Cinquante-Six (56)

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Bryn's POV

I woke up to the smell of bacon. Yes, the smell, not the sound. Smells wake me up just as much as sounds do. As long as its food.

I got up and followed the smell to the kitchen. "This is so good, how did you make it?" I heard Niall say. I walked in closer to see Whore-ney at the stove and Niall sitting at the island eating bacon.

"Bryn! You're up! Britney made bacon, its so good," he said stuffing another piece in his mouth. "Here, have one."

"No, Ni, you keep yours, I'll just make her some." Britney said, keeping Niall's bacon to himself.

"Thanks, I guess." I said bitterly. My conscious keeps telling me to be nice to her because it's the right thing to do, but then I say 'fuck that'.

I sat down next to Niall and watched him eat his food while I waited for my plate. "You know what, I'm just gonna go have my morning poop real quick," I said and got up to go to the bathroom. Might as well do something productive while I wait for my food.

When I came back, there was an empty plate where I was sitting, and a full, bloated Niall. "Sorry Brick, I got hungry and I kinda ate your plate. Whoopsies!" Britney said in the fakest voice known to man.

"Its Bryn," I replied.

"You can have the rest of my bacon," Niall offered before Slut-ney came in a grabbed it off his plate.

I glared at her until she finally looked back. "Oh, you meant Brine. Sorry, I'd make more but we're all out. You wanna go out and get some for me?" she said.

"Sure, whatever. I'll be back," I said grabbing my bag and putting on a jacket and shoes. I went out and walked down the street until I saw a donut shop. Its a sign from God, so I have to go in.

I opened the door and was welcomed by the smell of sugar glaze and coffee. "Welcome to Corner Donut Shop!" A perky girl about my age said.

"You know, I usually find perky people like you annoying, but you just make me happy instead," I said truthfully.

"Ooh, thank you. You get a free milk with your donut now," she said with a smile.

"I'll get a normal glazed donut."

"One regular and a milk coming right up!" she said grabbing my order as I swiped my card.

"No tip?" she teased.

"You should wear deoderant before you go to bed so you're not as smelly in the morning," I replied.

"Good tip."

"I don't give that out to just anyone," I said grabbing my donut and milk carton and sitting at a little table in the shop.

"You want company?" She asked from the counter.

"Company would be nice."

She grabbed a donut and a carton for herself and took a seat next to me.

"I'm Audrey. You?"

"Bryn," I replied before stuffing my face with donut.

"What are you doing in Ireland?" she asked.

"Well, my boyfr-- boy who is a friend, came here for a funeral, and he didn't want to be alone, so I came." I said.

"So you came to make sure you left him alone, yet you're here leaving him alone?"

"Turns out he has an old friend who is tall and pretty and can do fucking anything and doesn't know how to say my name and eats my breakfast," I started to rant.

"So she's there right now? With your boyfriend?" she asked.

"He's not my boyfriend. If he was, then I'd have a real reason to hate that Britney chick."

"Britney? Britney Richmond?" She said surprised.

"Everyone fucking knows her," I complained.

"Not for good reasons. Everyone who has a brain really hates her."

"Niall has a brain, though," I defended him. I mean, if he didn't have a brain, how else would he find such a gorgeous catch as myself.

.....nvm he has no brain.

"Niall Horan, eh?" she said winking.

"The one and only. I just hate how we were so coupley and romantic with each other until that girl came into the picture. He totally dropped me for her."

"They have quite the past. She has a reputation for leading guys on, then leaving them, which makes them want her more," she explained.


"Believe it or not, we were friends for a little while, and she told me some things. I think she just wants to be wanted."

"Well, Niall definitely wants her," I replied.

We spent the rest of the time talking about ourselves and whatever came up. She told me a bit about Ireland, and I told her about the United States which fascinated her.

After a few hours of talking, I decided to start walking back.

Irish bad boi: Where are you?

Bryn: Up your mom

Irish bad boi: I already checked there

Bryn: I'm walking

Irish bad boi: I'm gonna go pick you up, we're burrying Dustin in about an hour.

Bryn: That's okay, I'll just walk

Irish bad boi: Britney's on her way

Great. Perfect. Yes. Loving it. Living for it.

I stopped walking and sat on the sidewalk. I spotted a small white car drive up to me and stop.

"Thanks," I mumbled out when I got in.

"Hey Burn."

"Bryn. B-R-Y-N. Its not hard, use your brain," I snapped.

"Look, I think its obvious we're not fond of each other."

"Why? Why don't you like me?"

"You're what's keeping Niall and I from getting together. I want to make him happy, and I think I can do that. So, I was hoping you could just go back to your country and let me and Niall be together," she blurted out.

I couldn't find a fault to her words. She obviously made him happier than I did here. Not being dramatic, but I don't think he actually wanted me here anymore.



I really really really don't like this book. Like, at all.

There is a 75% chance I will delete this book, bc I really don't like it anymore.

I feel like I'm becoming one of those really bad dramatic fanfics, and that's exactly what I dont want to be.

I'm having really bad writers block all the time.


I'm not trying to get comments, I just really want to know what you think.

If you say it sucks at the moment and I should stick to just them texting and shit, I will not be offended.

I want honest feedback right now.

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