Quarante-Cinq (45)

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Two words: Brunette Niall.

You're welcome.

Niall's POV

"I promise, I slept on the couch!" I heard someone yelling.

"And I'm saying you're lying! Where's your blanket, huh?" I heard a man's voice. Shit! Toby! I jerked up and went closer to the door to listen.

"I gave it to him when I woke up, now calm down!" She defended. Did he see us...?

"I'm sorry, it's just, he's your ex and he's famous. I'd choose him over me too." Oh hell no, don't pull the he's better than me card. Obviously he's better than me if he's the one that got Bryn.

"Toby, you know I love you," I heard before silence. I looked out and saw them making out. Ugh gag me. I snuck out with my phone and called for a taxi. I sat on the sidewalk and took out my phone.

To Bryn

Niall: I went out for breakfast then going shopping. I think I'll just get a hotel so no crazy fans stalk your apartment. Thanks for letting me sleep there last night (:

I was waiting for a reply for about five minutes until the cab came. I got inside and told the guy an address. I waited another ten minutes until I felt a vibration.

Brynny: Oh, okay (: Toby wants to know if you want to hang out later

No. I will not.

Niall: Ok

I didn't have the strength to add a smiley face to the end.

I was dropped off at a big house with an even larger gate covering it. I walked about a million miles up to the front of the gate. I pressed the button and waited to hear a voice.

"Who is it?" I heard a familiar voice.

"Its me, Niall. Hey, mate, can I stay here for a little bit?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure." I watched the gates open up and I walked another billion miles to the door.

"Hi, what are you doing in LA?" Harry asked me at the door.

"Well, I came for Bryn, but turns out she lives with Toby and he got mad that I spent the night there so I came here," I said out of breath.

"Your mom called me earlier to see if you were here, and I was confused. Don't worry, I covered for you. Come in," he replied and walked me into his house.


"Oh, come on, Niall. It won't be that bad." I heard Harry yell next to the door.

"Its my worst nightmare! I'm not coming out!" I yelled back.

"I think you'll come out sooner or later. You scarfed down a whole quart of my ice cream, and we both know ice cream does not digest well with you." The smells...

"I can hold it in," I said hesitantly. Even just my farts are bad.

"It's just Bryn and Toby. I doubt they'll make out with us around anyway. Now come out."

I opened the door sheepishly and walked out with my head down. I looked back through the conversation with Bryn when Harry took my phone.

Niall: Hey, Brynny!

Brynny: Brynny? You haven't called me that in forever

Niall: Oh, well that's my name for you in my phone. Hehehe.

Brynny: Cute

Niall: Knock, knock.

Brynny: Who's therrt

Brynny: There*

Niall: A cow goes.

Brynny: A cow goes who?

Niall: No, a cow goes moo!

Brynny: ...

Niall: So, what are your plans today?

Brynny: Nothing, but you seemed to have a lot of plans

Niall: Oh well, how about I drop all of those plans, and you come over to my mate, Harry's house! (:

Brynny: Two boys and one girl. I'm sure Toby would love that.

Niall: I won't mind if Toby comes!

Brynny: Okay, we'll come over tonight, is that okay?

Niall: That is fine by me! ::::)

Brynny: Umm

Niall: Hey, knock knock.

Brynny: I can't hear you

Niall: *Knocks harder*

Brynny: What's that?

Niall: Knocks down door

Brynny: Well now I can see who's there, so I don't have to guess

Niall: Please, just let me tell my joke!!

Brynny: .....I have to go shower or brush my hair or something. Bye (:

Niall: :(((((


I really love writing as Harry.

Dedicated to Stephanie_Horan120 bc she comments a lot. She's pretty coolio.

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