Soixante (60)

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Bryn's POV

I looked around the room at all of the people typing and writing away. I froze when I saw someone's screensaver-- Niall.

If that's wasn't a sign, I dont know what is.

I grabbed my things and ran out of class. I could see everyone's eyes as I ran back to the apartment.

I opened the door to Toby and is boyfriend making out on the couch but I didn't even care. I ran past them and into my room as I re-packed my stuff.

"Where are you going?" Toby came into my room.

"I have to go back to Ireland, I can't let Niall go."

"Do you even have money for a ticket?" He asked.

"No, but I'll figure something out when I get there. Have you seen my bra?" I looked around my room until I found it on the ground next to the little bedside table.

"Do you need me to drive you?" He offered and I let my head nod.


We got the the airport (JoJo after I texted her, Toby, and Toby's boyfriend) and I ran up to buy a ticket.

"I need the next flight to Mullingar, Ireland," I told the lady at the front.

"The next flight is in five minutes, but the only seat available is in first class," she said and I sighed.

"When's the next one after that?" I asked.

"In two days."

"You've got to be fucking kidding me! Look, I only have enough for a third class, maybe, and I need to get there. Can't you pull some strings or something?" I begged her.

"No, I'm sorry Miss--"

"$500 on this card, and $200 on this one," Toby interrupted her, handing her a card.

"$300 on this card," Toby's boyfriend handed her another card.

"And $900 on this one," JoJo said. I gave her a look of disbelief. "What? Daddy gave me this card for a reason: to spend."

"Okay Miss Taylor, you might want to hurry," the airport lady said.

I started running with all my stuff then turned around to hug everyone.

"No, go, we can hug later," JoJo interrupted the hugs. "GO!"

I ran again to the metal detector, then bag check, then to the plane. I walked to my seat and had to buckle myself right away.

Next stop: Mullingar.


I got in a cab and told them to drive around until I spotted Niall's house. Which didn't happen.

"Can you take me to Niall Horan's house, if you know where that is?" I asked the driver.

"I know where it is, but the Horan's don't need another fan to bug them. There's a Nando's about ten minutes away if you want to see his favorite resteraunt," he said looking at me through the mirror.

"No, you don't understand, I'm Bryn Taylor, and there was an article talking about how he misses me, and I have to see him."

"All these girls coming into my cab saying 'I'm Bryn Taylor' wanting me to take them to star Niall Horan's house. Tell me a different address or get out of my cab."


"Okay, stop the cab," I said and got out.

I was let off at a neighborhood that looked familiar. I decided to walk around until I found a street with a bunch of houses that looked like Niall's. They ALL looked like Niall's.

I decided to make my way around the street, door by door until I found Niall's.

I knocked on the first door and found an old man.

"What do you want, eh? You think you can walk on my property? Bugger off," he said and I quickly ran off.

The second one was some teenager babysitting, and the third I was chased off by dogs.

I ran until I spotted a familiar tree with dead balloons tied to the branches. I ran up to the door hurridly trying to get in before the dogs got to me.

"Bryn," Niall's mom said staring at me.

"Yeah, its me, thanks for letting me in!" I said quickly, running through the door.

"The Jacobs' dogs?" she asked with a slight smirk.

"I swear, they're descendants of the devil himself."

"Look, once you left Niall regretted everything. He even kicked Britney out after you wouldn't text him back again," his mom said.

"Is he upstairs?"

"He's been on his bed ever since Greg picked him up from the bar."

I went up the stairs to his room and knocked on the door. After a few seconds I put my ear on the door and heard snoring.

I opened the his door and found him asleep. I took a seat on his bed and looked at him. He had a crease between his eyes and he kept fidgeting.

"Brnny," I heard him mumble.

"Niall, wake up, its okay," I said shaking his shoulder.

He jerked up and looked at me.

"Am I hallucinating again?" he said as he put his hand on my cheek.

"I'm really here, Niall," I said.

"You were only gone for a day, but I was gutted because I was sure you wouldn't come back. Then the press found me and everyone thinks I'm gonna turn into an alcoholic," he said. "Why are you back, anyway?"

"It only took me a day to realize that I want to spend my life with you."


Mushy emotional ending, I know.

But, you guys like that stuff, sooooo.

I might add filler chapters later on because this book was so short.

Epilogue next chapter.

Dedicated to fanficme15 bc I honestly thought I dedicated one to her a long time ago.

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