3. The Training

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Yachio was more than happy after having a full belly. She got her own room. She layed on her bed and thought how lucky she is. Vanessa gave her 2 sets of clothes to wear. Noelle was a bit harsh at first but now she couldn't stop talking to her. Asta is such a goofy cute guy. She didn't get a chance to talk to Gauche or Grey, but they seemed to be like all the others. But, Yami-san, he is something else. His presence is more than enough for Yachio to tremble. In fear? Kind of. In respect? Hell yeah.
If he is also an abandoned guy from Hino, Yachio can surely make him her inspiration and grow.
A smile flushed on her face. She closed her eyes and thought about taking a bath.
She went to Noelle's room and knocked.
Noelle was busy at that moment with her magic controls, so she said Yachio to go and she'll join afterwards. She told her the passage way to go to the hot springs. Yachio has never been to one before. Her inside was tickling with excitement as she took the black dress given by Vanessa. She needed to wash off all the dirts. She tied her long black hair in a messy bun and went off towards the sauna.
She could feel the air getting warm as she crossed the ladies restroom.
She was holding her clothes in one hand and pushed the door of the springs with another and went inside to face a situation she could have never imagined. She shouted in surprise as she saw Yami standing naked there before jumping into the water. Once he jumped inside, she ran away at once.
Yami was confused. What happened? He could clearly hear someone shouted. Never mind. He lighted one cigarette and started smoking drowning his chest to toe inside the water.

He closed his eyes and one face appeared in front of him. It was a black-haired girl. Her hair was tied in braids, she was sitting on a rocking chair with a baby in her hands. The baby had the same hair, same complexion as her. Yami has this dream very frequently nowadays. He doesn't know who is that woman. But he could feel the warmth of her embrace, so comforting. Is that woman his mother? Or elder sister? He doesn't know. He chimed smoke from his lips and thought about Yachio once more. Her thought is coming to his mind more than frequent. She's mysterious. He had to know more about her. After so many years, he felt so home. Yami found his home in her, and he couldn't wait to see her again. But he has hurt her. Will she ever be free to him again? He drowned his half face under water and could sense someone's ki just outside the sauna. It was her. So she came and shouted then. Yami laughed and water went inside his mouth. He laughed more and coughed the water out. He went out of the springs and saw her standing and humming music outside.
"Oi dumbass".
She jumped in surprise and said, "Fuck!" then she said, "Sorry" and hurried inside the sauna. Again she poked out her head and asked, "Why this doesn't have a lock?"
Yami laughed out loud and his whole body was glistening as the light from outside reflected on his bare muscles, dripped with water. He was wearing his pants only. Yachio felt blood rush towards her cheeks as she slammed the door on his face. She closed her eyes and felt something coiling in her chest. She has never felt something like this. She has never seen a man naked before. She was so embarrassed that she couldn't put herself together. She went towards the sauna with shaking legs and waited until she couldn't hear Yami anymore.
She took off her clothes and the scars on her back exposed in the dimming lights of the sauna. Her whole body had scars from different times. She cleaned up all the dirts from her body and felt so relaxed that she fell asleep.
Her sleep broke with the voices of Noelle, Vanessa and Grey. They were playing in the water and Vanessa was drinking.
All of them were naked. But Yachio didn't feel embarrassed. She had crossed the line of embarrassment some times ago.
She was looking at them with a sheepish grin when Vanessa came towards her and teased her. "Guess we got a sleepy-head in our gang now." Then she noticed the scars on her shoulder and got concerned. Yachio shook off her worries by waving her hands, implying that she's not willing to share her past now. She was way too relaxed to think about those scars now. Then, what was she thinking now? A bright future? Full belly? Money to send home? No no. Not that only. There was something else too, rather, someone else. Was it Yami? She put her face inside her palms and let her blood rush towards her whole body, making it burn. She has never felt something like this.
She heard them talking about Asta. Noelle was blushing and Vanessa was teasing her and Grey.
Suddenly she saw Yachio red in her cheeks and came to her. She was drunk. She asked, "You got someone? Some boy? I saw you and Finral talking! What is going on hmm?"
Yachio was nervous again. She stammered and said, "He's.... He's like brother." Vanessa looked disappointed.
For a moment Yachio thought she'd ask about Yami. Her heart was about to explode. What has happened to her? She saw the man for the first time in her life. And now she cannot think anything else other than him. She shook her head and drowned herself under water. She made a small dark ball there around her nose with her magic and swam like a fish. All the other girls were amazed by this.

The next morning :
"Is that all you got? You idiot! Weakling. Stand up on your feet. I was so hopeful that you would use some good spells, but you are weaker than even Grey in terms of combat."
Yachio was stiff on the ground, bleeding all over her head and body. Early morning Yami woke her up and came here to train her, or she can say to beat her up. At this moment she could feel that this guy is not the guy from last night. He was so crude, boorish,rough. She thought she wouldn't hurt him. But now, if she doesn't, then he'll kill her for sure. Her body was not responding to her will power and she stood up gathering all of her remaining strength only to look at Yami Sukehiro unscathed, a cigarette hanging loosely from his lips, floating mid-air.
She was looking at the ground while her nose was bleeding profusely. The whole black bulls team came to her rescue long ago, but Yami threatened them. Asta still came two times to cancel out Yami's magic, but it was of no use. This man is out of the planet strong.
Yachio said with a low groaning tone, "I guess I have no choice but to hurt you."
"Talk about hurting! If you can touch me, I'll declare I lost."
Yachio felt her blood crossing her chest towards her brain. Her grimoire turned pages for seconds and landed on a page. Suddenly she floated above from the ground and with a bone-chilling voice she said,
"Mana zone, Dark Magic, Dark Samurai".
A few moments passed and the whole air became cold, there was nothing but only her presence. Cloud appeared and covered the sun and the whole black bull was shocked looking at her, parts of darkness covered her whole body with a thick armor that looked like of a samurai, and she got two swords made of only hardened darkness in her both hand. Her eyes were totally black, leaving no trace of eyeballs, and one crown appeared on her head, made of darkness.
Yami's jaw fell off. The rest of the squad was shocked to their core.
Yami yelled, "Who are you? Where is Yachio?"
She replied, "I am Yachio. Now if you can save your ass, then run"
"You wish", yami spat and started sprinting over kicking the air. Yachio was holding her swords in her hands when Yami came from back and she was vanished, only so she could discover herself behind Yami, holding her sword directly in his throat, leaving drops of blood, she looked at his eyes and saw terror. She kicked him in the guts and with a banging sound he fell on the ground, making a massive hole.
"Stand up.",the words weren't finished when Yami stood up and matched her pace, she hurled in the wind, as if she was the wind, Yami yelled,
"Dark magic, dark cloaked..." and before even he could finish, Yachio caught her wrist and said, "Dark magic! Binding of the darkness". Yami's sword fell off, his hands stiff and numb.
Everyone gasped in horror. The girl there was far beyond what they saw yesterday. Her speed was more than their eyes could comprehend. Her black form, and the terrorizing looks of her face, her crown, made them think twice that she actually was Yachio or not.
Yami snapped, "I lost. Sorry". He came down and asked her, floating in air, "Oi idiot, will I get my arms back?"
She answered in a chilling voice, "Only after you escape my mana zone".
After few seconds, she came down to ground, releasing the stripes of darkness behind. The sun was there again. She was unscathed, her samurai mode healed her. Yami was bleeding from his head and throat. She came hurried towards him and released another spell,
"Dark magic: Healing in the dark". The blood was stopped. Yami couldn't say anything, no one could say anything. Finral broke the silence, he said, "Sorry for calling your attack awful yesterday. Tell me, just who the hell are you?"
Yami towered over her and said, "So that's the reason you don't hurt people."
Yachio shook her head in agreement. Yami said, "I tortured you just to reveal your true form. I knew you're more than you showed yesterday."
Yachio lowered her head and said, "Sorry for hurting you, I didn't mean to." Yami swore he could see drops of tears in her eyes. Vanessa hugged her tightly and took her inside the base.
It was still very difficult for Asta, Finral, Magna, Luck and Yami to comprehend that a woman, who looked so frail, can be like that. Gauche said Marie is stronger than her. Gordon said something.

Yami lost today because he was caught off guard, in total shock. From next time, she cannot do anything to him, he promised to himself, thinking over the fact that he could do so little with Dark magic. He thought of asking her, where did she learn this things? And her eyes, they were not hers when she was in that samurai mode.
He had to ask her so many things, again.

Hi, this is my first story. I love to write. If you like my story please vote and share it! Thank you!

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