CH. 13' Destroyer

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Hello! Thank you all for the support. I just want to say that despite this name I have chosen, Bell will still be used. Its the name of this story and I will stick by it. A lot of this is made in my own words and a few events may change. Thank you for the support on this you lovely people! Now back to the story.
Masons eyes looked glossy and the expression on his face never broke once. I held the folder in my hands and tears slowly dropped from my eyes.

"Does Russell know about this?" I rubbed my eyes softly and sniffed. My emotions were flying all over the place and my head felt like it was spinning. Amnesia that was that bad that I couldn't even remember my fucking name.

"Only Frank and I. You can tell him if you want but I wanted to tell you first." I nodded and sighed to Mason's comment.

"I don't want to open it," My fingers slid over the opening until Mason grabbed my hand.

"Stop worrying, we are all here to protect you. Damn it, pretty sure Frank nearly got himself killed to find this. And Adler? He's been trying to help you without you knowing. Maybe you need this, Bell. Maybe it'll help you."

I had zero words for Mason, for anyone. The file felt pretty thick and heavy, making me feel even more nervous. How much information did they have on me?

"I appreciate it, I do, but what if this changes things, then what? Do I leave? Do I go get deployed somewhere else? Does Hudson even know?"

"Hudson helped Frank get this. He best suited that it was only us that knew." Mason got up and grabbed the bottle of whiskey on my desk and grabbed two two small circular glasses.

I looked out the window and tried to grab some form of peace. My chest felt heavy and my breathing was all over the place. He handed me the glass and I took it in one gulp.

I didn't want this file in my hands.  I just wanted to remember what happened to me and why the hell I couldn't remember my name or where I was beforehand. I knew my life when I was younger, I didn't need it all in writing again.

Deciding against opening it, Frank came in and closed the door tight, sitting down on my desk chair.

"Has she read it yet?"

"No, I haven't. Just give me a few minutes to wrap my head around this." Frank took me by surprise whenever he poured a full glass of whiskey and handed me it with a smile. "Liquid courage, kid. Sometimes we all need it." Mason couldn't help but let a laugh out

As I opened the file, my leg was bouncing and Franks head was turning. Mason seemed to be quite relaxed about it but I don't think he was.

As I read on, some things came back to my head and I started remembering a bit more about myself. The documents were still a mystery in my mind and it was something that I needed to figure out as soon as possible.

"My name is Diana," I spoke out, taking another drink of whiskey as my fingertips underlines all the words that were typewritten. They felt like a blur in my head, but I started to understand slowly.

"I was in London for a couple of years." I took another drink and squinted at the burn in my throat.

"Maybe that's why Park is familiar to you?" Frank took this seriously and maybe he was right overall.

"I'm not sure. That part is still pretty blurry," As I read on and kept well on top of my memories, my brain actually felt like it was functioning again.

This is why we can't have nice things/ Adler X BellWhere stories live. Discover now