CH.23' Time Destroyer

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I didn't want to be caught up in any of the missing nuke information but somehow I got tangled straight into it. There I sat with, Park, Sims, Lazar, whom I'd finally met, Adler, Woods, Mason and Hudson.

Conversations were passed back and fourth about Stitch and his location because the missing nuke was something they weren't overly concerned about, and Stitch chasing me was a bigger concern.

Security around the perimeter of the house was tight as hell and required ID and a check of every vehicle. It was a bit surreal but horrifying since I knew this was all because of one man.

"I'm so sick of this shit, Hudson. This isn't what I signed up for." I slammed down my fist which seemed to have taken the group back a bit.

Hudson stood in shock for a moment before finally speaking, "You're the one that came to us! You started this shit."

I stood up in shock and walked over to him in long struts. I could tell people were giving me side eyes and trying not to pay attention to what was about to happen.

"Don't you ever fucking dare blame this on me. I know I came to you, but Russell found me. I would be lost without them all. Fuck you, Hudson."

Woods suddenly stood up and his finger met Hudsons chest in a unwelcoming manner.

"Shut your fuckin' pie hole Hudson. You don't get to decide on who to blame."

"This little pissy match ain't going to get us anywhere." Sims sighed.

"Bell and Woods are right, no ones to blame, Hudson." Adler got up and put his hand on Woods, pulling him away from Hudson.

Anger was ripping through me. "We'll figure this out." I lifted my coffee from the table and left the room with silence as no one even dared to say a word.


That mornings briefing sat promptly in my mind for the whole day and nagged at me every minute. "Why do you always worry about this shit, Bell?" Woods flicked his cigarette away from himself as I just sat in silence as the ash trickled to the dusty ground. Mason joined us with a bottle of water in hand.

"I can't help it. Stitch has a death certificate waiting on me. How could I not worry?" I myself pulled the white stripy pack of cigarettes out of my pocket and nipped it between my fingers.

As I lit it, Mason spoke, "You know you're protected, right?" I nodded my head as I watched him swing his legs around to fit onto the wooden bench, "So no need to be worrying. you're tougher than he'll ever be, Bell. I can promise you that."

I nodded and took a deep drag of the cigarette, inhaling till it hurt. "I'm sorry for being the way I am, it makes me sick." I stubbed away the ash and sighed. I was so sick of feeling so sunken and drained.

"No need to apologise, we'll protect you until the end, plus Adler will give his all for you, and Hudson? Don't take his words personally, he's an ass." Mason jokingly wacked my shoulder with a huge smile which made it impossible not to smile back.


I took the 1911 off the rack and loaded it with steadiness. Anger was still on me as I aimed towards the wooden boards and let my finger pull the triger multiple times. The sound rung in my ears over and over, making my head feel light. "Here," Adler came up behind me and handed me some earmuffs for sound protection. It hurt badly since it was a small and enclosed training ground.

"Be careful."

"I know." I set down the 1911 with a heavy thud against the wooden panels.

"Hudson still on your mind?" His soft voice and presence gave me warmth and comfort within myself. My stomach churned as I pulled the gun locker closed with a clash and locked it back up.

This is why we can't have nice things/ Adler X BellWhere stories live. Discover now