like, a ton. And yeah... (:

If you haven't seen the movie Jesus Henry Christ, you should bc it's my favorite movie at the moment, and its on Netflix. So, watch away.

If you watch it, I'll give you a dedication, eh? (;

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