6. The First Kiss

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"After my father died, one morning I discovered myself in a smelly small room, full of dust. Then I didn't have this kind of spells, I could only heal and hide with my magic. But my grimoire was nowhere near. I panicked. As soon I woke up I found two guys and a woman looking at me with wicked grins on their lips. One of them told that they'll sell me with good price."

Yami frowned. She continued,"I tried to escape but it was futile. They hit me hard and made me senseless. When I got my sense back I was laying on a bed. I was bleeding. My whole body was hurting like hell. I couldn't lift up my head, I tried and found that my chest, back, belly, hands and even my.... All of my body was bleeding. I cried, shouted for help. But no one heard it."

Yami wasn't smoking anymore. He was listening to her with full concentration.

" I somehow managed to hide myself inside my cocoon and stopped the bleeding. Otherwise I'd have died that day itself. I found one small hole near the window that could fit me easily, only to find out that I was locked in a room way above ground. The wind blew and chilled my bones. They tortured me everyday, they experimented their spells on me binding me with a rope, they took my blood everyday, the made me exercise with my wounded body, I trained hard. The witch lady was so strong I couldn't beat her till I was 19 years old. Yes, I was abducted for 4 years before I could flee.
The Night I escaped from there, was a full moon, that meant my powers were at its peak.
One of the guys chased me, but I managed to touch his grimoire and suck his all mana, including his best attack magic, but coated with my dark magic.
Yes Sukehiro san, I can do that. I can suck someone's mana and copy their best attack spell, with my dark magic.

I escaped from the building, and came here. The group of dacoit tried to make me their pawn, but I was way to soft to hurt people.
I came back to my mother with badly torn body and mind,only to find she was dying. I came here to find a treatment for her, as I didn't have money.
My soul, my body is broken to pieces. I am less than a human, I hate myself for hurting people without my own consent. Whenever I combat, the characteristics of the owner of the magic takes over my body maybe. I'm not sure. "

It was getting dark outside, they forgot to light a lamp. Yami was hard glued to his chair, unable to speak or move. In his whole life, he has never heard anything like this, a girl like her, how could she be still alive after all of this?

Yami opened his mouth to let out a small gasp and found out a stream of tears from his eyes. Yami Sukehiro, the boorish rough captain of Black Bulls, cried after so many years.

He could still see the silhouette of Yachio sitting on his bed, he stood up and came to her, took her face to bury it in his body. It could only reach upto his belly. He said with a soft voice, "I'm sorry child. I didn't think you suffered this much, forgive me if I've ever hurt you."

He could hear her sobbing. She stretched her arms and tried to hug Yami but his body was so big that she could barely reach his back. Yami could feel his tank top getting wet with her tears.
He kneeled before her and hugged her softly. Yachio was crying so badly that she could barely breath.
She put her head on Yami's broad shoulder and cried for a little long before she lifted her face up and Yami could see her face, eyes and lips swollen.
"Wait a minute."
Yami stood up and turned on a lamp. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Dinner!"
Asta shouted and went back, they could hear his steps.
"Should we take our food here and eat? You need to talk more?"
Yachio nodded.

Yami went to bring food. While sitting in the dark, Yachio felt her heart beat faster than normal, was she falling in love? No way she could drag a guy like him to her shattered life. He was gem of a person. She couldn't spoil Yami's life.
One more thought came to her mind, Yami is showing compassion towards her just because her sadness, why a man like that would fall for a frail little girl like her?

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