Cinquante-Sept (57)

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Bryn's POV

I was at the burial site for about three hours now. They all stayed and talked. Of course I was sat by myself in the back watching everyone talk.

Bryn: I'm thinking about going home

JoJo: What? Why? You're only gonna be there for two more days

Bryn: So, I guess his old friend or something came and he seems a lot more fond of her

Bryn: I haven't had any time to be with him because he's always with her

Bryn: So what's the point of staying

JoJo: Are you kidding me?! He followed you to UCLA while you were with Toby just to get you back!

Bryn: How is Toby btw

JoJo: He's good, he has a boyfriend

Bryn: Good for him (:

Bryn: All this time, all I wanted was a gay best friend. Then when I got one, I didn't even know

JoJo: Okay, back to Niall

Bryn: I have school soon anyway, I need to work on stuff before I go back

JoJo: Work on it there

JoJo: Maybe he just wants to catch up with her

JoJo: I mean, it has been like, three years probably

Bryn: She doesn't want to just catch up

JoJo: It takes two to tango


JoJo: What? Bryn, its a phrase

Bryn: Oh..... (:

JoJo: What I mean is that Niall has to like her too for them to date

Bryn: True

JoJo: Just rough it out for two more days. Then you're both coming back together

Bryn: Okay, deal

Bryn: How's Harry (;

JoJo: He proposed

Bryn: WHAT? REALLY?!!?!!? :D

JoJo: No :P

Bryn: You're a monster

Lying Slut: We've only been dating like, two weeks

Bryn: So?

Lying Slut: Shouldn't you be glad I said no?

Bryn: Whatever, I'm gonna do homework

Lying Slut: I'm gonna do the internet

I took out my phone which had 'Jane Eyre' downloaded on it for my Literature class.

The whole book made no sense to me. I never knew who was who, and there were so many big words. It took me a while to realize that Jane grew older later in the book.

"What are you reading?" I heard a familiar voice. I looked up and saw a smiling Audrey.

"Jane Eyre."

"I read that for school a few years back. You want to know what happens?" She asked sitting next to me.

"Yes please, this makes no sense."

"Okay, well, Jane is an orphan who was abused in a school she was left at, but she stayed to teach there until she got older. Then she was sent to a mansion place to teach this little French girl, and she met the head of the mansion there. Anyway, she liked him, he liked her, that whole shabang," she explained.

"Then a duchess comes who was an old friend of the mansion owner, and Jane thought he liked the duchess instead and was gonna marry her. Turns out, Rochester, the owner guy, still loved Jane and wanted to marry her."

That's a popular problem at this time.

"When they went to get married, some guy came in and stopped them saying that the guy was already married to someone."

"Oh damn," I said before she continued.

"For real. So, Rochester kept his wife in some locked room in the mansion because she went crazy and tried to burn the place down multiple times. So Jane runs away, and hides with these people. Then she finds out she had a rich uncle who died who left her all his money which made her a duchess."

"Wait, so Jane is a duchess now?" I asked, trying to follow along.

"Yeah, years after, she decides to go back to the mansion, but she finds it burned down, and this old maid tells her that the wife burned it down then committed suicide. Then she tells her that Rochester helped everyone out, and tried to save his wife, but couldn't. He ended up blind and without a leg or something like that. So she goes over and finds him and they live happily ever after."

"Looks like I don't have to read anymore," I said with a smile.

"You know, the duchess is kind of like Britney right now. Just because it looks like 'Rochester' likes the 'duchess', doesn't mean he actually does." She said putting air quotes around Rochester and duchess.

"Yeah, yeah. So I'm guessing Niall is also hiding a crazy wife in his house, too," I teased.

"Oh, no, she escaped years ago," she said with a laugh.

"Shit, I wanted to ask her if he's good husband material."

"You ready, babe?" Niall asked me putting his hand on my back.

'Babe'. I like the sound of that.

"Britney's driving."

And that just ruined the 'babe' thing.


Reading all of your comments last chapter warmed my hearts. I'm also thankful for the usual ghost readers who stopped and commented. That meant a lot too.

I won't delete it, but I might stop soon.

I'll try my best to give you guys closure of this story before I end it. Which may be tomorrow, or in twenty years.

One individual reminded me of kik, and how much I loved it. I loved it enough to write a sequel, and goddamn, I will finish this series how I intended it to. Thank you ColorMeIrwin for reminding me about my love for Kik by commenting a bunch and making me want to continue this book.

This chapter's for you.

Elusive (n.h.) *sequel*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora