21. Persevering

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Yami looked at her faint existence and cursed himself for ignoring her physical condition yesterday.

He was hugging her while sitting on a wooden chair. Yachio could feel him shaking, "I just wanted to say, thank you for everything, Yach."
"Thanks for leaving you? For making you show your vulnerable sides to the whole kingdom? For making a person alone again just after he had seen new ray of hopes? Sorry, I can only take punishments now, for leaving you alone."
"You saved my life."
"This ain't called saving Yami.", she talked as if she was putting all of her life force into her words.
"I saved you so that you could live happily, if I had the faintest idea that you'd ruin your life like this, I'd have never saved you, I'd have dragged you to death with me. You've disrespected my sacrifice Yami."

He wasn't looking up. His face was buried on Yachio's belly, "I tried my best. But I couldn't. I couldn't think of anything else other than you."
"Then I must say you have always put a mask of toughness on your face. And I have always thought you're a real guy. Was it my fault Yami that I thought, or you made me believe that you'd be fine, for being such a tough man?"


Her words were piercing him, although she was speaking in such a slow pace, and such low voice.

"My love wasn't, or isn't about getting you, marking you, or even having you for rest of my life. You knew that very well. You knew that I loved you because you were the purpose of my life. Tell me dancho, what'd you've been done if I was really dead?"

Yami looked up, his eyes filled with something that Yachio has never seen before. He wasn't holding back his tears this time. His face was blank but his eyes were red, flowing with tears.
His face was like a baby's, with his lower lip swollen, and cheeks getting red. Yachio couldn't stop herself too. Her whole body was unable to move an inch. She looked up at the ceiling and heard a faint, "Sorry" from the human she has loved most in her whole life. Her eyes were a river of grief. She tried to lift her hand up and touch his hair, but then he got up.

He was standing there stiff. "But my love was meant to be with you. I've never been so vocal about my emotions, but, Yach, You knew I wanted to marry you. Everyone knew that."
Yami was sobbing. They could hear thunder roaring outside. "Come here, big guy. I can't move."

Yami hugged her tightly with all the emotions he had piled up for these years. A dark aura covered them as he wasn't holding back his raw emotions. His love persevered, survived even in this cold world without her presence. He couldn't talk between his continuous sobbing, but somehow managed to say, "Yach, I'm a child inside. I cannot comprehend my emotions like you can do. My emotions my responses are simple. Very straight. I love you, and I want to be with you. Will you marry me?"

Yachio raised her frail hands to hug him. She cried out loudly and said," You dumbass moron. Who'd I marry if it ain't you? "

Their lips met each other for the first time after so many years. It wasn't igniting the arousal of desire, but this kiss was something else. Something they never had to do before. Both of their eyes flowing with emotions and Yachio grabbed his neck to appreciate and draw him closer. Both of them wanted to amend all the flaws, distances, and all the barriers the time made between them. They were trying to find the home inside each other. Yami was so softly sucking her upper lip, like he always did, Yachio gasped and said, "My body isn't strong enough to get an orgasm, please, I know you're irresistibly sexy.", she smirked with sarcasm.

"Look who's talking! You know Nozel was blood red that day when he saw you naked. Talk about sexy huh! He was so crimson that I thought he'd become the Captain of crimson lions. And William was blushing although he's gay..."

Yami bit his tongue, and Yachio frowned," What??????? Captain William is gay??? This is so amazing! "

" It's revolutionary right? Not many people in this kingdom accepts man to man relationships. But I think we should congratulate them. "

" Them? You know his partner too?"

"Yeah, Fuegoleon."

"Ok, today I'll have heart attack. Just tell me Yami, what more have happened in this three years?"

"Asta has become as tall as Yuno, and Yuno became the king of spade kingdom. We got to know that he's from there. Asta is befriended with his own demon, Liebe, and he's a good guy, I beat his ass too tho. Vanessa got married with Finral, and our beloved Charmy is dating Rill. Rill gifted us a painting of you."

Yachio was speechless. She looked up and thought something and said, "What about you? Did you have sex with Charlotte?"

"Fuck you Yachio! Everytime after coming back from hiatus you think I've had sex with her. Fuck you!"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA", Yachio laughed out so loudly that it almost killed Yami's ears. But he was happy seeing her laughing like that. Something heavy was removed from his chest.

"Come back home. We are waiting. Yach."

"Yeah, and also, I've taken retirement from the magic knights. Did Julius tell you?"

"Yeah, even if you didn't, I'd have told you to do so. You've done enough for us. Now, teach the future generation to become an awesome magic knight like you."

"No Yami. I'll not use magic again. It can trigger her."

Yami could feel her sadness. He said, "I told you to teach them how to become a great knight like you, you aren't great because of your magic, but because of the heart you have. You brave,brave kid."

"Sure Captain."


Yachio and Yami's story ends here. They married each other and Yachio continued to teach sword skills and mind training. She got pregnant after 1 year of their marriage, and gave birth to a son. The kid got dark magic, following footsteps of his parents. He looked just like his father, but was cold headed and organized like his mother. The whole clover kingdom respected him for being the child of two most respected magic knights. But, something was waiting to come out. Something was so wrong with him. Kuragami could never appear as Yachio never used her magic again, but, their son, Izanami, has been cursed the moment he appeared inside her mother's womb. If you want to know more about him, please support this fanfic, vote and comment. 😇

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