CH.19' Leave It

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Russell Adler laid quietly with soft snores escaping his mouth as I put my boots on and got myself sorted and ready to leave. The shadows from the lights seeping through the window cascaded his muscular body and the grooves between the scars on his back.

I didn't know what to do as I finished tying my boot laces. A small notebook laid with a black pen and I tried to figure out how I was feeling before writing it down.

My heart felt a little broke and my chest felt heavy as I lifted the small notebook and the pen. How was I going to write into words how I felt? I couldn't bring myself to say goodbye so I started writing.

"Dear Adler, from the start you've given me hope. Part of me breaks to write this because I couldn't bring myself to say goodbye. So here I am, writing this, looking at you peacefully sleeping, being too much of a coward to say goodbye. The way I feel about you, well, you'd know I love you. It hurts, but I do, The safety you have given me, the home you have given me,"

As I continued to write, the tears felt like they were on the horizon. "Everything you have done for me, I've been thankful for. Your smile, your laugh, the late nights with you, everything. Since I came here, you've done nothing but take care of me and I'm so thankful. A part of me will hold onto this for as long as I'm away for. Your heart is made of gold Russell Adler. I'll be back- Diana Bell."

I lined my name and almost winced at writing Diana, but I could get used to it.

Slowly and quietly, I walked over to Russell and planted a small kiss on his head. "Goodbye. Until next we meet." I sighed and kissed him again, tip toeing out of the room quietly.

Frank, Mason and Hudson met me at the porch as a black car was waiting for pickup. Masons dreary eyes looked tired and Frank didn't look awake at all. It was six in the morning and the sun was almost rising.

"Weaver will meet you there with a few others. You should be safe until we get a hard hit on these bastards," Hudson didn't break his tone as Mason lifted my bag and set it into the boot of the truck.

"Woods, Mason, I'm counting on you to protect Bell at all costs." Hudson nodded to me and I tiredly climbed into the truck with a yawn.

Mason sat beside me, Woods sat in the passenger seat. Mason could clearly see that I was a bit upset about leaving Adler and he tried his best to cheer me up with his smile.

"This will sort itself out, Bell. No need to worry." Woods said as the driver sped off away from the house I'd called a home.

Soon enough we were climbing the train from Berlin Central to Munich. Our train only had us in it as well as multiple soilders for protection and safety. It scared me as many of them made me feel almost claustrophic.

"Did you say goodbye to Adler?" Mason asked as I sipped on a styrofome cup of coffee.

I shook my head, "Couldn't bring myself to do it. Left a letter though." I sighed and put the coffee down, enduring the whole five hour train ride.

Most of the time I was asleep on Masons shoulder or Frank was talking about Vietnam and his time with Mason and Hudson beforehand. It was interesting to say the least. The train felt humid and tiring as I fell asleep once again on Mason.

This is why we can't have nice things/ Adler X BellWhere stories live. Discover now