CH.36' It's Been Awhile

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As fucked up as it all may seem, I knew it was me. I knew Stitch only wanted one thing. Me. He would do anything to have me in his grasp. 

My heart broke as I realised that I'd probably be running for the rest of my life. Park and Sims were at their wits end with Stitch, and were close to giving up. Adler was in no space to help out and Hudson was on another case with some other people. Lazar? Hadn't seen him in quite a while. It felt like everything had been left behind.

Mat was working day and night to figure things out. We were close to finding out where Portnova was and Wraith, but nothing else came of it yet.

Mason and Woods seemed pretty imminent to get Wraith or Portnova and Mat had targeted them around Amsterdam direction which was roughly six hours on the train.

The guy I stabbed was currently sitting at the kitchen table drinking a glass of water whilst I stared awkwardly.


"So?" The guy repeated back with a furrowed brow.

"You do realise you're fucked. Right?"

"Well, Stitch told me you had no chance against me," He sat forward and groaned. "He underestimated you."

"He always did," I rolled my eyes. As usual, Stitch underestimating me and my power. I knew I was strong, I knew my tactics. "And clearly still does."  When I came back from Stitch and the others capturing me, I trained like mad to get my skills back. I worked for NATO, and I needed to be fit and healthy, strong and courageous.

The man's wrinkles in his forehead furrowed and his breathing was hitched. I had lazily fixed his wound and disinfected it too.

"BELL?!" A panicked Woods and Mason entered the house and I was assuming they'd seen the blood on the porch. They both ran in like lightning and pulled their weapon on the guy in front of me.

"Listen, put your guns down." I stood up and lowered their weapons with both my hands.

"I'll explain." The guy spoke and Woods widened his eyes. He looked surprised - shocked and annoyed.

"You better not have touched her," Mason shoved his shoulder lightly before seeing the wound that I'd fixed.

"Oh shit, go Bell." Mason high fived me and we all giggled, earning a nice eye roll from the guy.

Each person followed into the house in a panic then entered the kitchen where we were all sitting. Last to come in was Adler, and the panic on his face was enough to break my heart.

"Bell! Jesus." He rushed over and put his arms around me, startling Mat from the corner of the room.

"I'm fine, Adler."

Adler kicked the man's chair and the two back legs were lifted off the ground whilst Adler held the man's collar.

"Put him down, Ad. We have an advantage here. Something worthwhile." Park put her hand on Russell's shoulder and pulled him back.

"I can help, okay? Just give me a chance, please." The man begged and tensed his jaw.

We were all tense, but it was almost as if the room was feeling relief. This was our first lead in a couple of weeks and it felt amazing to know we had something. 

Whilst we were waiting on Hudson, Park tried to stitch the man's wound up and clean him well to ensure it would be alright. I did feel bad for what I had done, but the guy had it coming. 

"Anyone even know your name?" Park looked at him and raised her eyebrow. 

"It's Keith." He smiled at her and pulled his shirt down once he was stitched up and cleaned. We all stood watching whilst Woods and Adler stood out front waiting on Hudson. 

"Nice to meet you, Keith." Park smiled.

"Is this a nice situation?" Keith joked with a smile then winced at the pain of the stab wound.

Hudson shortly arrived and we went straight into questioning Keith about everything from whenever he first met Stitch to the rest of the team. It seemed to be a long drag but it seemed to get us somewhere. 

"Portnova and Wraith are somewhere in Amsterdam. Kitsune is elsewhere, not sure but not many of them involve themselves in Stitches work anymore. Stitch hired me a few weeks ago to take Bell down or capture her alive. I was being rewarded thousands, hence why I took the job. To my knowledge, Wraith is still connecting dots to Bell, Portnova isn't too interested, Stone is still working to find her, Beck and Garcia, plus Jackal is working harder for more information."

Hudson spoke loud and clear, "Thank you, Keith. Is there anything else?" My bones were shaking and my knees felt weak. 

"They've recruited someone new called Naga. You're all going to need to watch out for him. He is a Former warlord, grown rich trafficking drugs and weapons through the Golden Triangle. He is also feared by his men for his temper and brutality. Whatever you do, avoid him at all costs. Stitch relies heavily on him. "

"When did he start?" Adler asked. "We can maybe timeframe what information he might have on us."

"About a month ago?" 

"Thanks. This has been a huge help."

"It's no problem. Listen, Bell," He looked straight at me with his brown eyes. "I am sorry. I've only had a few months of being in DGI, and trust me, they are hell."

Adler spoke, "She knows. That is where she came from."

Keith's eyes widened. "Stitch never told me that."

I unfolded my arms and stopped leaning on the counter behind me. "I doubt Naga knows either." 

I watched Hudson write down a few words in his black book and I poured some coffee into a mug for him. 

"Thanks, Bell."

"No problem, Hudson."

The room fell silent before I spoke again. "I got an offer from MI6, Stitch found out and I ran from him.  I had broken memory for years and I had no idea as to why. When I ran from Stitch, I knocked myself straight into Russell's chest as they were invading the DGI base that night," I could hear a small laugh coming from Mason and I watched a smile form on Russell's face.

"I started remembering more when I came here and I realised that I worked solo before I met Stitch and had important documents that a hell of a lot of people wanted. Stitch happened to capture me, give me a small dose of MK Ultra and twisted me into something I wasn't, whilst also twisting my memory with endless lies. So trust me, Keith. I know they are hell."

He was a loss for words, and everyone noticed that. Frank sat up and spoke, "Do we keep him Hudson?" 

Hudson looked up from his notebook. "Yes. Keith you're staying with us. It's better this way, and now we know where Portnova and Wraith is, so we can act on it, and FAST." 

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