Cinquante-Quatre (54)

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Niall's POV

Niall: Are you sure you want the seat back there?

My Lovely Almost Girlfriend: I said I'd by my own ticket, and its not that far back

Niall: It's too far from me

My Lovely Almost Girlfriend: Too bad, so sad.

Niall: I still have the seat next to me reserved

My Lovely Almost Girlfriend: I'm good, Ni. Its only an 10 hour trip.

Niall: That's too long

My Lovely Almost Girlfriend: I don't feel comfortable with you buying me a $3000 ticket

Niall: Anybody else would be just fine with it

My Lovely Almost Girlfriend: Then maybe you should've brought that someone else

Niall: -______-

My Lovely Almost Girlfriend: (:

Niall: Fine, you win!

My Lovely Almost Girlfriend: I see clouds

Niall: No fucking way

My Lovely Almost Girlfriend: You sound like Harry

Niall: What?

My Lovely Almost Girlfriend: Have you not seen that?

Niall: No

My Lovely Almost Girlfriend: I'll send you the link

Niall: No fucking way

My Lovely Almost Girlfriend: Do you like it?

Niall: It's my new ringtone

My Lovely Almost Girlfriend: Oh rlly?

*NewincomingcallfromMy Lovely Almost Girlfriend*

My phone started blaring out the remix of Harry and I rushed to answer the phone.

"Really, Bryn?"

"I could hear it from all the way back here! You're not on airplane mode?! You bad boy, you." She said between laughs.

"You're not either, so come at me bro."

I grumpily hung up, put my phone on vibrate and closed my eyes, hoping to fall asleep.


I woke up to a bunch of vibrations, one after the other. Twitter, maybe?

My Lovely Almost Girlfriend: Hellooooo

My Lovely Almost Girlfriend: Hey, Niall

My Lovely Almost Girlfriend: Niallllll

My Lovely Almost Girlfriend: There's a magazine about whales

My Lovely Almost Girlfriend: I'm gonna read it

My Lovely Almost Girlfriend: hahahahah sperm whales

My Lovely Almost Girlfriend: hahahahahahaha humpback

My Lovely Almost Girlfriend: hahaaahahah blue

My Lovely Almost Girlfriend: wait, that ones not funny

My Lovely Almost Girlfriend: :/

My Lovely Almost Girlfriend: Did you know that whales are mammals

My Lovely Almost Girlfriend: I never knew that

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