2. Starting Off

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2 squad captains raised their hands for Yachio other than Yami. But she had no choice after the death threat she received. She had to decline Charlotte Roselei and Jack the ripper.

She had to choose someone who can understand her magical abilities and help her grow. She had to find a way towards success. Yami Sukehiro was not seem to be very happy after selecting her, rather he was very confused and curious. That made Yachio a little bit sad as no one ever praised her abilities. They only saw her magic attribute which was rare.

They didn't talk a word when Finral put them into his spatial magic and they landed in front of the Black Bulls' base with Yachio tripping over a stone. Finral grabbed her hand otherwise she could've lost one or two teeth today. Finral was very much red on his cheeks after he grabbed her hand and he said "Thank you" instead of her.
Yachio laughed out loud at this. Finral was so uneasy in front of her. Yachio had one hand over his shoulder, although he was tall, and she said, " you're welcome dear".
Finral was embarrassed at this and suddenly he fell on the ground as Yami has kicked him on his back. He grabbed his own waist and gave a look of disgrace, said, "He always does this".
They went inside the base and my God! It was a mess.
There were lightning and fire balls all over the place with a smell of burnt potatoes, alcohol and sweat. She saw 3 people fighting, one of them was surprisingly short as if he's 10 years old, and one of them had Sunglass even inside the base. The other one had a smile on his face even thought the glass-guy threw fireballs at him one after another. The short guy was trying to stop the fight but then, Yami punched on the wall behind him in order to calm the atmosphere and broke the wall.

After a moment, the whole squad was on their knees before Yami except Yachio. She was confused if she would also kneel, then Yami assured her by one small hand sign and said to everyone, " This is our new recruit. Yachio Yamamoto. She's from my country. Hino. The land of the rising sun. And surprisingly she has dark magic just like me. Could you believe that?"
Yami laughed out with all of his teeth and for the first time seeing him laughing like that, Yachio felt relieved. She then met the eyes of the squad members who were looking at her with dewy eyes as if they've seen something unearthly. The short guy came running and held her hand. He asked, "So you are as powerful as Yami dancho?"
Yami laughed again. He said " She needs 500 more years to be as strong as me". Yachio had so many questions for Yami. She was welcomed by the whole squad but her curiosity was eating her inside. One pink-haired girl in almost no clothes came and asked her to join her for a drink, and suddenly a depressing memory flashed inside her head. She denied but said nothing to her. After the introduction was finished, Yami told them to prepare the dinner and took Yachio to his room. Both of them were restless for their curiosity.
The room had a smell of burnt nicotine, sweat and something else, something she has never smelt before. When she entered the room, Yami suddenly went to hide something that was laying on the chair beside the bed. He turned on the lamp and said her to sit on the chair.
He lighted a cigarette and puffed out some smoke out of his lips. Yachio suddenly felt her lips were very dry. Her clothes were dirty and smelly. As always. She was having mud and soil all over her body, from whatever happened in the morning before coming to the exam. Yami smoked a few drags and then asked, "Tell me, how did you get here?"
Yachio was nervous, she was playing with her dress edge when she murmured, "Um... When I was 2 years old...."
"Guess I got one more Gordon in our squad, come on, I cannot stand this attitude, spit up kid, you are going to be trained directly under me."
Yachio's ears were ringing. You are going to be trained directly under me? This guy? Sure, she's going to die very soon. This guy will surely kill her. She was startled and said,
" Um... I came here when I was only 2 years old. I came with my parents. They were abandoned from Hino as my father had a very depressing magic. Magic of bad luck."
"What is that? I've never heard of it.", Yami snapped after lighting another cigarette.
"It's like, if my father is with someone, it will only bring them bad luck. Not slight, but a great one. Sometimes it was even life-threatening. Suppose you're landing an attack and it's going to miss the target, if my father's magic touches the target, the attack will hit them. You understood? Because of his magic, me and my family has never felt happiness. He has always hidden his magic from us, before dying, he apologized to me by telling this. Since then, our life has been miserable, if not more. "
Yachio felt light. She could never have anyone listen to her like this. Two of them sat in silence and then Yami said," What about you? How you got this magic and this grimoire?"

" I don't know. I went in the grimoire temple out of curiosity and received this. After that, my family was abandoned even in Clover Kingdom. They say I bring bad luck where ever I go. I wanted to prove them wrong. "
Yami laughed out so loud that the bed trembled.
" Well then you made the right decision. You see I don't believe in luck. If I have to kill myself in order to prove Mr. Fate wrong, I'd do that. Also, how's your mother now? You write something to her. And get ready for tomorrow morning, I'll see what you have got. " Yami stood up and stormed towards his wardrobe. He got out one robe and handed over to Yachio. He tapped on her shoulder and said," You are our family now. Welcome. "

Yachio left a sigh and asked," What about you dancho, how did you get here? "
She wasn't nervous anymore. She was having a urge inside her to ask him, because she was feeling that Yami was someone from her own family.
Yami said, "You can ask anyone to know my story! Now please go for dinner. I've something to do here. Paperworks, oh God I hate this."
Yachio went towards the door with the robe in her hands and suddenly turned back and said, "Thank you! Yami Sukehiro-san." She bowed.
Yami looked at her and smiled. His smile had some peace in it. Maybe he also found a family.
He said, "Don't be so formal, kid. Also, how old are you?"
"22 years".
"shut up, you look like just over 14",Yami laughed again,but he had hit her unknowingly in a delicate place. Her ears became red in embarrassment and she said, "Well, not everyone gets food 4 times a day like you, dancho." Her fake smile shook Yami to the core. She left the room running and Yami felt a pain in his chest as he has unknowingly hurt Yachio.
She's a nice human. Too nice to be here. Too nice to face the cruelty of battlefield. Yami felt that whatever happens he has to protect her. Not only because she comes from Hino, but for her being such a nice person, kind human.

Dark Clover Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora