Cinquante-Huit (58)

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Bryn's POV

Phenomeniall: Hey, I'm out for breakfast with Brit

Bryn: Oh, ok

Phenomeniall: So, what do you think about staying a little longer?

Bryn: Staying here? Niall, your family is cool, but why would we stay?

Phenomeniall: Brit doesn't want to be alone right now

Bryn: Do you want to stay or does she want you to stay

Phenomeniall: What?

Bryn: Are you staying because she wants you to, or do you really want to stay

Phenomeniall: Kinda both

Bryn: If you stay, I'm not staying with you. I have school.

Phenomeniall: It'd just be another week

If he stays, Britney would completely have him all to herself. If I stay, I miss school that my parents spend thousands of dollars on.

Bryn: I don't feel comfortable with just you here

Phenomeniall: Why not?

Bryn: I don't want to tell you about it

Phenomeniall: Well, I'm staying

Bryn: Then I can't be with you when you come back to the states

Phenomeniall: Wait, what?

Bryn: I'm going home, and its your choice whether you're coming with me or staying here.

Phenomeniall: Why do I have to choose?! Its my family here!

Bryn: Yeah, but you're only staying for Britney

Phenomeniall: She's basically family too

Bryn: She's family? Okay, sure. Then just be ready for some incest soon

Phenomeniall: What?

Bryn: Obviously you want to stay here, so just stay

Phenomeniall: Can we talk about this any more?

Bryn: Its not a thing that I want to talk about!

Phenomeniall: Just know that if you leave, I'm not chasing after you. I'm not gonna fight for you again.

Bryn: I don't expect you to.

Phenomeniall: Why do you have to do this to us

Bryn: Us? Its gonna be easy for you to get over me

Phenomeniall: Me? What about you?! Last time, it only took you about two weeks to get over me and find a boyfriend

Bryn: Are you calling me a slut?

Phenomeniall: You were calling me a manwhore

Bryn: I'm not calling you the whore

Phenomeniall: Then who are you talking about

Bryn: That fucking perfect blonde bimbo

Phenomeniall: What did she ever do to you?

Bryn: She took you! If she wouldn't have put herself all over you, then we wouldn't be fighting right now.

Phenomeniall: You don't actually believe I'd choose her over you, do you?

Bryn: You are now!

Phenomeniall: Just trust me that I won't do anything with her

Bryn: I do trust you. It's her I don't trust.

Phenomeniall: She's my friend, and she needs me right now

Bryn: Why? Why does she need you?

Phenomeniall: There was a fucking death! Dustin was close to everyone!

Bryn: I undertstand, but we were here for week. Didn't she move away too? She barely knew him! She's looking for attenrion!

Phenomeniall: I love you, but I love her too, and I can't let you talk about her like that. She's mourning.

Bryn: You love her?

Phenomeniall: She's my friend!

Bryn: How would you feel if I said I loved Harry?

Phenomeniall: You don't

Bryn: God, Niall, you're so fucking clueless!

Phenomeniall: Why is it so wrong to love my friend?!

Bryn: I know I'm not one to tell you who to love, but I just kinda hoped I was the only girl besides your mom and grandma and shit.

Phenomeniall: You're right. You're not one to tell me who.

Bryn: I just don't like you loving another girl

Phenomeniall: It doesn't fucking mean anything! You're being dramatic!

Bryn: I'm not, I'm being logical. If she can get you to pretty much ignore me this whole week, she can get you to forget about me

Phenomeniall: I didn't ignore you

Bryn: You left for breakfast without me! On what was gonna be OUR last day

Phenomeniall: You were asleep

Bryn: Then wake me up for Christ's sake

Phenomeniall: Britney said its bad for the body to be woken up by someone else

Bryn: You're even wrapped up around her stupid little lies

Phenomeniall: You don't know her

Bryn: You're right, I don't. Because almost every time I saw her, she was either keeping you busy or telling me to back off

Phenomeniall: Just give her a chance

Bryn: I'm going now. Have a fun rest of your breakfast. Sorry I screwed it up with my 'drama'. It won't happen again.

Phenomeniall: Am I not even gonna be able to say goodbye?

Bryn: I really need to leave

Phenomeniall: Goodbye Bryn.

I wiped away my tear, and called a cab to come pick me up. I started packing while wiping more tears to clear my vision. I needed to be fast enough so we wouldn't have to see each other before I left.

I grabbed all my bags and all the tickets Niall had out so he couldn't follow me. Not that he would.

The whole way to the cab, I was silently crying. I was never one to cry. I just turned that reaction to sadness off for most of my life. I hadn't even cried during Bambi.

I felt like my heart was literally shattering with each step I took. Soon enough, I was on the plane in first class, waiting until I landed back home.


I've been postponing writing this chapter.

I have never cried while writing a chapter until now.

The Briall feels got my dark soul going.

Dedicated to NightxChanges bc so many votes. Ur pretty cool and I like burritos.

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