12. Why Did He Kiss Charlotte

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The next day at captain's meeting, Yami had to report about the hidden powers and blood thirst of Yachio in front of all the captains and wizard king Julius.
Yachio was sitting there silently. Yami held her hand softly and pressed it to assure her that she's safe.

Doctor Owen decided to take her blood sample and test.
Yami decided not to leave the treatment room.
Dr. Owen took her blood and by his water healing magic, he spread it up into 35 different parts.
Yachio had 35 spells altogether. 11 forms, 12 offensive, 6 defensive and 6 healing spells.
He became super curious about her and started asking her about her past encounters. Yami stopped him by giving him death threat.
His death threats were never taken seriously.
Yachio decided to say it all, so that Owen can understand and do something about it.

They heard a soft knock on the opened door.
It was the Captain of Blue Rose knights, Charlotte Roselei.
For some reasons her cheeks were blushing, she came inside and said after clearing her throat, "I need to borrow the Captain of golden bulls, I mean Black Bulls for a moment."
Yachio suppressed her laughter and Yami threatened Charlotte to kill her.
It was ignored as always. They went outside.
Owen frowned and said, "You should not let him go with a fine woman like that."
"Tch! I trust him."
"He's a trustworthy worrier, but I don't know how he does about women.."
"So you're saying that everyone knows she has a crush on him?"
"Jeez child, you don't have to know it, didn't you see her blush?"
"But he didn't blush right?"
"I have never seen a dumb girl like you. Ok let's get to the point. I can treat you, permanently. But, you'll lose all of the modes you have. You'll be left with the spells only, that counts 24. Are you ok with it?"
"Are you saying me that everyone else of this whole magic loving kingdom is ok with me losing my forms? They'll not let you treat me doctor. They want to use me as their weapon. Didn't you hear Nozel and Kaiser there?"
"What happens once you lose them? Can they bring it back?"
"They'll throw me out."
"One intelligent little girl you are."
"Can you kill me?"
"Jesus Christ child! What are you even saying?"
"I.... Just... I've had enough of this. People treating me as their weapon, hating me like they hate monsters."
"You have a big family, and that dumb meathead guy over there, I've seen him expressing his feelings like this for the very first time. You have to be strong. So, what do you want?"
"Does that matter doctor? Just ask the authorities and that damn scale guy, then if they agree, I'll gladly leave my life in your hands.
Is there any way I can control this power? "
A familiar voice answered, "Yes, there is one way." The wizard king came inside, "I heard you saying so many things. I liked your intelligence from the first day itself. You can think of far future. I've seen very few people like you. Yachio, you're right. Even if I want, they'll not let you lose your forms. We are at a great stake. The spade kingdom wants to invade us with their 3 devil possessed mages. I know it's very hard for you to use your powers, but they'll not leave you. I can promise you one thing, no matter what happens, you and Asta will never be treated as a threat to our kingdom. "
" My lord, being treated as a hero, and not being treated as a threat are two different things. I cannot put my life in stake for the second purpose. I have my own reasons to serve this kingdom. "
" What are they? "
" I am here to protect and help the Black Bulls. If time comes where I've to choose between them and the kingdom, I'll choose them. I'll choose Yami over clover kingdom. Are you okay with it? If no, then please let me resign."
"It doesn't matter where you go and what you do, the powers you and Asta have will be treated as threat. I'm telling you that if you help us fighting the spades, I can make sure nobody looks at you with hatred. Then eventually, they'll recognize you as their hero. The way to become a hero isn't easy, or short. You protect Black Bulls, if you want. I'll talk to the king and the nobles about that. I like to see you this much confident Yachio. Be like this. Yami likes it.
And about controlling your powers! Please contact Lady Himosa of house Faust. She can train your mind."
Julius went out.

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